Infinite skill system

Chapter 51 Dancing with the Dragon

Chapter 51 Dancing with the Dragon
Bilbo and Lin Yu entered the Lonely Mountain. As soon as they entered the stone hall, they were stunned.

In the stone hall, there are mountains of gold coins, precious stones and gold utensils, which are really shocking. Even Lin Yu can't help but feel greedy in his heart.

Although I have already learned about it from movies, seeing it with my own eyes is another matter.

The radius of the stone hall is probably nearly a hundred meters, which is equivalent to the size of two or three football fields. The endless gold is piled up at least several meters high. Whoever owns this much gold can really be said to be an incomparably rich country. , Even if you buy a country, it is not surprising.

According to the modern gold price, how much is a kilogram of gold?Two to three hundred thousand yuan, right?How much is a ton?Two or three hundred million, how many tons is this stone palace?It is not surprising that there are tens of thousands of tons, or even 30 tons, right?

In the original plot, no one can resist the charm of gold, Lin Yu scoffed at it at first, but now after seeing it with his own eyes, Lin Yu just wants to say one thing——

Really fragrant!

If these golds were brought back to the main world, it would be a huge fortune, and what would become of him.

Without hesitation, Lin Yu thought about taking it as his own, thinking about how to bring all the gold back to the main world, item bar?

But the item bar is about to be full, and every time the item bar is upgraded, one thousand gold coins are needed, and now I only have...

Suddenly Lin Yu felt that he was still a poor man, and he could only take away a small part of the gold. Now Lin Yu's greed was much less.

After all, the time he can stay in this world is running out now, and he doesn't have that chance anymore.

"Master Lin?"

Bilbo looked at Lin Yu worriedly, and couldn't help sending out worried greetings. After all, Lin Yu's expression just now looked really scary.

So he can't help feeling a little worried about Lin Yu.

Lin Yu shook his head, and said to Bilbo, "I'm sorry for making you laugh, but it's all right now."

Bilbo shook his head to show he didn't care.

To be honest, if it wasn't because he likes smiles and food more than gold, silver and jewelry, he would probably be the same as Lin Yu. After all, there is too much gold here.

Shocked by the fact that he was still a poor man, Lin Yu returned to normal, but looked at Jin with greedy eyes.

But he didn't lose his mind, he still knew what to do and what not to do.

Lin Yu and Lin Yu have been looking for the Aken Diamond, but they have not found it. However, Lin Yu has found the white gemstone that Thranduil, the king of the woodland elves, was thinking about, and Lin Yu put it away.

Bilbo saw Lin Yu's movements and asked quickly.

"What are you doing?"

"This is an agreement between me and the Elf King of the Woodland, you will know after a while."

At this moment, Fire Dragon Smaug opened his eyes.

It turned out that when they were looking for the Aken gem, they accidentally alarmed the fire dragon Smaug and woke him up.

Fire dragon Smaug opened his eyes and saw Lin Yu and Bilbo who were bending over to look for something. He guessed that they were with the humans and dwarves in Changhu Town.

Bilbo dealt with the dragon with words, and both of them saw the Arken stone at the dragon's feet.

Taking advantage of Smaug's inattentiveness, Lin Yu took the Aken gem into his hand, and the fire dragon quickly gave up Bilbo, and turned to attack Lin Yu.

Lin Yu ran to the outside of the lonely mountain, picked up Bilbo halfway, and put him at a corner.

Bilbo quickly used the Lord of the Rings to hide himself, and he came out after Smaug left.

Looking at the aken treasure diamond that Lin Yu stuffed in his arms, he quietly walked out of the lonely mountain.

And the fire dragon Smaug has already appeared outside the Lonely Mountain, and Gandalf and his party are terrified. They did not expect the fire dragon Smaug to wake up at this time.

The woodland elf king quickly commanded his army, and they were ready to fight the fire dragon to the death.

Now, there is no way out.

But the fire dragon Smaug did not fly towards them, but was circling with someone.

"Could it be...Master Lin!"

The dwarves hurriedly stepped forward, as did the others. The elf prince Legolas held a black arrow, preparing to find an opportunity to kill the fire dragon Smaug.

"You bloody mouse!"

The fire dragon roared thinking about Lin Yu. Lin Yu, taking advantage of his incomparably smaller figure than Smaug, stepped on the cross step, and turned on his invisibility from time to time, so he escaped Smaug's attacks again and again.

"You little mouse jumping up and down, let's see how long you can escape!"

After multiple attacks, Lin Yu still couldn't be solved. Smaug's anger became even more intense, the attacks became more powerful and heavier, and the temperature of the dragon flames sprayed from his mouth became even higher.

Legolas landed on a hilltop close to the battle circle, tied the prepared thread to two big trees again, pulled out the black arrow, and pointed it straight at Smaug. With sharp eyes, he quickly searched for the flaw on Smaug's body. A piece of the dragon scale's weakness.

"found it!"

Soon, Legolas discovered that there was a palm-sized dragon scale missing under Smaug's neck, and it was the only one without the protection of the dragon scale.

"Elf, where did the arrow in your hand come from?"

At the moment, Gushan is not as chaotic as the original plot, so when Smaug attacked Lin Yu, Smaug saw the black arrow pointing at him in Legolas's hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stopped attacking.

Looking at the black arrow, a look of fear flashed in the depths of Smaug's eyes. He would never forget that it was this kind of arrow that shot down a dragon scale of himself in Changhu Town.

Seeing this, Lin Yu quickly picked up the broken blade, poured magic power into it, and slashed at Smaug.

There was a loud noise, as if cutting on a block of iron, and even sparked a spark.

The magic power infused by Lin Yu, coupled with the sharpness of the shattered blade, can't penetrate Smaug's dragon scale. The defense of this dragon scale is really desperate.

"Master Lin! We are here to help you!"

The dwarves and elves also felt it, and they joined forces to fight against the fire dragon.

"Hmph, little mouse, I don't have time to play with you now."

But Smaug didn't pay attention to them, he left such a sentence, and immediately rushed towards Legolas.

In comparison, Legolas with the black arrow in his hand was more threatening.

"Hmph, come on, big lizard!"

Seeing Smaug rushing towards him, Legolas felt the dragon's power becoming more and more clear. On the contrary, Legolas became more clear-headed, watching Smaug's movements closely, waiting for the moment when it showed its flaws.

"It's now!"

Finally, Smaug's wings vibrated, allowing Legolas to discover the weak spot not covered by the scales.

As soon as he loosened his fingers, the black arrow shot out, pointing directly at Smaug.


Although he shot the black arrow, he found that there was a very anthropomorphic mocking look in Smaug's eyes.

Legolas was taken aback, reflexively feeling something was wrong.

Sure enough, Smaug, who was prepared, turned his body slightly at the critical moment. Although the black arrow hit it, and even broke off a dragon scale on its wing, it didn't hit Smaug's weak point.

Although dodging the deadly black arrow, Smaug was knocked off a dragon scale.

Under the pain, facing the direction of Legolas, a large cloud of dragon flames was sprayed out.

A piece of Smaug's dragon scale was shot off, and the black arrow was stuck on the ground fiercely. Lin Yu watched Smaug and thought of Legolas chasing him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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