dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 70 Go up and collect heads!

Chapter 70 Go up and collect heads!
The Kamepai Qigong wave emitted by the bald head roared past the big tree where Han Zheng and Shi Yan were hiding, and went straight to the four fighters who jumped off the flying car.

However, the four combatants seemed to have been guarding against the opponent's counterattack for a long time. After throwing the bomb and falling on the ground, they quickly dispersed, perfectly dodging the incoming qigong wave.

[The two target teams have already started fighting, be careful when you come here]——Han Zheng quickly spoke in the group frequency, reminding Zhou Xing and the other three.

[Attention, Shi Yan and I are hiding under the big tree next to the current battle situation. There are a few tall rocks not far from our left, which can be used as a cover for you. You temporarily lie in ambush there, forming a corner. wait for my order]
Zhou Xing and the other three acted according to the order, and quickly got in place to ambush.

At this time, the battle between the 4-man team and the 5-man team has gradually become stalemate.

In the 4-member team, the bald man who can use [Kamehae Qigong] is the strongest in the team, with a combat power of 145. At this time, the muscular man and another combatant in the 5-member team work together to fight the bald head. Fight up.

The combat power of the two of them is obviously not as good as that of the bald head, but the two of them have plenty of physical strength, and they cooperate very tacitly. In addition, the bald head has just experienced a battle before, and his physical fitness is obviously inferior. Therefore, under the joint attack of the two, they soon fell into a staunch support .

On the other side, the remaining 6 members of the two teams also quickly fought.

Han Zheng immediately discovered that among the three members of the five-member team, one of them was actually of the same [Kirang bloodline] as Chen Chen before. He flew up and stopped in the air, and at the same time continuously fired [magic chewing gum] attacks Enemies on the ground.

The two men and one woman in the 4-member team, like the bald man, were originally lacking in physical fitness. At the moment, they were clumsy and extremely passive.

After several rounds in succession, a red-haired combatant in the 5-member team suddenly rushed towards the short man in the 4-member team.

This short man was the second most effective fighter after the bald head in the four-man team. Seeing the red hair sneaking up from one side, he quickly turned around and punched him.

The fighting power of the redhead is obviously not as good as that of the short man. It can be seen that the short man is punching, but the red hair takes the initiative to meet him. He opens his hands and grabs the fist of the short man.

This action made Han Zheng look very familiar!

Sure enough, the next moment, the short man's fist hit the red-haired palm hard, and the red-haired screamed in pain, but at the same time, the short man instantly turned into a carrot.

It turned out to be of the same bloodline as myself!It is the bloodline of [The Rabbit Army Boss]!
[Pay attention to that redhead, his bloodline is the same as mine, his combat power is 85 points, Xiao Gang and Feng Chen should not approach him] - Han Zheng immediately issued a warning in the group frequency.

[Boss of the Rabbit Army] The special ability of the bloodline to turn into a radish will be invalid against opponents whose combat power is 35% higher than the ability.

In terms of combat effectiveness, apart from Han Zheng, only Shi Yan and Zhou Xing's combat effectiveness could be immune to the bloodline ability of red hair.

After the short man was turned into a carrot, he was immediately crushed by the red hair, which made the other members of the 4-member team terrified.

Already at a disadvantage, now the team with the second strongest combat power was quickly killed, and the opponent still had a special advantage in blood, the remaining woman and the man in green felt great despair.

On the other hand, the five-man team's morale was boosted, and they took advantage of the victory to pursue, and they were about to kill both the man in green and the female combatant.

[It's now, go up and collect heads! ]——Han Zheng saw the right timing and immediately issued an order in the group frequency. At the same time, he turned into a small flying insect and quickly flew towards the back of the [Kirang blood] combatant in the air.

Shi Yan, Zhou Xing and others also immediately dispatched and quickly jumped into the battle.

Zhou Xing had already made preparations. Seeing the opportunity at this moment, he raised his hand and shot a hole wave, which directly hit the back of the seriously injured female combatant of the 4-member team.

The female combatant was already bruised and was about to be killed by the combatants of the five-member team, but unexpectedly, at the last moment, there was a surprise attack. This was the "remnant blood" that was about to be taken away The "head" was cut off by Zhou Xing in an instant.

