dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 94 The top 8 starts

Chapter 94 The top 8 starts

Shi Yan was knocked unconscious on the spot, and instantly flew out of the ring.

The onlookers under the ring saw Shi Yan flying towards him, and hurriedly dodged aside.

Shi Yan fell heavily to the ground, his eyes closed tightly, and he remained motionless.

Han Zheng and Zhou Xing walked forward quickly. At the same time, on the other side of the ring, several dungeon characters behind the referee also immediately moved out and ran to Shi Yan's side.

Shi Yan was unconscious at the moment, as if he was seriously injured. Several dungeon characters quickly pressed their hands on Shi Yan's body, and then these hands shone at the same time, enveloping Shi Yan.

The light disappeared in an instant, and Shi Yan disappeared along with the light.

[Budokai] The settings in the dungeon, once a combatant suffers extremely serious injuries during the martial arts competition, there will be a dungeon character that will send them out of the dungeon and back to the private living area.

After being sent out of the dungeon and returning to the private area, the combatants' injuries will be healed immediately.

At this moment, the man with the birthmark slowly walked off the ring and returned to the crowd amidst the sound of the referee announcing victory.

"Zheng Han, in your opinion, how much combat power does this person have?" Seeing the man with the birthmark walking away, Zhou Xing leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say..." Han Zheng shook his head slightly: "...the punch he broke Kamehae's qigong just now, and the kick he kicked Hun Shiyan were very calm in his movements. I feel that he still hasn't done enough. All out."

"When Shi Yan was in the dungeon with us before, his combat power was 132..." Zhou Xing rubbed his neck and analyzed, "He should have practiced during the time he returned to the living area. In terms of strength and the speed at which he rushed out, it should be about the same as the current me, right?"

Han Zheng nodded: "It should be about the same. With such combat power, and being knocked down by him with one move, this person with a birthmark is really not to be underestimated."

At this time, all the preliminaries in the four groups of eight arenas have ended, and the top 8 contestants of this [Budokai] have also been decided.

As for the other combatants who lost in the qualifiers and failed to make it to the top 8, they can freely choose to leave the instance immediately, or stay in the instance and wait to watch tomorrow's top 8 match.

The 120 fighters who failed to make it to the end in the preliminaries, except for some who had to be sent back to the living area due to serious injuries in the previous game, and a small number of them left because they lost the game and left In the dungeon, there are still as many as 70 to [-] people who choose to stay and continue to watch the battle tomorrow.

The [Budokai] instance provides a temporary residence for combatants, just next to the Budoji Hall.

Since the activity space of the [Budokai] dungeon is limited, dozens of combatants have no other place to go except to return to the temporary residence to rest.

The temporary residence was divided into upper and lower floors. Dozens of combatants who had lost the preliminaries and stayed to watch the battle were all arranged to live on the first floor.

The top 8 players live and rest on the second floor.

Each combatant is assigned a separate room. On the second floor, since only 8 players live there, the area of ​​each room is extraordinarily spacious.

Han Zheng and Zhou Xing, guided by the dungeon characters, came to the temporary residence and went up to the second floor.

Here, they see the rest of the top 8 players who won the preliminaries.

Among the top 8 contestants, there are 7 men and 1 woman. In addition to Han Zheng and Zhou Xing, in addition to the man with the birthmark who defeated Shi Yan, there are two fat men, a middle-aged bald man, a short and thin man, and a Young woman with ponytail.

The top 8 contestants, after looking at each other with hostility, walked into the room one after another and never came out again.

In the room, the dungeon characters had already prepared exquisite meals for the contestants. Han Zheng, who had just consumed a lot of energy, immediately began to feast.

