Infinite skill system

Chapter 54 I'm afraid I joined the fake game

Chapter 54 I'm afraid I joined the fake game

"Who!? Come out!"

Lin Yu turned around and looked in the direction of the counter behind him. He seemed to have heard something just now.

By the way, after Lin Yu came back this time, he closed the word of silence, unless there are special circumstances, otherwise, the word of silence will not take effect.

The main reason is that there are too many energy explosions in the main world, and the alternating currents come and go non-stop, plus the cars on the road, there is too much information.

Lin Yu felt that these messages were a bit annoying, so he simply turned off the silent language.

He originally just wanted to try it, but he didn't expect it to be really possible.

Lin Yu walked into the counter, looked inside, and found a woman in the counter, falling asleep on her stomach.

She is thin and thin, judging by the face exposed from the gap between her arms, she should be relatively handsome.

"Hello? Hello?"


The woman got up in a panic, looked at Lin Yu, and showed a sorry expression.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't notice someone coming, I'm really sorry."

The female voice was soft and soft, sounding very unassuming and unsociable.

Because she has been pressing her arms, she has some red marks on her face. Now when she stands up, Lin Yu can see her face clearly. As Lin Yu expected, this person is indeed more handsome.

Lin Yu couldn't help thinking, is this person also from the countermeasures bureau?

Or is it promoted by the company?
"Well, sir, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Yu wasn't sure if she was a member of the countermeasures bureau, so he didn't make sure what to say to her for a while, but now he was a little annoyed.

"Two tigers~two tigers~..."

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Listening to the sound of the phone, Lin Yu felt a little funny. It sounded like it was sung by a drunk person. Who would take it as their own phone ringtone?

Seeing the woman's face turn red, Lin Yu coughed, and then said, "well, your phone is ringing."

Her face was flushed, and she answered the phone in a hurry.

"Xiao An, you want to touch my phone again!"

Although it was in a complaining tone, she spoke in a very low voice. It didn't sound like a complaint at all. On the contrary, because of lack of confidence, it sounded a bit like a baby.

"Haha, don't you think you look cute when you're drunk? Sister Yudian~"

"I don't care. Do you know that you've made me lose face?"

Speaking of this, Yudian quietly took a look at Lin Yu, and turned back immediately after finding that Lin Yu didn't pay attention to this side.

"Yes, yes, I won't do it next time."

"hope so……"

Raindrop murmured.

"By the way, have you seen the newcomer?"

"Newcomer? What newcomer?"

"It's the newcomer who just joined our strategy bureau."

"Oh, you're talking about the newcomer named Lin Yu, right?"

At this time Yudidian finally remembered.

"Yes, he has arrived, you should still be there?"

Yudian looked at Lin Yu, found that Lin Yu was also looking at her, and immediately averted her eyes.

"I think I've seen him before."

"Then I will trouble you for the time being. I still have something to do. I will arrive in a while. Hang up first, bye."

While talking on the phone, there was a busy tone, Yudian just put away the phone, turned around and continued to face Lin Yu.

Probably because of the ringtone of the phone just now, so Raindrop still looks a little flushed, sorry.

"Well, your name is Lin Yu, right?"

"How do you know?" Lin Yu thought for a while, and then he knew what was going on, "You are also from the countermeasure bureau?"

"Yes, I came in a while earlier than you."

"Then you are still a senior, disrespect and disrespect."

"No, no, no," Yudian quickly waved his hands, "Don't call me senior, I'm so embarrassed."

"Then I'll call you Miss Yudian?"

Yu Dian nodded, agreeing to the title.

"Xiao An asked me to show you first, she won't arrive until a while later."

Lin Yu nodded. He was also curious about what the branch of the Countermeasure Bureau with a sales promotion company outside was like.

Yudian took Lin Yu to visit the sales company. There are many rooms, some for fitness, some for leisure, and some for sleeping.

At this time, Xiao An had already arrived, and of course her follower Ronnie was also there.

"Yo, how about it, my company is okay."

"Big is quite big, but I feel that the business is not very good."

"After all... there are only three... four of us." Yudian said weakly from the side.

"Three or four people?"

"No, no, no," Yudian was a little flustered, "you are added, and there are four of us."

Now Lin Yu understood it, but why were there so few people here?

Of course, Lin Yu also expressed his doubts, but Xiao An laughed loudly, and then said: "Haha! Because we don't need us in Basic Mountain."

What you really heartbreaking.

"By the way, here is your ID."

Xiao An took out two small books from the pocket in Ronnie's hand, and Lin Yu took a look, one was the ID of the Public Security Bureau, and the other was the ID of the Countermeasures Bureau.

"Because of the special nature of our work, we only have two certificates. If something happens suddenly, we will have other certificates. But those are generally temporary certificates, which will expire after time. These two are permanent Effective."

"So that means I just became a policeman?"

"It can be said that, but according to the actual situation, we have different powers. Generally speaking, they are higher than ordinary police."

"Well, it's useless to say these things. After all, we generally don't need them. If you encounter some petty theft, you can go up and fight them with confidence."

"Then, that's why you called me here?"

"Yeah, after all, this document is very important, and it's not easy for us to mail it, and I'm too lazy to send it to you, so I asked you to come here. By the way, I can recognize the way."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes, but didn't say much.

"By the way, sister Yudian, let's start working quickly."


"Yeah, right now, let's get to work!"

Seeing Xiao An dragging the unwilling raindrops to carry out the so-called work, he was a little confused.

Didn't you say there's nothing going on here?Why did you suddenly say you have to work again?

Lin Yu turned his head to look at Ronnie. Ronnie didn't speak, but just pointed to the name on the face of the so-called countermeasure bureau branch, and then Lin Yu knew what Xiao An was doing.

Going to sell!

(End of this chapter)

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