On the other hand, Shi Yan aimed at the muscular man who was attacking the bald head. The muscular man is the one with the highest combat effectiveness in the five-member team. He is concentrating on besieging the bald head with another teammate at the moment. It will succeed, without noticing the changes in the rear.

Turtle School Qigong Wave!
Shi Yan quickly sent out a Kamepai Qigong, hitting the muscular man hard on the back.

The muscular man only realized the sneak attack from behind at the last moment, and twisted his body to try to dodge, but it was too late, he was hit hard by this qigong wave, blood spurted from his mouth, and he lost half his life immediately.

This sudden sneak attack surprised everyone present.

The 5-man team originally had the upper hand, seeing that they would wipe out the enemy in a short time, but they didn't expect that at the last moment, a group of people would be killed in a diagonal stab.

For a short moment, almost everyone was stunned.

Han Zheng turned into a flying insect, and quickly flew behind the [Kirang bloodline] combatant without being noticed.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately returned to his original shape in the air, stretched out his finger, and struck out a hole wave.

Within such a short distance, before the Jilang combatant had time to react, he was hit by Dongdong Bo. He screamed and fell quickly.

And Han Zheng, who had recovered his human form, also fell along with him. He drew out [Yajiro Bingbei's Blade], and with the momentum of his fall, he stabbed hard into the back of Kieran combatant.

[N2199 combatant kills L5550 combatant without dropping any items]
At the same time that Han Zheng quickly killed the Kilang combatants, Xiao Gang, who rushed out from behind the big rock on the ground, had already quickly punched out a set of [eight-handed punches], knocking out another member of the 4-member team—the man in green. Kill quickly!

The man in green and the female combatant, the two members of the 4-member team, had already been beaten and seriously injured. At this moment, under the sneak attack of Han Zheng and his party, they were quickly "headed" by Xiao Gang and Zhou Xing.

Team F waited for an opportunity to sneak attack this time, and killed three people in a row as soon as they came up!

The rapid change in form completely exceeded the expectations of everyone in these two teams.

[Xiao Gang and Feng Chen, go to support Shi Yan, leave this to me and Zhou Xing to deal with]——Han Zheng issued the order immediately.

Now the two most powerful fighters on the field - the muscular man and the bald man are on Shi Yan's side, and there is another fighter with a lower combat power in the five-man team.

Fortunately, the muscular man was seriously injured at this time, and the bald man was exhausted physically. Shi Yan brought Feng Chen and Xiao Gang, enough to suppress that side.

Han Zheng and Zhou Xing needed to get rid of the remaining two of the five-man team on this side as soon as possible.

Zhou Xing used Wukong to quickly fly towards the red-haired combatant, and raised his hand to shoot another hole wave.

Han Zheng swung his knife and rushed at the other person.

The combatant retreated a few steps, quickly took out a large knife from the equipment rack, and swung it towards Han Zheng.

The two blades struck together, and the combatant's broadsword snapped, and Han Zheng, with the momentum of cutting the opponent's weapon, slashed down heavily with his sword.

Seeing this, the opponent quickly dropped the hilt of the knife, bowed his body, dodged the falling blade, and went straight to Han Zheng, punching Han Zheng on the chin.

An imperceptible smile flashed across the corner of Han Zheng's mouth, and he also let go of the handle of the knife, waved his hand quickly, and slapped the opponent's wrist.

Turn into radish with one touch!

This move was really invincible, the combatant was instantly turned into a carrot and fell to the ground.

Han Zheng quickly picked up [Yajiro Bingbei's Blade], and at the same time stepped down hard.

[Combat number N2199 kills combatant number L3099 and drops [Super Saiyan Blood Synthetic Fragment], whether to collect]
pick up! !
A [Super Saiyan Blood Synthetic Fragment] actually fell out, which was beyond Han Zheng's expectation.

Normally, [Holding Blood] is the same as [Equipment Item], and it has a chance to drop out after the combatant is killed, but the [Holding Blood] of the combatant is generally less than [Equipment Item], so it does not Not so easy to be exposed.

After picking up [Super Saiyan Blood Synthetic Fragments], Han Zheng turned and looked aside. At this moment, Zhou Xing also successfully killed the red-haired man.

The two looked at each other, turned around quickly, and rushed towards Shi Yan and the others!

At this moment, team F has successfully killed five people, and there are still three targets on the field!
(End of this chapter)

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