dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 68 Instance Combat Power Improvement Restrictions

Chapter 68 Instance Combat Power Improvement Restrictions

Among the wild mountains, beside a river.

Han Zheng was waiting for the members of Team F to sit together. There was a small bonfire among them, and a big fish the size of a tiger and lion was roasting on top of the flames.

Feng Chen holds a telescope in his hand and keeps an eye on the sky and surrounding movements.

Han Zheng also kept an eye on the detector in front of him, checking whether other teams were heading in their direction.

Xiao Gang is in charge of grilling the fish. He is holding a thick wooden stick used to pierce the fish, and his hands are constantly moving, which looks very skillful.

Shi Yan and Zhou Xing were sitting by the fire, raising their hands from time to time to wave a few palms at the rising smoke; both of them are masters with 100+ fighting power, and they beat the slowly rising smoke with a wave of their hands. scattered.

This area is a relatively safe area found by Han Zheng using the detector. Other energy bodies with high combat effectiveness are currently far away from here, and there is no movement of anyone going here for the time being.

Just in time to rest and rectify here.

This big fish was just caught from the river. In the world of Dragon Ball, such large animals abound, so it can easily solve the food problem in the wilderness.

From here all the way to the palace of the divination mother-in-law in the north, there are very few people. It is precisely because of the few people that it is easy to be targeted by the combatants of the various teams. Therefore, Han Zheng believes that it is safe to stay as far away from people as possible, and to rest and eat in the wilderness. .

Xiao Gang volunteered to take on the responsibility of grilling fish. Seeing his proficiency, Han Zheng couldn't help asking:
"I didn't expect you to be very good at cooking, God of the Wilderness?"

Xiaogang laughed: "It's not that exaggerated. In fact, I don't know how to cook in the real world. The main reason is that I learned a skill on the battlefield - [cooking mastery]."

"[Cooking Proficiency]?" Han Zhengzhen had never heard of this skill.

"Yes, like [cooking proficiency] [driving proficiency] [repair proficiency], etc., there are actually many such life skills in the battlefield, but these skills are generally not very useful in dungeons, so the trading hall market No one will buy or sell it, I also killed a chef in a dungeon by accident."

Xiaogang scratched his head, and continued: "Because it's a garbage skill, when I first reported the data, I didn't have the nerve to say it."

"That's right, life skills are really useless in dungeons..." Shi Yan raised his hand to blow away a wisp of cooking smoke, and sighed:
"Let's just say [cooking proficiency] is useless in the city. It's not so indispensable in the wild. Even if you don't know how to make a fire to barbecue, but anyone with a little fighting power, even if you eat it raw, it won't be right. What effect does it have on itself?"

Han Zheng nodded, but it is better to have cooked ones than raw ones.

The fish smelled fragrant and was ready to eat. Han Zheng and others had exhausted a lot of energy after the previous battle, and their stomachs were already growling.

In the wilderness, they didn't even care about eating, and several people directly tore and grabbed the big fish, quickly sharing the food.

Han Zheng and the rock trio soon ate their fill. The four of them ate half of the big fish together, and Zhou Xing stuffed the remaining half into his stomach by himself.

"It's of Saiyan blood after all, even the appetite is the same as that of a Saiyan..." Looking at Zhou Xing who ate half a big fish by himself but still looked unsatisfied, Shi Yan sighed sincerely.

Zhou Xing stuffed the last fish bone into his mouth, chewing and smiling bitterly.

"Alas—as I said before, it's a pity we can't catch up with the full moon night..." Feng Chen said while picking his teeth while pinching a fishbone:

"...If there is a full moon night, the Saiyan will transform directly, and the combat power will be increased to 10 times. Wouldn't it be easy to push this copy?"

Hearing Feng Chen's words, Han Zheng was a little noncommittal, remembering that in the last round of dungeon, one of his opponents had activated Saiyan blood and completed the transformation on the night of the full moon, but in the end his team won.

