Infinite skill system

Chapter 12 System Offline

Chapter 12 System Offline
Once the transformation time is up, Lin Yu has completed all the main tasks, and it is time to leave.

Lin Yu continued to think about flying higher. After flying to a certain height, he stopped rising. He lowered his head, and then transformed and strengthened his eyesight. He could completely see the lizard on the ground.

Lin Yu didn't hesitate. After aiming in the direction, he retracted his wings and started a free fall towards the lizard.

Looking at Lin Yu falling downwards, he used his tail to sweep up some building debris, and some mixed concrete and steel bars flew towards Lin Yu.

Lin Yu watched the flying object put its wings on both sides of the head to protect his eyes. The concrete and steel bars could not harm the rain with the dragon scale body protection at all. The lizard also saw this time. So it's also waiting.

Lin Yu's breath was brewing in his mouth, and he was waiting to fly in front of the lizard and shoot him from close range. The lizard also had this purpose, waiting for Lin Yu to come close and give him such a shot.

As time goes by, Lin Yu also comes not far from the lizard. The lizard sticks out its tongue when it thinks it's time, but Lin Yu dodges again by turning around in the air.

Lin Yu spun and came to the lizard, and pressed the lizard to the ground with the force of the downward rush, and then breathed out without hesitation.


The lizard was in great pain after being hit by a corrosive breath from such a close range. The howl resounded throughout the city, awakening some of the mutated zombies in the dark, and also made them uneasy.

The lizard thought that he was about to die like this, under Lin Yu's dragon's breath, but the dragon's breath disappeared after a while, and the green dragon that Lin Yu turned into also disappeared.

Enduring the pain caused by the toxin, the lizard looked around, but it couldn't find any trace of Lin Yu, as if he had disappeared suddenly.

The lizard didn't know what was going on, but it knew that it had to find a place to recover from the wound, otherwise the toxins in its body would kill it.

Not only the lizard didn't know where Lin Yu went, but Emperor Ming didn't know where Lin Yu went either. She saw that the green dragon that Lin Yu had turned into was crushing the lizard, and she was going to kill the lizard soon. But Lin Yu disappeared in such a blink of an eye.

But fortunately, the scary lizard was also injured, so she is safe for the time being.


Mindy turned around and looked, and couldn't help screaming: "Anna..."

Lin Yu didn't know what happened next. After all, as soon as the ancient dragon form time came, he left Biochemical World No. [-] and came to a white mysterious space because he completed all the main tasks.

This space is different from the space where I met Gu Long. This space is all white. There is a space door directly in front of Lin Yu. The space door shines with mysterious light, but according to the system prompt, this space door is temporarily unavailable. It can be used again after a month.

This is the transit space. Lin Yu needs to check his harvest and take the next step here.

System: "All main quests have been completed, now start to query and harvest..."

"Complete main mission 1000, complete main mission 4, complete main mission [-], complete main mission [-]... get [-]x[-] gold coins"

"Now start to query the harvest of side missions..."


"A total of 4653 gold coins have been harvested, and the existing gold coins are 4753..."

"It turns out that every time you complete the main task, you can get a thousand gold coins?"

While Lin Yu was still thinking, the big turntable appeared in front of him, with various moba game icons on it.

But what is different from the first time is that many places on the big turntable are blank, without any patterns.

That is to say, if you turn to these areas, Lin Yu will get nothing at all. Lin Yu felt nervous, but he resolutely clicked the button in the middle of the big turntable with his mind, and then the big turntable started turn.

As before, Lin Yu couldn't see clearly at all, so he simply resigned himself to fate.


The big turntable slowly stopped, and the last pointer pointed to the icon of King of Glory. Lin Yu immediately discovered that he had three more skill columns and one more talent column.

The talent started to flash without waiting for Lin Yu's command. When the talent bar stopped flashing, Lin Yu knew that he had an extra talent, and it was the talent of a certain hero in the King of Glory.

"Asura Battle Spirit: Your combat skills and talents have been greatly enhanced"

This talent is only such a sentence, nothing else, but Lin Yu did not underestimate this skill talent, this is Kaihuang's passivity, how could it be underestimated?

But it's not over yet. Lin Yu finds that he has upgraded, that is to say, he is now at level seven, and he can point skills again, but he doesn't do so. He knows it's not over yet.

System: "According to the host's performance this time, the host can conduct a lottery draw. Do you want to draw a lottery?"

"Of course I smoked it. Why should I keep this? Go home to celebrate the New Year? Besides, I am the one who feeds the whole family."

System: "Congratulations to the host for winning Kai's weapon..."

"Blade of Destruction: It can strengthen the Kai (Honor of Kings) skills possessed by the host. Putting it in the equipment slot will give the host a sharpness bonus."

System: "The host has completed a mission across time and space. The system will be upgraded. During the upgrade period, the host cannot use the store system, skill points, and upgrades... Upgrade time: 3 days... Now the host will return..."

"Hey, what is the upgrade period..."

But before Lin Yu finished speaking, he had already left the transit space. Lin Yu only felt that he closed and opened his eyes, and he returned home.

"I am back?"

Lin Yu still couldn't believe it. He thought he would go back to that forest, but he didn't expect that the return that the system said was really a return.

"My bed."

Lin Yu exclaimed and threw himself on the bed. At this time, he looked at the time and found that it was still night, but he didn't know how long it had been since he traveled through time.

"Seeing that there's no dust in this room, it shouldn't be long, right? And it's still night... No matter, go to bed first, I haven't had a good night's sleep for quite a while."

Indeed, no matter in the forest or in the biochemical world, Lin Yu has never had a good night's sleep. If you fall asleep in the forest, you are really dead, and it is the same in the biochemical world. One will come out from nowhere. Zombie bites you, get a good night's sleep?nonexistent.

What's more, he has just finished a battle, and his body has long been exhausted, and it will be a month before he can transform into a dragon next time.

The next day, Lin Yu slept until the sun was up, and he didn't wake up until noon.

In fact, he had already woken up, but he just didn't want to leave the soft bed, that's why he dragged on until now.

After waking up, Lin Yu got up to wash up, then turned on his mobile phone to check the time, and found that two days had passed since the day he crossed.

"It was night when I came back, and I took a nap... In this case, it means that one day has passed? I don't know if this is the standard or only this time..."

Thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn't help but think of Anna, and sighed as he thought about it. In the end, he didn't know if he had revenge. If not, he didn't know when it would happen next time.

Looking through the text messages on his phone, Lin Yu found that his ID card had arrived. The postal service sent him a text message asking him to pick it up. Then there was a text message from the university monitor saying that he was preparing for a class reunion.

Lin Yu also found a few missed calls, all from the squad leader. Judging from the time, they were called on the day Lin Yu traveled through time.

"Let me see... the party time is this afternoon..."

 I just went back to the dormitory and finished tidying up, so I hurriedly coded out a chapter, it may not be very good

  New works, everyone, please collect and recommend a lot


(End of this chapter)

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