After a full meal, sleepiness hit Han Zheng, and he was about to take a good rest. At this moment, Zhou Xing suddenly sent another text message:
[Zheng Han, what are you doing in the house? ]
[It's nothing, I just finished eating and I'm about to take a break, how about you? ]
[I'm downstairs, mingling with other combatants, trying to find some familiar faces, and get some news back]
[oh?What's the catch? ]
[Sigh, apart from finding out that this instance of [Budaohui] was jointly opened by [Red Dragon Corps], there is no useful information left. The origins and information of the top 8 players have not been inquired]
[During the competition before, I didn't pay attention to the battle situation of other arenas, and now I don't know anything about other players]
[Forget it, I'm too lazy to continue asking questions, I haven't even eaten yet, I have to go upstairs quickly, eat and sleep]
After this conversation with Zhou Xing, Han Zheng's drowsiness suddenly subsided a lot. On the bookcase in the room, there was actually a full set of "Dragon Ball" comics. Anyway, he was idle, so Han Zheng grabbed a copy and flipped through it. ...



The next morning.

The door of Han Zheng's room was knocked by a dungeon character. Today's top 8 competition is about to begin. Before the competition starts, 8 contestants are required to come to the Martial Arts Temple Hall to draw lots.

Han Zheng stepped out of the room. At the same time, Zhou Xing and the other top 8 also walked out of the room one after another.

Under the guidance of the dungeon characters, the 8 contestants quickly came to the clubhouse,
"Okay, now please gather the players here..." Just like in the original book, the referee wearing sunglasses appeared in the hall at this moment, holding a roster in his hand, standing on the side of the draw chart and said:
"Now we draw lots to determine the order of the competition, and then please invite the players who have read their names to draw lots."

Just before that, another dungeon character had already asked the names of the top 8 contestants one by one, and handed over the roster to the sunglasses referee.

"Now roll call begins, uh...Mr. Zhang Fanda." The sunglasses referee held up the roster and read out the name of the first person.

The short and thin man walked quickly to the lottery box, stretched out his hand and drew out a number.

"Ah, Mr. Zhang Fanda is number 6..."

Zhang Fanda?
Hearing the name, Han Zheng suddenly felt amused. He suddenly thought of Sun Kele whom he had met in the preliminaries. Their names were so similar. Could it be that they belonged to the same team?
"Mr. Zheng Gan!"

A fat man walked out quickly and drew a number from the lottery box.

"Mr. Zheng Qian is number 8."

"Mr. Zhou Xing!"

"Oh, Mr. Zhou Xing is number 1."

"Mr. Shen Zhong!"

The man with the birthmark walked out slowly.

"Mr. Shen Zhong is No. 3."

It turned out that the man with the birthmark was named Shen Zhong. Han Zheng made a secret note that he was number 3, that is to say, he was the second round of the first round.

"Ms. Ji Ying!"

The only woman among the top 8 stepped forward and drew a number.

"Ms. Ji Ying is number 4."

"Mr. Zheng Han!"

Hearing the sound, Han Zheng walked over and quickly drew out a number. On the small number ball, there was a "7" written on it.

"Mr. Zheng Han is number 7."

"Mr. Gongsun Oolong!"

The middle-aged bald man immediately stepped up and quickly grabbed one of the last two numbered balls.

"Mr. Gongsun Wulong is No. 2."

No. 2, that is to say, this middle-aged bald man is Zhou Xing's opponent in the first round. His name is fake at first glance, and he has too much personality. Han Zheng held back his smile and quickly sent Zhou Xing a message. messages:
[Your opponent in the first round is Gongsun Oolong, you have to be careful of his sunflower acupuncture and tortoise shell skills]
[Bah, Gongsun Oolong is a bird, I'm still Shangguan Yundun] - Zhou Xing replied immediately.

"Then, the last Mr. Liu Xiaoyu..." The sunglasses referee held up the roster, looked at the last fat man in the top 8, and said:

"...Your lottery is No. 5."

Liu Xiaoyu nodded, but did not make a sound.

The lottery session is over, and the [Budokai] top 8 draws are officially released. The first round of matches is as follows:

Game 1: No. 2 Zhou Xing VS No. [-] Gongsun Oolong

Second round: No. 3 Shen Zhong VS No. 4 Ji Ying

The third round: No. 5 Liu Xiaoyu VS No. 6 Zhang Fanda
Fourth round: No. 7 Zheng Han VS No. 8 Zheng Qian

"Okay, now, all contestants, go to the outdoor arena. The top 8 competitions of the Martial Arts Tournament will start soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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