dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 98 The Martial Arts Association is over~~

Chapter 98 The Martial Arts Association is over~~
Dongdongbo VS Dongdongbo!
Two thick beams of qigong light were directly above the ring, fiercely confronting each other.

This confrontation lasted for quite a while, whether it was Han Zheng in the air or Shen Zhong on the ground, beads of sweat kept falling from their foreheads.

The two cave waves kept pressing forward, and in the continuous confrontation, the qigong shot down from the sky gradually gained the upper hand.

Han Zheng constantly gathered his own energy and strength, and released them to his fingers.

He clearly sensed that in this confrontation, he already had an advantage.

The junction of the two hole waves is gradually moving downward at this moment.

"Zheng Han has the advantage..." Behind the ring, Zhang Fenda murmured with his neck raised.

Zhou Xing also looked at the beam of light in the opposite wave, and nodded accordingly.

On the ring, the stone slab under Shen Zhong's feet cracked quickly, he gritted his teeth hard, looking at the situation in front of him, he knew very well that his situation was not good.

The hole wave issued by Han Zheng, the hole wave that was condescending and oppressing him, moved towards him bit by bit.

He understood that he had to make a decision immediately!

Shen Zhong suddenly let out a loud roar, and with his roar, his right hand suddenly withdrew, and the hole wave he made also dissipated in an instant.

The hole wave emitted by Han Zheng immediately lost its resistance, and shot down at a very strong speed!
While Shen Zhong withdrew his strength, he desperately used his fastest speed, trying to dodge to the side.

However, when he withdrew the opposing forces, he had already exhausted his strength, now when he wanted to dodge, his movements had already become very stiff.

Han Zheng's Dongdong Bo shot down quickly. At this critical moment, Shen Zhong still gritted his teeth and survived. In an instant, his body abruptly moved a little to the side.

Dong Dongbo shot down directly from top to bottom, and brushed past Shen Zhong's right side.

Shen Zhong's right shoulder and the entire right arm, together with a large piece of flesh and bone under his right rib and buttocks, were all separated from his body.

Half of Shen Zhong's body began to bleed continuously.


Shen Zhong let out a final roar, exhausted his remaining strength, and rammed towards Han Zhengfei like a missile.

But Han Zheng, who was in the sky, fell down involuntarily at this moment.

During the confrontation before, Han Zheng mobilized all his strength to fight Shen Zhong, but Shen Zhong suddenly withdrew, Han Zheng couldn't react in time, and the power that was constantly released in his body was poured out at once, and his whole body suddenly lost control.

But at this time, Shen Zhong had already used his last strength to slam into it.

Han Zheng in the air was trying his best to control his out-of-control body, but just as he stabilized his figure, Shen Zhong who flew towards him hit his abdomen head on.

In this blow, Shen Zhong exerted all his strength. A small half of his body had already been cut off by Han Zheng's hole wave before. Now after this desperate impact, he completely lost consciousness, fainted, and straightened. fell down.

However, at this time, Han Zheng also quickly fell towards the ground after experiencing that ruthless impact.

Moreover, the speed of the fall seems to be faster than that of Shen Zhong.

In the wave confrontation just now, because he used Wukong to stop in the sky while facing Shen Zhong on the ground at the same time, Han Zheng consumed more energy than expected. After being hit hard, he was unable to adjust for a while.

Time is running out, and I will be the first to fall out of the ring before Shen Zhong!

Falling down quickly, it was extremely difficult for him to use Wukong to stop his body, but in this short period of time, he had already fallen, and he was about to hit the low wall in front of the auditorium.

Han Zheng gritted his teeth and tried his best to launch a thin and powerless hole wave, which directly hit the low wall.

Although this temporary hole wave was small, it still had some strength after all. The reaction force from hitting the low wall directly pushed Han Zheng towards the ring for a few meters.

The next moment, Han Zheng fell onto the edge of the ring with a "plop".

And the next moment, Shen Zhong, who had already been seriously injured and unconscious, fell straight into the auditorium.


Han Zheng, who was lying on the edge of the ring, let out a long sigh of relief. He shook his body and struggled to stand up.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhong would suddenly choose a desperate style of play at the end. If he hadn't reacted quickly at the last moment, he might have fallen out of the ring first and lost to him.

Of course, if he was fighting in a battle dungeon, Shen Zhong's style of play would be tantamount to courting death. After desperately inflicting severe injuries on himself, he passed out on the spot while he was still awake. At that time, no matter which direction he fell, can easily kill him.

It's just that Shen Zhong used to be particularly ruthless when confronting others; now, at a critical moment, he uses his life-threatening moves to be ruthless to himself.

Shen Zhong of [Wild Wolf Team], this person, the next time I see him, I don't know if he is an enemy or a friend. Thinking about this, Han Zheng felt a little complicated.

