Infinite skill system

Chapter 58 Cultivating 8 Doors of Dunjia

Chapter 58 Cultivating the Eight Doors Dunjia
Lin Yu met a wandering ninja who was robbing him on the road. If he was a wandering ninja, then Lin Yu had nothing to say. After all, there were basically no good people among them.

Send them to heaven, take the money he found from them, and get the road to the town ahead from them, and Lin Yu lives in a hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel, he couldn't wait to open the sealed book. He began to try the method written above, but found that he couldn't use it at all.

For example, Lin Yu tried the multiple shadow clone, but what was written on it was ugly-Xu-Chen-Zi-Xu-Hai-Si-Yin.

Lin Yu doesn't know what these are, okay?He has seen Naruto, but he never thought about memorizing those handprints in it, okay?

Lin Yu gave up learning about multiple shadow clones and turned to other ninjutsu.

Lin Yu looked at the other ninjutsu in the book of seals in his hand, and he could be sure that this was not the genuine book of seals in the original book at all, because apart from some sealing techniques, the Eight Door Dunjia and the Flying Thunder God technique, there were only A multiple shadow clone technique is not worthy of the name of the sealed book in the aid, okay?

Lin Yu thought about it and realized that this should be the work of the third generation. The multiple shadow clone technique and the Eight Door Dungeon should be prepared for Naruto. As for the rest, they should be the sealed book of his Uzumaki family and his father's. Flying Thunder God Technique, but Naruto in the original book only learned the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, but the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique was indeed the first.

Lin Yu knew that he would not be able to learn multiple shadow clones and sealing techniques for the time being, so he turned to Fei Leishen and Bamen Dunjia.

Looking at the two ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God and Bamen Dunjia, Lin Yu thought about it and decided to learn Bamen Dunjia first.

Lin Yu carefully looked at how to open the door written on it, where are the eight doors on the human body, and some precautions.

After visiting, Lin Yu decided to try it himself.

According to the book of seals, he mobilized the magic power in his body, then rushed to the simplest of the eight doors, and opened the door.

Lin Yu's first attempt was unsuccessful, but Lin Yu was not discouraged, and he decided to make persistent efforts.

After repeated failures, Lin Yu gradually found some feeling.

Slowly, it was almost dawn, and Lin Yu had been trying all night.

But he could feel that next time, it would definitely succeed. He had already felt that the door was about to open a few times before, but it was just a little bit short.

This time, he felt that he would not fail.

"Open the!"

Then, Lin Yu felt that something was opened in his body. He could feel that the magic power in his body had increased, and he became faster and stronger!

Lin Yu felt that the magic power in Dao's body increased sharply, and he felt a little pain, but it was all tolerable. Lin Yu could even say that this feeling was quite comfortable.

Looking at the sky, Lin Yu knew that it was getting late. No, it was quite early to be precise. For Lin Yu, it was not too early.

Lin Yu released the open state of Bamen Dunjia, and then fell asleep.

In the next few days, Lin Yu has been practicing eight doors of dunjia, but in the end he can only open three doors at most, that is, the birth door. After the birth door, Lin Yu can't open it at all.

Lin Yu guessed that his body might not be used to the eight doors of dunjia, so he couldn't open the next few doors for a while, or his body was not strong enough to meet the requirements for opening the next few doors.

In the next few days, in addition to trying to see if he could open the fourth door of the eight doors of Dunjia, Lin Yu often tried to see if he could learn the technique of flying thunder god, but it turned out that Lin Yu thought too much.

Lin Yu bought a map in the town, and then started his journey to the ninja world.

On this day, Lin Yu had just settled down, but someone came to find him.

"You are Lin Yu? The new bounty hunter?"

Lin Yu looked at it, he was just an ordinary person, not a ninja.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

"I heard that you are very famous recently. You have solved many difficult people, including some powerful people."

"Yeah, they are quite strong, but you are not strong enough."

The man didn't speak. After listening for a while, he said again: "Our boss wants to hire you."

"Hire me?"

It has been two months since Lin Yu came to the world of Naruto. In order to better use Bamen Dunjia, he simply became a bounty hunter. As for how he found some channels...

That's not a good idea.

To put it simply, it is to reckless inside and out of a small underworld over and over again, so Lin Yu naturally went to some places that ordinary people don't know.

As for why he became famous within two months, it was probably because his style of doing things changed.

The world of Naruto is indeed as Lin Yu thought, it is not as sunny as in the anime, most of it is extremely dark, probably because of the subtle influence of this environment, Lin Yu's acting style has become very different, and it can also be It is said that he was a little swollen after slaying the dragon, or that he became turbulent after gaining the skill of rebirth, whether it was talking or other things, he became a little flamboyant.

All in all, for the above reasons, Lin Yu has become extremely famous in the underground world, and his own strength is also famous with him.

After all, with Lin Yu's style of acting, if he is not strong enough, he will die very quickly, especially in a dark world like Naruto.

"Yes, my boss Cardo wants to hire you."

Lin Yu suddenly finds it interesting. Cardo plans to hire him?Could it be because of the group of Uzumaki Naruto?

Lin Yu still remembers the mission of the Kingdom of Waves quite clearly, so he has some impressions.

Out of curiosity, Lin Yu agreed to Cardo's employment.

Cardo's men brought Lin Yu to Cardo. At this time, Lin Yu realized that he had just been in the Kingdom of Waves.

From Kaduo's mouth, Lin Yu knew that he didn't trust him anymore, so he planned to hire some people to help him.

Lin Yu agreed, because of Kaduo's employment, Lin Yu received another system task.

"Trigger task: You are required to kill and then not beheaded, there is no penalty for failure."

That's right, Kaduo's purpose of hiring Lin Yu is to kill and then not behead, and he can also be sure that Lin Yu can kill and then not behead, because Lin Yu almost killed him once.

In a few days, it's time for Lin Yu to play.

Together with Kaduo, Lin Yu appeared in front of the seventh group and Zabuzhan.

"Yo, if you don't kill me again, I didn't expect that when we meet again, we will look like this."

If you don't listen to it again, you will know that it is Lin Yu's voice. He hastily looked up and sighed.

"I didn't expect Kado to be able to invite you here, Ghost Slayer—Lin Yu."

"Well, I happened to be able to see an old friend, so I came."

(End of this chapter)

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