Chapter 34
The next day, Lin Yu got up late, and he didn't go to sister Xu's hotel again.He asked Zhao Yu to take care of Sister Xu, and Zhao Yu agreed with a pat on the chest.

Last night, Lin Yu gave Zhao Yu some basic internal strength and boxing and foot martial arts from Qu Yang. In exchange, Zhao Yu began to use his own strength to take care of Xu sister, and let him stop calling him master, Replaced it with the title of Master.

Lin Yu has nothing to say anyway, so he can only accept it in the end. After all, you can't kill Zhao Yu because of this, can you?He's not a bad guy, just annoying.

Last night, Lin Yu took a look at the poor man, but he still couldn't see anything, because many of the bodies were scattered on the road due to incomplete bodies.

Lin Yu saw it when he walked over.

Looking at the clothes of the corpse, Lin Yu judged that this person should also be a homeless man, and after a little more inspection, he ignored it.

Originally, Lin Yu wanted to put the two corpses in the inventory, but Zhao Yu had been following Lin Yu all the time, and Lin Yu didn't want others to know that he had space means, so he and Zhao Yu had a stalemate for a while. up.

Lin Yu wanted to send Zhao Yu away, but he lied to him because he wanted Zhao Yu to lead the way, but Zhao Yu took it seriously and refused to leave.

This is like shooting oneself in the foot.

After finally sending them home, Lin Yu found out that it was very late. He guessed that the two corpses should have been discovered by some people, so they didn't go there. Instead, they made a deal with Zhao Yu.

Lin Yu thought that the body was still in place, so he might as well look at the reaction on today's news.

Lin Yu turned on the TV and found that there was no report about the monster last night.

It's not just TV, Lin Yu also checked on the Internet, but found nothing.

He thought about it carefully and felt that this was not surprising. He had lived in this country for nearly twenty years and had never discovered these things in the news, so he was not surprised that the news did not report it.

But this incident reminded Lin Yu that there are monsters in the main world, so does this world also have those supernatural beings or practitioners?And what attitude does the country take towards those superpowers?

After thinking about it, Lin Yu suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger. You have a good urban style. How did you become a supernatural urban writer?And it has always been this monster style.

"Dong Dong~"

Lin Yu heard the knock on the door, but he had already discovered the two people outside the house, because the energy in their bodies feels different.

Compared with other ordinary people's energy, their energy is much higher than that of ordinary people, both in quality and quantity, but at the same time they are much lower than Lin Yu, so they are not a threat at all.

Knowing that these people have extraordinary backgrounds, Lin Yu simply opened the door.

I saw a man and a woman standing outside, both wearing black vests, giving people a sense of seriousness.

"The two are..."

Although he had roughly guessed who they were, Lin Yu still asked.

"We belong to the Countermeasure Association, and you are Lin Yu, right?"

"Countermeasure Association? What is that?"

"The Countermeasures Association is dedicated to supernatural events. As for what is a supernatural event, I believe you have encountered it yesterday."

Lin Yu didn't ask such a stupid question as to how he found him.

After entertaining the two into the room, Lin Yu was a little nervous. After all, his current strength could not be resisted at all.

I am on the weak side, so it is inevitable to be a little uneasy.

Maybe the city found Lin Yu's uneasiness, and the woman in the black vest comforted Lin Yu: "You can rest assured that there is no problem with your file, so they will not shoot you."

Hearing this, Lin Yu felt a little relieved. What he was most afraid of was finding out that he had killed Chen Hao. After all, he thought his shot was perfect at the time, but it was based on the premise that there was no extraordinary power in the original world. .

Because there are no extraordinary abilities in this world, no one will bring them in when investigating the case. But now that he has discovered that this world is not as simple as he imagined, he is inevitably a little uneasy.

But now it seems that there is no problem, at least that matter has not been placed on him.

"So, what should I call you?"

"His name is Ronnie, and I'm Xiao An."

It's still the female black vest who speaks, and the male black vest, that is, Ronnie, since Lin Yu met him, he hasn't noticed that he has spoken.

"Xiao An? This name doesn't seem like a girl's name."

Lin Yu made a little joke, and then said seriously: "then, what's the matter with you two coming to me?"

"We did come here to ask you some questions."

It was still Xiao An who spoke, and Ronnie next to him seemed like he couldn't speak at all, like a mute.

"You weren't home last night, were you?"

"Do you have to care whether I'm at home or not?"

Xiao An shook his head and said: "We can't control whether you are at home or not, but you did meet a starving ghost, so we have to take care of it."

"Hungry ghost? The one with the hole in his stomach yesterday?"

Xiao An nodded, and said, "That's right, that's the one. We call it a starved ghost, a kind of monster."


Lin Yu's voice couldn't help but raised an octave. My dear, it's the first time I've encountered a monster when I grow up, and it's not after time travel, but in the main world, so it's over now.

But think about it, I can travel through time, so meeting monsters is not unacceptable.

"It seems that your ability to accept is quite good."

"No way," Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders, "After all, I have met it personally, can I not accept it quickly?"

Xiao An nodded and didn't say anything more.

"Well, I have a few questions for you here."

Lin Yu noticed that Xiao An and Ronnie looked at each other, and straightened their demeanor. He knew that now is the most important part.

"Have you awakened your superpower?"

Lin Yu could feel a strange flow of energy in Dao Ronnie's body. According to what Xiao An said, this Ronnie should have the ability to judge lies, and could tell whether Lin Yu was lying.

Lin Yu nodded and said, "I can indeed do some unusual things."

Has Lin Yu awakened his abilities?It doesn't seem to be counted, his abilities come from the system, so he doesn't have the ability to awaken, but if he doesn't say that he doesn't have the ability to awaken, then it's hard for him to explain.

So Lin Yu just gave an answer ambiguously, and Xiao An admitted that she had awakened the ability when the answer fell into Xiao An's ears. She looked at Ronnie, saw Ronnie nodding, and then continued to ask.

"So, can you demonstrate what you call unusual?"

"no problem."

Lin Yu nodded, without any ink marks, he directly activated the magic power and summoned the scythe.

"Okay, it's alright."

Xiao An took out a notebook and wrote something on it.

(End of this chapter)

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