"Contestant Shen Zhong fell off the field!" The sunglasses referee raised his hands high and shouted excitedly: "Contestant Zheng Han won and became the champion of this martial arts tournament!"

At the same time, a prompt sounded in Han Zheng's ear:

[Combat number N2199, in the 4-6 rounds of combatants exclusive [Budokai], win the championship of the competition, reward points 2000, and two lucky draw opportunities]
[whether to draw a lottery now]
After thinking about it, Han Zheng decided to hold off for a while and wait until he returned to the living area before starting the lottery draw.

He turned his head and looked at the auditorium. At this moment, several dungeon characters were rushing to Shen Zhong's side quickly, and quickly teleported Shen Zhong, who had lost half of his body and was unconscious, back to the private living area.

And in the auditorium, the hot discussion at the moment was overwhelming again.

"Shen Zhong lost! This Zheng Han is actually so powerful!"

"He should have activated [Saiyan bloodline] or other advanced bloodlines?"

"The last champion was actually taken by a bastard who bought the [Contest Ticket]!"

"Tell me, should we try to win him over? Maybe he doesn't have a team yet..."


"Zheng Han, you're amazing..." Zhou Xing walked out quickly, and patted Han Zheng's shoulder hard: "...I knew you could win the championship, and I was right."

Zhou Xing straightened his waist, and gave a dry laugh twice, a little tiredly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fanda also came over, smiled at Han Zheng, and said, "Congratulations on winning the championship, and by the way, thank you for your mercy in the semifinals..."

Zhang Fanda half-spoken, and after a little hesitation, he said to Zhou Xing and Han Zheng at the same time: "I don't know if the two of you have joined the team. If not, I would like to extend an invitation to you on behalf of Yu Xuebi, the captain of our [Cold Stone team]. Although our [Cold Stone Squad] was newly established, we have a large number of members, and the current rising momentum is very good. There are already some big corps, and they have sent invitations to us, hoping that we can join them."

It turned out to be recruitment, Han Zheng smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, we have a team appointment."

"That's it..." Zhang Fenda smiled awkwardly: "Then don't force it. I hope that one day, we can work in the same regiment. Now, let's say goodbye."

After speaking, Zhang Fanda's figure disappeared instantly, and the copy was sent out by itself.

"Has your reward been issued? If it is issued, let's withdraw it too." Zhou Xing said suddenly.

Han Zheng nodded: "You have received the reward, then withdraw it."

Just when the two were about to send out the dungeon, several combatants suddenly came quickly from the auditorium. The leader called out to the two of them, came to the front and back of the two, and said kindly:
"I'm a member of the [Shuimu Squadron] under the [Red Dragon Corps]. I guess the two of you may not have joined the team yet, so I have a suggestion, how about..."

"Understood...recruitment, right..." Zhou Xing waved his hand, and said as politely as possible: "...I'm really sorry, we both have team appointments, so we can't join."

The member of the [Shuimu Squad] suddenly changed his face. He narrowed his eyes, looked back and forth, and said in a cold voice: "You two have to think clearly, this [Martial Arts Association] is our [Red Dragon Corps] The two of you who bought the [Martial Arts Voucher] to join in took the lead, in the dungeon opened by our corps, you won the championship and earned points, so if you don’t leave a point of explanation, I’m afraid it’s not easy to handle.”

They didn't agree with each other, and they actually threatened to export!
Han Zheng snorted coldly, not wanting to get entangled with it, turned around and wanted to send out the copy immediately.

But at this moment, Zhou Xing suddenly smiled. He walked up to the combatant, leaned into his ear, and whispered a few names.

The combatant's expression changed again, and he looked at Zhou Xing several times with an incredulous gaze.

He frowned, and after being silent for a while, finally lowered his head, led his teammates, and quickly turned and left.

"What did you tell him?" Han Zheng asked curiously.

Zhou Xing smiled mysteriously, and instead of answering, said, "There's no need to stay in this dungeon anymore, go back."

Han Zheng also roughly guessed something. The second generation of Zhan should have his own connections. If it doesn't work, he can still report his name as an elder. Naturally, there are many ways to make the other party retreat.

Since Zhou Xing didn't want to say anything, he didn't need to ask too much.

The two quickly left the copy and teleported back to the public living area.

After a farewell, the two returned to the private area.

In the private area, Han Zheng sat on the sofa and recalled the two suspended lottery draws.

[The lottery draw starts now! ]
Like the previous few times, the blue screen and the lottery turntable quickly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Points] [Skills] [Equipment Items] [Blood] [Cultivation Coupon] [One-sixth of those who are unhappy in life]

Looking at the six familiar turntable plates, Han Zheng turned the wheel with a thought!

The turntable turned round and round, non-stop, from fast to slow, and finally stopped on the [movement skill].

[Movement skills] The plate slowly opened, revealing the true face of Mount Lu on the back——

【Breath proficiency】!
(End of this chapter)

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