Infinite skill system

Chapter 10 There are only two people, what's wrong?

Chapter 10 Just two people, what's wrong?

"So you've been living here? Just the two of you?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

At this moment, Lin Yu has brought Anna and Emperor Ming who is handicapped back to his camp, which is the supermarket where Lin Yu first appeared. Lin Yu and Anna have lived here for three months.

"no problem."

"Then why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Oh, of course, but I have one more question for you before I introduce myself."

You could tell from Mindy's expression that she had a lot of questions and needed to know them now.

"what is the problem?"

Mindy pointed to Anna, and said, "Is she also a mutant?"

"Why do you ask that?"

Lin Yu felt a little strange. He didn't understand why Mindy asked this question.

"How did she escape the mutated zombie's sight? I mean, logically speaking, the mutated zombie couldn't just see me. She should have been found at that location, and I didn't find her at first. "

"Oh, you mean this," Lin Yu suddenly realized, and then explained to Mindy, "I taught her a hiding technique, which can help her hide and reduce her sense of existence, so that Only the first zombie will skip Anna and come to you."

Does Lin Yu have such skills?

Of course there is, that is the spy shadow.

Although it is a skill, it is actually a very superb stealth and assassination skill. It can even hide in other planes for assassination later on. It may be a powerful trick derived from this.

Lin Yu had his own intention in handing over the spy shadow to Anna. After all, he couldn't stay in this world for a long time, so Anna's safety became a problem after he left, and he had to strengthen Anna's own strength.

He looked at the system and found that the skills of the system could actually be taught to others, but once this was the case, he would not be able to obtain the same skill from the system.

Here is another problem. He has no money, so Lin Yu can only look at his existing skills. After thinking about it, only the swords and spies can pass it on to Anna. Lin Yu didn't hesitate to directly Handed over the skills of Swordsman and Espionage to Anna.

Anna did not live up to her trust, and she had already started in three months. Although she could not become invisible yet, she was not too far away from being invisible. Anna was very talented in this aspect.

Although Lin Yu sometimes looks at Anna who is practicing Swordsman, and wonders whether it is right for him to do so, but when he thinks of the cruelty of the end times and what happened to Anna, Lin Yu feels that he has done nothing wrong. It seems that only time Come to prove it.

Mindy said to Anna, "Oh, so your name is Anna."

"And you, what's your name?"

Mindy then remembered that she hadn't introduced herself yet, so she straightened her clothes and said, "My name is Mindy. I am the captain of the North American survivor base under the name of the United Nations, and I am also a level two mutant."

"Mutator, what is that?"

"Mutants are humans who have been infected by zombies but have not turned into zombies. Because of the virus invasion, their genes have changed, and they have gained power and abilities beyond ordinary people."

Lin Yu nodded, then asked Mingdi some questions, and Mingdy answered them one by one, so Lin Yu knew a lot of information.

The purpose of Mindy coming out this time was to search for survivors, and this city was their last stop, but here they encountered a lot of mutated zombies, completely beyond the scale that a city's mutated zombies should have under normal circumstances, except No one escaped alive except Mingdi. If Lin Yu hadn't happened to pass by, she would have died at the hands of zombie dogs.

Lin Yu accepted Mindy's gratitude on the surface, but in fact he felt sorry in his heart, because he had a large part of the responsibility for so many mutant zombies in this city.

After meeting the intelligent mutant zombie cat, Lin Yu wondered why those zombies wanted to kill each other. They had no reason at all, and then Lin Yu discovered some rules.

When the zombies within a certain range reach a certain level, they will fight without any reason, and finally there will be some zombies left. They start to have intelligence, think, and at the same time, they are dangerous.

When Lin Yu tried to kill a mutated zombie, he found that the accumulation of rotten corpses reacted to the mutated zombie, and the skill of rotten corpse accumulation was superimposed.

Lin Yu doesn't know the specific reason, but Lin Yu estimates that ordinary zombies are just treated as corpses, while mutant zombies are a new creature, so the accumulation of rotting corpses will react to mutant zombies.

So Lin Yu began to raise mutated zombies in a planned way, but it was inevitable that some escaped from Lin Yu's captivity, and then began to take revenge on Lin Yu. Liao and Lin Yu were in the same group, so they were killed.

But these Lin Yu can't say it out. Although he doesn't know what Mindy's abilities are, he doesn't want to cause trouble. What's more, there is Anna beside him, who doesn't know anything.

Lin Yu and Mingdi were talking, and the time passed slowly, and it was noon in a while. .

Lin Yu asked Mindy at the dinner table: "So have you found any survivors along the way?"

Mindy replied while eating the food: "I found some, and then I reported it to the superiors, and they will send someone to pick them up."

"I guess many people don't believe you, right?"

"That's right," Mindy said in a somewhat helpless tone, "but there's nothing I can do about it. After all, if it were me, I wouldn't really believe this, but fortunately there are still many good people."

"Like what?"

"I remember that I met a team of survivors. Their leader was called Modu, and they were quite nice."

After the two chatted for a while, Lin Yu asked Mingdi if he wanted to go out and have a look. After all, Mingdy's purpose was to search for survivors, while Lin Yu went out to hunt those mutated zombies to increase the number of layers and accumulation of rotten corpses. The degree of fusion of dragon blood.

Lin Yuhe has been in this world for three months, the main task one has been completed, and now there is a lack of main task two, the fusion degree between him and the dragon blood is stuck at 20.00% four, just a little short of that One percent can use the ancient dragon form, but this is completely different.

 ps: New works, everyone who reads the official works, please collect and recommend them a lot

  I just got on the train, and I received a short message saying that I can sign a contract, so nervous

(End of this chapter)

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