Infinite skill system

Chapter 144 Monster Movie World

Chapter 144 Monster Movie World
"Are you all right?"


After the fishing boat stopped shaking so much, the captain of the fishing boat immediately checked the safety of the crew.

After checking to make sure that no one was missing or injured due to the huge waves just now, the captain heaved a sigh of relief. If there was any damage, his trip to sea this time might be in vain. It is best if nothing happens now.

A crew member walked up to the captain and suggested: "Captain, it's dawn, let's just turn around and go back.".

Hearing the crew's proposal, the captain agreed without even thinking about it. He said that they would go back after another round of shopping.

Following the captain's order, the fishing boat started to move immediately, and they hoped to go home early.

"Captain! Look! There is something on the sea!"

"Where? Where?"

Soon, a crew member noticed something floating on the surface of the sea.

"Turn on the searchlights and take a look now!"

Hearing something, the captain immediately perked up and shouted.

"Clap clap clap!"

With the sound of power turning on, the fishing boat's searchlight, used to attract fish, was turned on and shined at the place pointed by the crew.

"It's human!"

Under the light of the searchlight, they clearly saw a person floating on the sea and waving to them.

"Go and save people immediately!"

Although it was not the treasure he had imagined, the captain did not feel frustrated, but immediately let the ship approach to save people.

And this person is none other than Lin Yu.

Lin Yu still remembers how he came to this sea from the transfer station.

When Lin Yu was nagging for a transfer, he just looked at Fang Tian's painting halberd that he had put in place, and then walked into the space door in the center of the transfer station with little loli in his arms. After all, he has no There is nothing to count.

The virus dragon clan's fusion rate is only 60.00% now, and it will take a long time to challenge the ancient dragon again, and the accumulation of carrion has stacked up to [-] layers, but this little bonus is not worth it for him. It doesn't matter how important it is, after all, his current strength is basically measured in tons.

Therefore, he really didn't care much about the accumulation of carrion that had only risen more than 40 levels.

"The host has entered the portal and is about to start teleportation..."

"Searching for the world..."

"A matching world has been found..."

"Start teleporting now..."

"Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one..."

"The transmission is complete, please ask the host to check the system tasks of this world..."

Then, when Lin Yu felt that he had left the teleportation, he felt that his feet were empty, and then fell into the water.

This is the first time that the system did not transmit to a solid surface, but to a piece of water, so it fell into the water under some sensory illusions brought about by the transmission.

Probably because cats don't like water by nature, little loli actually reacted before Lin Yu and jumped on Lin Yu's head.

In fact, with Lin Yu's current density, he would sink directly into the water, but because he used some magic power, he did not fall into the water.

At this time, the crew just discovered him and pulled him into the boat.

"You are so heavy."

Some crew members were a little surprised by Lin Yu's weight. How could a thin Asian man be so heavy?
But looking at Lin Yu's behavior, the captain didn't ask too much. He just called a crew member and took Lin Yu to rest.

Lin Yu smiled at them, said thank you, and then checked the system panel.

"Across the World This Time: The Monster Movie Universe;"

"System task: Use the power of God once, reward 1000 gold coins;"

"Other tasks:
1. Kill a mercenary, reward 3 gold coins;

2. Kill King Kong, reward 800 gold coins;



Monster movie universe?

This makes Lin Yu a little strange. What kind of world is this monster movie world?Could it be that there are still those monsters in it?
Lin Yu doesn't know, but he knows that there is definitely King Kong here, but he doesn't know where this King Kong is, and he has never seen any movies related to King Kong.

But even though he hasn't watched it, he does know some news about King Kong movies, the main one being King Kong Skull Island.

In 1973, during the fourth stage of the Vietnam War, due to the rising voices of humanitarianism and anti-war doctrine in the United States, US President Richard Millhouse Nixon and high-level officials decided to terminate the Vietnam War and put forward the "Vietnamization" policy , decided to use Vietnam to attack Vietnam and reduce the reduction of its own U.S. military forces. Ever since, the U.S. military withdrew from Vietnam on a large scale.

At the same time, because the government spent a lot of money on foreign wars and arms races, and greatly reduced financial support for a certain scientific research project, the "Emperor Project" was in a semi-stranded state, and for a long time, the Emperor Organization did not More strong evidence can be produced to make the top government firmly support it.

Professor Bill Landa found Researcher Houston Brooks, and the situation was extremely urgent.

After hard work, the government decided to send a US marine contingent that is about to be withdrawn from Vietnam to escort them to the place that determines the life and death of the "Emperor Project" - Skull Island, where there is a nightmarish existence, waiting for them.

Skull Island is located in a certain waters of the Indian Ocean. Because it is surrounded by storms all year round, it is inaccessible. Because of the Cold War arms race, American satellites photographed this unknown island for thousands of years. This made the Emperor Organization very excited. The lack of detection, the stranding of the "Emperor Project", if the Emperor Organization wants to continue to get the support of the US government to promote the plan, the detection plan of Skull Island, and the inference of Professor Bill Landa, there must be some kind of unknown creature on Skull Island .

In order to gain the support of the military, Professor Bill Landa deceived everyone, saying that the aerial bomb was used to detect the source of the earthquake, but in fact, the aerial bomb was used to force the appearance of an unknown creature, that is—King Kong , an ape-like creature up to 30 meters tall.

The entire team was almost wiped out, and their experience on Skull Island was just the beginning of a nightmare.

"Hey, Brother Lin, we've arrived at the port!"

When Lin Yu was recalling all the information about King Kong Skull Island, the crew who took Lin Yu to rest just now found Lin Yu.

Hearing this, Lin Yu immediately thanked and said, "That's really great."

Soon, after Lin Yu thanked the captain and crew of the fishing boat, he got off the boat.

This is a very lively port, many fishing boats dock here, and many fishermen and merchants trade the fish they just caught.

Lin Yu didn't stay in the port for long, but went to investigate the current specific time period.

Through the newspaper, Lin Yu discovered that the current time is 1973, when the United States just began to withdraw its troops, and his location is Da Nang, where the plot begins.

(End of this chapter)

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