Chapter 72
"You mean...the same as you have [combat power detector], which can detect other people's combat power and specific location?" Shi Yan was greatly surprised, and immediately understood the seriousness of the problem.

"It may be...or it may not be the detector..." Han Zheng continued to stare at the detector lens, and the five energy bodies were still chasing his team quickly.

But fortunately, the speed of the other party did not seem to be faster than Feng Chen's suspension car. Since driving to the southwest, the distance between the two sides has never been shortened.

"Maybe it's not a detector? You mean it's also possible that someone on the other side has learned [breath sensing]?" Zhou Xing asked.

Han Zheng nodded: "There is indeed such a possibility. After all, there is a person with a fighting power of 203 in the opponent's team."

"Then what should we do now?" Xiao Gang's voice was a little anxious:

"If they keep chasing, should we run away? If it doesn't work, let's try it out. Aren't there still a few weak ones in their team? Let's try to kill those weak ones quickly, and then everyone will join forces Deal with that guy with a combat power of 203."

"Don't be so reckless!" Shi Yan immediately shouted: "Facing this kind of master, we can still hide as much as we can. Currently our team is number one in the ranking list, so there is no need to take risks."


"It doesn't matter, even if they are chasing after me, I have a solution..." Han Zheng stroked the detector with one hand, and pointed forward with the other:
"Continue to drive to the southwest for a certain distance, and there is a team of 4 people currently parked in that direction. If the team behind keeps biting us, we will guide them near the team in front and try to provoke it. A fight between the two teams so we can get out of the way."

"There is another team ahead? Can this... be successful?"

Han Zheng sighed: "Let's give it a try for now. It's better if we succeed. If we can't get rid of the team behind us no matter what, then we can only fight head-on."


At the same time that Han Zheng and his group were heading towards the southwest, behind them, at a relatively long distance, an air vehicle was chasing them in their direction.

There were a total of five fighters sitting on the speeding car, which were the five energy bodies that Han Zheng had detected before, and had been chasing them.

"The speed of this flying car is a bit slow, and the distance can't be shortened. How can it be possible to catch up after such a chase." Sitting in the co-pilot seat of the flying car, a man with long sideburns and sunglasses said in a dissatisfied tone.

The driver of the speeding car is a bearded man. With a smile on his face, he replied carefully:

"It's already the fastest speed, maybe the target also has the same means of transportation as us..."

The man in the sunglasses snorted softly, called up the ranking list to check his ranking, and said slowly:
"This team just killed a lot of people before. Judging from the changes in the previous ranking table, they should be the F team that is currently ranked number one."

"Boss..." A chubby woman sitting in the back row poked her head and asked, "Then tell me, how can the F team react so quickly? We just started approaching in their direction, but they quickly started Quick transfer, did you find us?"

"Is it possible that some of them, like the boss, can [breath sensing]?" The driver also asked hastily.

"It's not impossible, or..." The man in sunglasses called "Boss" poked his mouth up: "It's also possible that some of them are equipped with something like [Combat Power Detector]."

As soon as the man in the sunglasses finished speaking, he suddenly stood up quickly: "It's impossible to catch up at this speed. I'll take a step first, and you guys follow quickly. I will always remind you of the exact location in the team channel."

"Boss... there is no need for this..."

"What's unnecessary? Without me, you can't do anything at all?" The man in the sunglasses scolded: "I'll catch up with them first, kill as many as I can, and hold them back no matter how bad it is, hurry up!" Just follow along."

Then, he suddenly soared into the air, and flew towards Han Zheng and the others at a speed far faster than that of a speeding car.


"Not good!" Han Zheng frowned suddenly as he looked at the information from the detector.

"what's the situation?"

"That master with a combat power of 203 suddenly threw off other teammates and rushed towards us alone. His speed is too fast, and I'm afraid he will catch up soon."

"Then now..."

"It's okay..." Han Zheng waved his hand: "We are not far from the four-person team in front of us now, Feng Chen, stop by the cliff in front of us, and let's sneak over."

Feng Chen immediately complied, and the five people got off the car beside the cliff that Han Zheng said. Shi Yan still asked very worriedly:

"Is this method feasible for you? Be careful not to be self-defeating."

Han Zheng quickly took out [Capsule · Lieutenant Arnold] and released Arnold.

"Regardless of whether the master has a detector or [breath sensing], he can only detect the actions of humans or creatures, but he cannot detect Lieutenant Arnold who is a robot."

As Han Zheng said, he immediately issued instructions to Arnold.

Arnold immediately dug a deep hole on the ground, and quickly hid in it.

