Infinite skill system

Chapter 155 God Chapter Returns

Chapter 155 The Myth Comes Again
Before anyone could react, the figure on the river had already appeared in front of everyone.

"Are you all right?"

The plain voice spread to everyone's ears, and Lin Yu was holding little Lolita, stepping on the water, and looking at them.

Seeing the figure on the water, Lin Shan immediately called out in surprise: "Brother Lin!"

Like Lin Shan, James who saw this figure was also very excited: "Lin! You are finally here!"

The bearded old man looked at Lin Yu in the sky and murmured: "My God...he can stand on the water..."

At this time, the female reporter with the camera pointed at King Kong and shouted, "Mr. Lin, go and save King Kong!"

One word woke up the dreamer, and the female reporter's words made everyone wake up from the shock, and immediately asked Lin Yu to rescue King Kong who was being suppressed by the skeleton lizard.

"Yes, yes, go and save King Kong!"

Lin Yu please nodded his head lightly, and then quickly swept towards the distance.

"Accept the mission, there is no penalty for failure in the mission of saving King Kong, and X90 gold coins will be rewarded for completing the mission."

Seeing Lin Yu stepping on the water at an extremely fast speed, Professor Landa muttered to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

But it is obvious that everything experienced in the past few days, especially the secrets about Lin Yu, has once again impacted the world view that had been changed decades ago.

If he can go back this time, he must persuade the high-level officials of the Emperor's Project to thoroughly investigate the matter about the monster hunter.

The skeleton lizard that was attacking King Kong non-stop, hoping to kill King Kong, also saw Lin Yu, but compared with him, Lin Yu was always a little fly, so he didn't need to care about it at all.


The skeleton lizard grew its mouth and bit King Kong's throat, ready to give King Kong a fatal blow, ending the last obstacle of their race's attack on the surface.

But just when he was about to bite King Kong, Lin Yu suddenly appeared next to its head. At the same time, he clenched his fists with both hands and hit the skeleton lizard directly on the cheek.


With this punch, the lizard whose eyes were originally glistening with cruelty froze, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

A large number of bone fragments splashed in all directions, and two small potholes appeared on the bony skin of the skeleton lizard, which had not suffered any damage under King Kong's fist. Fall to the side of King Kong.

In the past two days, he has been hunting and killing creatures on Skull Island one after another, and then swallowing them in his stomach. In addition, he is constantly absorbing radiation energy every day. He is no longer the same as two days ago when he left. That was all he could compare to.

This punch let Lin Yu know how much progress he had made. If his power was only measured in tons before, with a strength of more than ten tons, then his strength now is at least close to a hundred tons.

Of course, this kind of strength is still not comparable to that of King Kong who is a monster, but don't forget his own size. Under this size, coupled with piercing the face, the damage caused is still extremely considerable.


The attack of Lin Yu's fly made the skeleton lizard extremely angry. With a kick of its claws, it left the weak King Kong directly, and then opened its sharp teeth full of ferocious fangs to bite Lin Yu in midair.

It's just that the speed of the skeleton lizard is too slow for Lin Yu. It just opened its mouth to bite Lin Yu. Lin Yu stepped on the air and disappeared in front of the skeleton lizard in an instant.

The skeleton lizard took a bite, and the teeth collided and made an unpleasant knocking sound.

With a flash of figure, Lin Yu appeared behind the skull lizard's head, and smashed his fist down again. In addition, he used magic power to gather on the fist, and coupled with the mana skills brought by Shura's war spirit, he actually smashed the skeleton lizard directly When it reached the surface of the river, a huge wave was set off.

But even so, it just looks scary. Lin Yu's attack only made the skeleton lizard even more angry, and immediately stood up and attacked Lin Yu crazily.

However, although the skeleton lizard's attack looked terrifying, it had no effect on Lin Yu, who was countless times faster than it.

This can be regarded as a disadvantage of a huge body, and its flexibility is much slower in comparison.

It's not that there are no giant creatures with amazing flexibility, but those creatures generally have a humanoid body shape, such as King Kong.

However, because the Skeleton Lizard and King Kong are similar in size, and the Skeleton Lizard completely surpasses King Kong in strength, the advantage in flexibility cannot be reflected.

Every time the skeleton lizard's attack has not fallen, Lin Yu has left his original position and appeared elsewhere to attack the skeleton lizard.

Under Lin Yu's attack, the skeleton lizard also personally felt King Kong's powerlessness when he was suppressed by it.


"my God……"

"Is this really human?"

Looking at the skeleton King Kong being crushed and beaten by Lin Yu, everyone in the exploration team on the shore looked at each other with horror on their faces.

Especially the bearded old man. He has lived on Skull Island for more than 20 years and has seen many strange things, but nothing has ever shocked him as much as the scene in front of him.

About 10 minutes later, the bony skin on the skeleton lizard's body was shattered, revealing red flesh and blood. The original white body turned red, which looked terrifying.

But none of those present felt sorry for it.


Looking at the skeleton lizard that was still frantically recovering its claws and flicking its tail, Lin Yu shook his head and said, he thought it would be a fierce battle, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

Although the Skeleton Lizard is extremely powerful, its own strength and flexibility can crush the Skeleton Lizard, not to mention that there are still a lot of skills that have not been used.

So Lin Yu doesn't intend to continue to consume it, and is going to solve it directly.

Lin Yu spit out flames towards the sky. The sky, which was supposed to be clear at first, immediately became cloudy, with thunder and lightning from time to time.

The skeleton lizard, which is fearless under heaven and earth, actually feels scared. It should be the instinctive fear of thunder and lightning in creatures.

Then, lightning appeared in Lin Yu's hand.

Lin Yu raised his hand and connected with the thunder and lightning in the thunder cloud.

Under Lin Yu's control, Lei Dian began to change continuously, turning into a fierce beast.


"Is this...Monster Hunter?"

Looking at Lin Yu, who is like the main god in the myth, holding a thunderbolt in his hand, the expedition team even felt that they were facing the myth.

(End of this chapter)

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