"Hey! I suddenly have an idea!" Feng Chen lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly shouted:
"Aren't all Saiyans revived when they are on the verge of death, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved? Can we make good use of this trait, first find a way to make Zhou Xing seriously injured, and then revive him, and then seriously injured, and then Rescue, although teammates can't hurt each other, but as long as you think of a way, it's easy to handle, after so many back and forth, Zhou Xing's combat power may be able to beat the entire dungeon."

As soon as Feng Chen said this, Han Zheng and Zhou Xing shook their heads and smiled, while his teammates Shi Yan and Xiao Gang on the other side showed embarrassment and irritation.

"Why... isn't it right?" Feng Chen immediately noticed the strangeness of several people.

"Hehe, haven't you heard of [Dungeon Combat Power Improvement Limit]?" Zhou Xing asked with a smile.

Feng Chen was startled and shook his head.

Han Zheng looked at Zhou Xing, and he knew a thing or two about the [instance combat power increase limit] he said.

Since my cousin Han Lei had already activated [Saiyan Bloodline], he complained about this promotion limit in his diary.

This is a setting used to limit combatants within the dungeon and use various means to improve their combat effectiveness.

"Don't understand anything and talk nonsense!" Shi Yan couldn't stand it anymore, and slapped Feng Chen on the shoulder:
"Listen well, [Dungeon Combat Power Improvement Limit] means that in the mission dungeon, combatants can only maintain their combat power permanently by opening new bloodlines, while the combat power improved by other means is limited to this dungeon. In this dungeon, the combat power will be restored to the state when entering the dungeon."

"Also... there is such a setting..."

"That's right, that is to say, if you open a [Saiyan Bloodline] in the dungeon to improve the combat, it will be considered a permanent improvement. After you leave the dungeon, the combat power will not change;
But if, as you said just now, the Saiyan combatants are seriously injured and near death and then revived, the increased combat power is only valid in this dungeon. After the dungeon, this part of the combat power will be deducted and restored to the original state ;

In addition to the Saiyans, there are, for example, the use of the Nami Star Great Elder’s development potential in the dungeon to enhance the combat effectiveness; or combatants with the blood of the first generation of Cell, to devour the artificial No. 17/18 in the dungeon The combat power of the character in the human dungeon, which is evolved and improved, is a one-time effective improvement, which can only be used within the dungeon. When leaving the dungeon, the combat power improved by various means will be deducted.

To sum up, there are only two ways to permanently increase combat power. One is to practice honestly in the [Training Dungeon], and the other is to obtain combat power rewards by unlocking advanced bloodlines. Other than these two, any means can be obtained The increase in combat effectiveness is not permanent. "

"So that's how it is..." Feng Chen couldn't help nodding, but he quickly realized: "However, my method is still feasible, at least in this dungeon, it can still improve combat effectiveness and strengthen the team's strength."

"That's the way it is said, but resurrecting after dying will consume the [Sen Bean] or the [Healing Machine] of the Frieza Legion. The [Healing Machine] is something that will only be available in the mid-term, so let's not mention it; just say [ Xiandou], this is a precious thing used to save lives, how could it be consumed casually just to temporarily increase the combat power, unless it is really a critical moment, this tactic will be used."

Zhou Xing on the side smiled and added:

"Actually, if there are [healer-type Namis] people in the team, then this 'near-death resurrection Saiyan' tactic will become a routine tactic, so many teams now are very eager for [healer-type Combatants of Nami origin, with this kind of combatants, not only have a nanny, but also can enrich a lot of tactical options."

Feng Chen suddenly realized that there are so many ways in the dungeon.

While Zhou Xing was talking, Han Zheng quietly looked at him from the sidelines, and felt more and more that this Zhou Xing might be a newcomer trained by some high-level teams or legions.

His knowledge, abilities, and resources currently in his hands are really not like an ordinary combatant who has only executed three rounds of dungeons.

Moreover, when Shi Yan made an invitation before, he refused on the pretext that "there is an appointment with a team".

"Cultivating newcomers", this word was occasionally mentioned in his cousin's diary, but Han Zheng was very puzzled. Is it necessary to "train" newcomers in an advanced team or legion?

Suddenly, he thought of Chen Chen whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Will she be like this too?

(End of this chapter)

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