"Let's go! Let's move to the west side of the four-person team immediately, and be careful not to be discovered by them." Seeing that Lieutenant Arnold was completely hidden in the ground, Han Zheng gave an order and quickly left with the other four people.

One minute later, under Han Zheng's command, the five members of Team F successfully moved to the west side of the four-member team that was staying in this area.

This team of four had just hunted and killed a small dinosaur at the moment, and was preparing to roast it and eat it.

Han Zheng and the others lay in ambush behind a small bush not far to the west of them, not daring to make the slightest sound.

Han Zheng was staring at the detector lens. The master who had chased him from the east had already arrived not far from here.

[How is the situation now? ]——Because he didn't dare to speak out, Shi Yan could only ask questions in the team channel.

[The master with a combat power of 203 has reached the east side of the 4-person team and is not far from them. He suddenly stopped] - Han Zheng replied.

[That master should have seen through your intentions at this moment, and now he is also in the dark like us, he can completely hide and attack suddenly, or simply wait for the teammates behind to catch up, you want to lure this 4-person team to attack I'm afraid it's not easy to intercept this master]——Xiao Gang asked a question in the group frequency.

[Then while he stopped, we can continue to get in the car and escape, right? ]——Feng Chen.

[Don't worry, he won't be able to hide, if the 4-member team doesn't find him, then I'll expose him! ]
Han Zheng quickly issued a series of instructions to Lieutenant Arnold who had been hiding under the ground.

Lieutenant Arnold, who was hiding underground, quickly walked through the mud for a while, and he followed Han Zheng's instructions, and came to a just right location.

Immediately, Arnold jumped up quickly, broke through the soil layer above his head, and stuck his head out of the ground.

He opened his mouth quickly, and fired two rockets in two different directions.

After firing the rocket, he immediately followed Han Zheng's instructions, retreated to the ground again, and hurried back in the direction of Han Zheng and the others.

And of the two rockets, one was fired at the team of four who were eating, and the other was fired at the man in sunglasses who had just stopped and hid on the other side.

The man in the sunglasses had already sensed that Han Zheng and his group were deliberately moving in the direction of another 4-person team. At that time, he had already seen through Han Zheng's intentions.

It's just that the so-called Yigao is bold. He is confident in his own fighting power, so he is fearless. Instead, he is very greedy and wants to eat all 9 fighters from the two teams in one go.

After he informed his teammates of his location in the group frequency and ordered them to hurry up, he fell from the air and hid aside.

Although the fighting power is high, the man in the sunglasses also feels that it is difficult to kill 9 people at the same time. He is thinking about using his absolute advantage in speed to make a few quick raids, but at this moment, a rocket bomb suddenly hits him Came over.

The man in the sunglasses was startled. He had been using [Air Sensing] to sense the movements of the combatants around him all the time, but he didn't realize that anyone was hiding nearby, and even attacked him suddenly.

However, the power of this rocket is not worth mentioning at all. The man in sunglasses kicked the rocket away instantly with a flick of his big foot.

At the same time, on the other side, the 4-member team who were eating also instantly noticed the attack.

"Someone attacked!" A man in the four-member team yelled, and then he also punched the rocket to the side.

"That location! There are enemies!"

Of these two rockets, one instantly startled the four-person team eating, and the other completely exposed the man in sunglasses hiding not far away.

"Only one person dares to come and seek death! Let's all go together!" The man roared and took the lead in rushing up, and his teammates immediately followed.

[Take advantage of this opportunity to evacuate immediately]——Han Zheng immediately sent a message on the group frequency.

[How about waiting for a while for them to defeat and hurt both, so we can take the opportunity to take it all together?Or let's besiege that master together first? ]——Xiao Gang suddenly suggested.

During this conversation, the 4-member team rushed forward and surrounded the men in sunglasses. However, after the first round of confrontation, the fighter with the lowest combat power in their team was instantly killed by the man in sunglasses. !

Han Zheng quickly took back Lieutenant Arnuo who had sneaked back, and at the same time sent a message in the group frequency to stop Xiao Gang's naive thoughts:

[Siege together?Two competing teams, how could there be any trust? Be careful that when we rush up, they will withdraw to watch the show, or simply treat us as opponents. Don't love to fight, withdraw immediately, and the teammate of that expert will also die immediately. It’s time to rush over, we are now ranked number one, there is no need to take this risk to become an enemy of such a master]
The rest of the teammates had no more objections, Feng Chen hurriedly took out the suspension car again, a group of people drove the car, made a big circle, and drove quickly in another direction.

"I hope this team can hang around that master for a while longer..."

(End of this chapter)

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