dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 88 Leading You to Open Your Eyes

Chapter 88 Leading You to Open Your Eyes
"It's fine—" Captain Lei Bing raised his hand and patted Ah Chun on the shoulder, as if admiring him: "I'm very relieved of your work."

Ah Chun nodded with a smile on his face, showing quite humility.

"By the way, I heard that because of my coming to the capital to inspect the industry, there have been some discussions in the Corps?" Commander Lei Bing's voice suddenly changed the topic, and at the same time his voice became a little colder.

"Well... there are indeed some voices..." Ah Chun nodded, and replied calmly: "...Recently, there have been many accidents in the Corps, and many members are emotionally unstable. It is inevitable that some complaints will arise."

"Hmph! I just led the team to execute the dungeon and came back with a large number of high-quality resources, but I just wanted to come to the capital to relax for two days, so they started talking nonsense..." Captain Lei Bing sat on the top hair with a huff , strangled the cigarette in his hand:

"...I have been sending people to investigate the leak, and I have never slacked off, but after such a long time, I can't find any clues about the lost information or the mastermind behind the scenes. I have no choice, alas—"

"Leader Lei Bing, don't blame yourself too much. At present, the Bingtuan's industry in this world has begun to enter a state of high-level alert, always defending against sneak attacks by hostile forces, and the leaking incident has passed for a long time. So far, no accidents have occurred. Maybe the situation is not the same. It's not as serious as we thought."

Captain Lei Bing nodded, and a sharp look suddenly appeared in his eyes following him: "I heard that there are some captains in the Corps who are preparing to collude and plan to force the palace collectively at the high-level meeting next month. I took the blame and abdicated, and supported Liu Changfeng as the commander of the regiment, have you heard?"

"I did hear some rumors. When you downloaded the dungeon before, some captains and vice-captains often went to the Changfeng team to discuss something."

"I met Liu Changfeng when we were still in the first-level area. I know him very well. He is ambitious..." Captain Lei Bing raised his head slightly, as if he began to recall the past:

"...Think about when we first started working together, we really worked together. We each formed a team, and then formed a corps together, and continued to grow and develop until today."

Captain Lei Bing paused, and continued:

"I think in the dungeons back then, the two of us were on the Namek planet together. At that time, the two of us were not that strong, but we constructed various traps and killed all other combatants. Then we kept giving Frieza immortals Dou, and helped him attack Sun Wukong, and finally succeeded in creating a situation where both of them lost, and we benefited by killing them both, and got 1 drop of [Frozen Demon Blood Transformed Three Times] and 1 Dripping [Super Saiyan Tier [-] Blood], thinking about it now, it seems like it happened yesterday."

Commander Lei Bing stood up from the sofa:

"I was so beautiful at that time. I can't count how many Monkey Kings I killed. At that time, no one in the Corps would dare to disobey me! But now, I just feel a little tired, and I want to relax and enjoy it once in a while." , the people below started to think differently, hum!"

"Regimental Lei Bing is worrying too much. In fact, most of the members are still loyal to you."

"Ah Chun, you don't need to comfort me. In fact, I already have a plan. I'm really tired of sitting in the position of commander of the army. It's time to let it out, but..." Commander Lei Bing's eyes flashed A hint of ruthlessness: "... No matter who will be in charge, it will not be Liu Changfeng's turn to be in charge!"

Ah Chun on the side, after hearing this sentence, had a very rare fluctuation in his expression, but he quickly returned to normal, and the commander of Lei Bing in front of him did not notice his abnormality for a short moment.

"By the way, Ah Chun..." Captain Lei Bing suddenly said again:
"Actually, I've always wanted to talk to you about the [Blue Team]... Oh, forget it, in fact, you understand what I want to say, I can only say that I really wronged you at the beginning."

"Don't dare to be, do your best for the Corps, there is no wrong or wrong." Ah Chun quickly replied.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. You and I have been loyal and conscientious for so long. Just wait, I'm ready to give you a big gift!"

Ah Chun didn't dare to say it again, the commander of Lei Bing laughed, turned around and walked towards the female star's room.

"Ah Chun, it's getting late, you should go back to rest early... By the way, there is something else I need you to do..." Captain Lei Bing walked a few steps, suddenly remembered something, turned around and pointed Pointing to the female star's room, she smiled and said:
"...She told me that there was a film originally, the director had already discussed with her to be the heroine, but the producer suddenly stepped in and wanted to replace her. Tomorrow you send someone to talk to the producer Talk it out and get him done."

"Don't worry, I'll get the job done before noon tomorrow."

Watching Captain Lei Bing walk into the female star's room humming a ditty, Ah Chun raised his hand to straighten the collar of his suit, with endless mockery in his eyes.



In the private living area.

A burst of light flickered, and Han Zheng appeared in the room instantly.

Another round of 6-day practice in [Temple Training] has ended, he sat down on the sofa, and at the same time quickly called up the status bar to check.

[Combat power: 341]
These 6 days of practice have allowed me to increase my combat power by 30 points, which is still an improvement from the previous round.

During the 6 days of practice, starting from the fourth day, in addition to sparring with Bobo, Bobo also took out a set of special training clothes.

This set of training clothes, together with the wrist guards and boots, were specially weighted. Han Zheng had to wear this training suit, and began to practice against Bo Bo under the weight-bearing state.

The level of hard work has naturally increased a lot compared to before.

Han Zheng noticed that this time he came out of the dungeon, and he didn't receive the system notification sound again. It seems that he didn't sell any of the equipment he sold in the trading hall this day.

The points are still enough, so there is no need to worry.

Han Zheng took a shower, and then sent a text message to Sun Yuqian.

Sun Yuqian did not reply, presumably he may be in this world, or he is practicing in the 【Cultivation Dungeon】.

Han Zheng was sitting on the sofa, ready to take a rest, and then enter the instance of [Temple Training] again.

Just as he was resting, flipping through the manga of "Dragon Ball" and continuing to study and memorize the plot, a text message was sent over.

Could it be that Sun Yugan replied to himself?
Han Zheng opened the window, only to find that the person who sent the message was not Sun Yuqian at all.

[Zheng Han, are you in the living area? ]——It turned out to be Zhou Xing.

What did he ask himself for?
Everyone has just completed the fourth round of dungeons, so it can't be so fast, and he has completed the fifth round. He has already entered the second-level area and can establish a team, right?

He thought for a while and chose to reply:
[In the private area, what's the matter? ]
[If you have time, come to the service station to meet, I will take you to a good place, open your eyes]
(End of this chapter)

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