Infinite skill system

Chapter 36 Melee Mage

Chapter 36 Melee Mage
"Look, everyone, what I brought back."

Bilbo said to the people who were eating in the camp, and Lin Yu also took advantage of this time to observe these people.

There were fourteen of these people in all, and if Bilbo was added, there were fifteen.

Among the 15 people, 14 were very short, only about one meter tall. Except for Bilbo and a few people, the others didn't look very good-looking. They basically had a big belly.

Person No. 15 is the energy body that Lin Yu feels is comparable to a power plant. He is the only person in the crowd with a normal height, and he looks very old. He wears a blue pointed hat and a He wore a gray cloak, a silver scarf, a white beard that reached to his waist, and heavy black boots on his feet.

He feels like an ordinary old man full of wisdom, but Lin Yu dare not really think that he is an ordinary old man. Within the perception range of his Silent Word skill, the energy in his body is extremely powerful.

Can it not be stronger than the energy of a city power plant?
"Oh, our snitch found something, a human?"

"Bilbo, where did you find him?"

The old man asked Bilbo, but Lin Yu felt a little strange. Why did he feel this old man, but this powerful old man didn't notice him?
"Gandalf, I found him over there. He said he was an adventurer, so I thought maybe he needed some help by himself, so I brought him here."

Lin Yu felt that the name was familiar, but he forgot where he had heard it.

"Hello adventurer, my name is Gandalf, what is your name?"

Gandalf came to Lin Yu with a very kind expression, which made Lin Yu let down his vigilance a little.

Gandalf looks very intelligent and kind, which makes Lin Yu quietly let go of his guard.

"My name is Lin Yu, and I'm an adventurer."

"But you don't look like an adventurer, you don't even have a weapon."

It looks like the leading villain among these people has spoken. He feels like a king to Lin Yu, just like those medieval kings in movies.

"This is the leader of our team, Thorin Oakenshield."

Gandalf enthusiastically introduced Thorin and his team to Lin Yu, so Lin Yu had a little understanding of them.

The little man, called Bilbo Baggins, was a hobbit, and Gandalf was dressed like a wizard, and the rest were all dwarves.

Gandalf invited Lin Yu to have dinner with them, and Lin Yu did not refuse. He felt that he should know this world, but he just couldn't remember it. Maybe he could remember it by following them.

If I know them, then they should be characters in a movie or TV series, and these people may be the protagonists in it.

In this way, Lin Yu has more opportunities to trigger tasks. Everyone knows that being with the protagonist is definitely the most important thing.

Lin Yu and Bilbo were talking, but rather than talking, it would be better to say that Lin Yu was talking and Bilbo was listening.

Lin Yu adapted the events of his previous time travels and gave them to Bilbo. Bilbo listened with great interest, but Lin Yu knew what level he was at.

Although Bilbo looks very intoxicated now, it is only because he is yearning for an adventurous life, and this world is still relatively old, without the rich and colorful entertainment activities of modern society, so he listens with gusto.

"Wow, Mr. Lin Yu, your experience is really interesting, but I will soon have an experience comparable to yours."

Bilbo was obviously envious of Lin Yu's adventurous life, so his eyes were a little bright after listening to it, but he was not particularly envious, after all, he would soon have the adventurous career he dreamed of.

Lin Yu asked calmly: "Are you also going to take risks?"

"Yes, we are going to Lonely Mountain."

"Lonely Mountain?"

Lin Yu feels more and more familiar. He must know this world, and he probably has watched related movies or novels and TV series.

"Yes, the Lonely Mountain, the one with Smaug the dragon."

Lin Yu suddenly knew what kind of world this is. This is the world of Lord of the Rings.

But looking at the gray robe wizard Gandalf, Lin Yu knew that it should not have developed into the plot of The Lord of the Rings yet, and it should only be in the Hobbit period before The Lord of the Rings.

"Is that the lonely mountain that used to be the homeland of the dwarves?"

"Yes, you've heard of it?"

Lin Yu nodded, but his mind was thinking about whether he should take part?
"The Hobbit" all revolves around the Hobbit, the thirteen dwarves and Gandalf the Grey. There were countless difficulties and obstacles along the way, and even in the end, few of the thirteen dwarves survived.

Despite this danger, the power shown in the movie is not much higher than reality, despite the various fantasy creatures, including even powerful creatures such as dragons.

Lin Yu tried to recall the plot of The Hobbit, but he could only recall that it took about one to two months for Gandalf and his party to reach the Lonely Mountain, and the general difficulties.

As for Lin Yu, who is more detailed, he can't remember it, but if it comes to the corresponding plot, Lin Yu believes that he will still remember it.

"Gandalf... sir, may I go on the road with you?"

Lin Yu asked Gandalf, who was obviously the strongest in the team, and subconsciously ignored Thorin, who had just been introduced as the leader by Gandalf.

"Oh, Lin Yu, you don't have to call me Mr. It will make me feel old. You can just call me Gandalf. As for whether you can join us, I have nothing to say. Our leader Thorin can say That counts."

"You want to join us?"

Sorin looked at Lin Yu. The dwarf leader was as strong and majestic as a lion.

Looking at the majestic Thorin, Lin Yu recalled some impressions of him. He seemed to be a prince of the dwarf clan, but later he seemed to have some disease, which caused a drastic change in his temperament and he liked to be suspicious of others.


Lin Yu was not overwhelmed by Sorin's oppressive sight. He had withstood the attack of the ancient dragon, and Sorin's sight could not do anything to him.


"I'm an adventurer, is that enough reason?"

Suo Lin turned around Lin Yu, and then said: "but you don't look very strong."

"On the contrary, he is a little weak."

"Not like a man."

"Then do you want to compete with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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