Infinite skill system

Chapter 15 Do you think I look like a fool?

Chapter 15 Do you think I look like a fool?

"You kid really came to find fault, brothers, come on!"

Lin Yu doesn't talk as much as Humpty Dumpty. He just picks up a wine bottle next to him and smashes it on Brother Ming's head.

Glass shards splashed everywhere, and blood ran down the top of Brother Ming's head, leaving from between his eyebrows.

Brother Ming covered his head in pain, his voice sounded hysterical.

"Yes! Brother Ming!"

But Lin Yu wouldn't just wait for them obediently. When Lin Yu saw Brother Ming's empty door opened, and he knew that Brother Ming was definitely planning to kill him, so he strode forward and prepared to kill him. Brother Ming killed him before he could move.

At this time, he could feel the benefits brought to him by the Shura War Spirit when he was wet in the rain. If it were Lin Yu in the past, his movements would never be as smooth as now, without the slightest pause, and as time goes by, Lin Yu More and more ways to kill Brother Ming in an instant came to Yu's mind.

This is the improvement of fighting talent brought by Shura's fighting spirit. As Lin Yu grows up, the benefits of this skill will also increase.


Brother Ming's eyes widened. He never thought that he would die here like this. Although he had been around for a long time, he couldn't see Lin Yu's actions clearly and couldn't react.

The glass wine bottle in Lin Yu's hand had sunk into Brother Ming's neck, and blood began to flow from the wound. One stream of blood flowed from the mouth of the glass wine bottle.

Lin Yu threw Brother Ming aside and let him fend for himself. In the darkness, no one knew that a life was about to leave.

Humpty and the others looked at Lin Yu with fear in their eyes. Although they were gangsters, except for brother Ming, few of them had been killed at all, and at most they had beaten and maimed a few people.

After all, this is a legal society. Except for a few people like Brother Ming, if you get someone's life on your hands, it's basically over, so they also know that they have messed with someone serious.

"Go away!"

As soon as Lin Yu asked them to leave, these people dared not refuse, and those who ran away immediately disappeared.

Lin Yu didn't care about the fleeing short fat man and the crowd who might be confused because of this, he pushed open the door and walked in.

The so-called emperor's palace is very big. It's not that Lin Yu has seen such places in No. [-] biochemical world, but those places are basically not clean, and some places are full of zombies.

In terms of shock, it is definitely more shocking in the biochemical world, but in other aspects, the Emperor's Palace here is more dazzling.

There is no one in the box, and there is a small stage in front of it. With the help of psychedelic lights, you can vaguely see wine bottles, dice, and snacks all over the place...

"Don't...go away...go away..."

An indistinct voice came from his ear, which sounded very resistant.

Bai Ya?

Knowing that time waits for no one, Lin Yu immediately rushed to the side hall ahead.

"Don't reject me, Bai Ya, I will treat you well for the rest of my life! Really, believe me, Bai Ya, I will definitely treat you well..."

Lin Yu kicked the door open, and saw Bai Ya lying on a sofa with a wine-red face. It could be seen that although she was a little drunk, she still had a clear mind and was struggling feebly.

And Chen Hao on the side, even though he was slapped, still tore Bai Ya's clothes unwillingly. The coat on his upper body was already torn apart by Chen Hao's tearing.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu became angry.

Invoke the magic power, run forward, and kick it out!
Chen Hao was caught off guard by Lin Yu's kick and flew away from Bai Ya.

"Who the fuck!"

Chen Hao cursed and was about to get up when a wine bottle hit him on the head!

Chen Hao was a little dazed by the blow, he looked at the icy body in front of him in a daze, blood blurred his vision.

With the help of the colored lights that happened to shine over, Lin Yu's masked face came into his sight, and he could be sure that he absolutely didn't know this person.

"Fuck you, you fucking know I'm..."

Before Chen Hao could finish his words, Lin Yu kicked him to the ground again, without giving Chen Hao a chance to speak, he kicked and punched him.

"No...don't fight anymore."

Finally, under Bai Ya's persuasion, Lin Yu could barely stop. Lin Yu looked at Bai Ya with blurred eyes, and she took her little hand and was about to leave.

Chen Hao only had time to kick his breath at this time, raised his face that was swollen from beatings, panted and said to the backs of Lin Yu and Bai Ya: "Listen...boy. I know you must know her, and I know her too. Whoever you are, it's perfectly fine for you to take her away now, but I need you to know one thing, and that is—"

"She will be mine sooner or later."

Chen Hao grinned with a pale face: "However, before taking her away, I need to let you know what kind of person I have provoked."

"My name is Chen Hao, the crown prince of Guanghua Group. If you don't know him, you can Baidu it yourself. Now you can Baidu everything, can't you? Oh, I promise you won't be in a day, no, half a day, you will kowtow and come to beg I."

Lin Yu glanced at the grinning Chen Hao coldly, sent Bai Ya out of the door without saying a word, and locked the door from the inside.

Lin Yu took off his mask and walked up to Chen Hao.

"You don't know anything at all."

Lin Yu stepped on Chen Hao, and Chen Hao's face was half blocked by Lin Yu's right foot, leaving only one eye staring at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu squatted down, looked into Chen Hao's eyes, and said, "You don't understand anything at all, what kind of person you have messed with."

Chen Hao spat out a mouthful of blood, and actually burst out laughing: "Hahaha...I have seen people like you a lot these years. With the energy of my Chen family, I can find out all your information in less than a day. Even if you are not afraid ...Brother, you always have parents and family, right? If you are not afraid, is it possible that they are not afraid?"

Lin Yu didn't speak, just stared at Chen Hao.

"Ha, it seems that you are lonely, how pitiful... But you also have two or three friends, right? Or is that little girl named Bai Ya very special to you?"

Lin Yu looked at Chen Hao coldly and sighed softly.

"Why, want to beg for mercy now? It's too late!"

Chen Hao regretted it because of Lin Yu, but the fact was completely unexpected.

"I thought that as the crown prince of Guanghua Group, you would be smarter. I didn't leave with Bai Ya, and I even took off my mask. Didn't you think of something?"

"Do you really think that I will let you live?"

As soon as Lin Yu's words fell, Chen Hao opened his eyes wide and shouted: "No! You dare not do this at all! My Chen family will never let you go!"

"At least, you will be buried with me, won't you?"

Now, Chen Hao was really scared and began to beg for mercy, but Lin Yu didn't pay attention to Chen Hao's words of begging for mercy. Instead, he said self-sufficiently: "You have said that, and you think I will be so stupid as to let you go ?"

 I just found out that there is a place in the profile that has not been changed, and it still has the name of the previous protagonist (×ω×`)
  Khan first
  New works, everyone, please collect and recommend a lot


(End of this chapter)

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