dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 64 Sun Yuqian Returns

Chapter 64 Sun Yuqian Returns



On the Jialin Tower, Han Zheng and Immortal Jialin were tossing and turning, you coming and going, and the two fast figures kept colliding with each other.

"Not bad, your progress is beyond my imagination..."

Immortal Jialin wiped the sweat from his head, panting heavily.

Han Zheng also wiped off his sweat, straightened his clothes, and suddenly covered his stomach and said, "I'm hungry, give me another fairy bean."

"Why are you hungry so quickly, but you really seldom rest these two days..."

Immortal Jialin said, took out a fairy bean and threw it over.

Han Zheng took the celestial beans, ate them, and his strength and spirit returned to their peak state.

Today is my last day in the instance of [Jalin Tower Training].

Ever since he got the red USB flash drive and knew its contents, Han Zheng suddenly felt more pressured.

He couldn't think of a way to deal with the USB flash drive and the information in it for a while, so he simply got into the [practice dungeon] and practiced desperately to improve himself. For a long time, he did not return to the present world.

Since then, he has successively purchased 5-day, 5-day, 5-day, and 4-day [Galinta Practice] round by round.

After each round of practice, he rested in his private living area for a period of time, occasionally went to the trading hall and the stall area to have a look, and then entered the [practice instance] again.

And today is the fourth and last day of the fourth round of practice he purchased.

Since the 19 days of practice, he has worked hard every day, and his combat effectiveness has also increased significantly.

However, from the second round of practice, he gradually discovered that the combat power he had increased through fighting with the Immortal Jialin in the [Jalinta Cultivation] had significantly decreased compared to before.

After a total of 10 days of practice in the first two rounds, Han Zheng's combat power increased by 22 points, and his total combat power reached 135.
However, after the third round of 5 days of practice, the combat power has only increased by 9 points.

It seems that as his combat power gradually improves, the gap between him and Immortal Jialin is getting smaller and smaller, so the combat power that can be improved by fighting with him is getting less and less.

Han Zheng was a little disappointed, but the battlefield has not yet opened a new [Cultivation Dungeon] for himself. Although the efficiency and cost performance have declined, in terms of the speed of improving combat power in a short period of time, [Galin Tower Practice] is still far stronger In [Turtle Pai Practice].

Han Zheng stroked his stomach filled with a fairy bean, concentrated his energy, and prepared to attack Immortal Jialin again, but at this moment, the only prompt sound that could appear in the [Cultivation Dungeon] sounded in his ears:

[Number N2199 combatant, the fourth round of dungeons will be officially opened in 48 hours, please be prepared...]
finally come!

It seems that after today's dungeon, I have to concentrate on preparing.

Han Zheng gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, roared, and flew towards Immortal Jialin...


After the [Training Dungeon] was over, Han Zheng returned to his private living area, and checked his combat power as soon as he came out.


During the 4 days of practice in the fourth round, I only increased my combat power by 5 points.

The growth rate has indeed been declining.

Han Zheng sighed, opened the coffee table drawer, counted the latest "financial subsidies" issued, then took a shower, fell on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

After sleeping for a long time, Han Zheng still felt a little tired when he woke up.

He teleported himself back to the present world and returned to the second uncle's house.

After checking the house, there was no change; then, Han Zheng turned on the computer and checked various forums such as city news and city post bars.

The homicide case in Gu Yichou's community seemed to have completely subsided, without causing any repercussions.

It seemed that there was an invisible force pressing it down.

He took out his WeChat and found that Gu Yichou had sent him several messages a few days ago.

He replied with a random reason, and soon Gu Yichou replied to the message again, and the two chatted a few more words.

Han Zheng learned that Gu Yichou had left here at this time, went to other provinces, and might go abroad after a while.

She also knew about the case that happened upstairs in her house, but she didn't know exactly what happened. She heard from neighbors that the police didn't even ask too much.

After closing WeChat, thinking about all these situations, Han Zheng's mind became complicated again.

I don't know if it was because of too hard training during this period of time, or because of something else, Han Zheng quickly fell into exhaustion again. He went back to bed and wanted to lie down for a while, but soon fell asleep again.


A burst of phone ringing awakened Han Zheng from his sleep.

He answered the phone in a daze, still half asleep and half awake.

However, the voice on the other end of the phone suddenly woke him up, and he lost all sleepiness!
"Han Zheng... I... I... I came back alive!"

It was Sun Yuqian's voice.


provincial capital.

Han Zheng caught a plane and came here that day. He and Sun Yuqian met in his rental house. Sun Yuqian was very excited. As soon as they met, he gave Han Zheng a big hug.

"Okay, okay, it won't be the next dungeon, the sexual orientation has changed..." Seeing Sun Yuqian's excited look, Han Zheng couldn't help but tease him.

Sun Yuqian laughed, and then he wanted to follow what he said before, take his first financial subsidy to invite Han Zheng out to dinner, and tell him about the things in the dungeon by the way.

Han Zheng felt that there were too many people in the restaurant outside, and it was not good to talk about these things after all.

Under his strong request, Sun Yuqian had no choice but to order a lot of takeaways and eat them at home.

"It's really thanks to the pointers you gave me before..." Sun Yuqian drank the beer in the glass, his eyes were slightly red:

"As you said, I killed an ordinary dungeon character on the first day, opened the [Earthman Bloodline], received the novice gift package, gave me 3 [Bee-Bi Medicine], and a lottery draw, and drew 1 drop [Barbarian blood], I activated [Barbarian blood] on the spot!"


Han Zheng admired it from the bottom of his heart. The first dungeon opened up a bloodline with special functions. He has experienced the stench radiation of [Barbarians] before. In the initial stage, as long as it is used properly, it can definitely produce miraculous effects!

"Yes, in the end, thanks to the special ability of this bloodline, I successfully killed a combatant and completed the mission of survival!" Sun Yuqian drank another glass, and his tone suddenly changed:

"Actually... when I killed the dungeon character for the first time, I also encountered some... some problems of my own..."

"Can't let go?"

"Yes...hehe, although you told me before, don't treat them as human beings, just a virtual character...But, in terms of senses, they are no different from people, they will fear, cry, beg, give me It caused a huge psychological barrier, the ordinary dungeon character I caught and subdued, he kept begging, I almost wanted to give up, but in the end he was talking, and suddenly mentioned his parents and family... So, I I figured it out..."

Sun Yuqian drank another cup by himself:
"I thought about myself and my family. What a harmonious family. Since I got terminally ill, the family is almost torn apart. My parents cry every day. My brother who grew up with me almost looks down on me. As an enemy, I pity that copy character, but who pities me, so I suddenly became transparent, no longer hesitate..."

Sun Yuqian filled the wine glass again, and Han Zheng raised his glass and reached over to touch it. He understood that Sun Yuqian said so much, he just wanted to seek psychological comfort and release from himself.

The two drank a lot during this meal, but ate very little. Sun Yuqian also told a lot of thrilling experiences in the first dungeon. Twice, he even died and survived. Hearing that, Han Zheng was also horrified.

After talking about dungeons, Han Zheng warned Sun Yuqian not to rashly buy equipment skills in the trading hall of the living area, and at the same time, pay more attention to those scammers.

Buy as many [practice dungeons] as possible in the early stage, don't be afraid of hardships when practicing, and be diligent, only in this way can you improve your vitality.


Just as the two of them were tossing and changing glasses, they were also in a villa in another part of the provincial capital.

In the large bedroom, there are four people in total, the silent autistic girl on the bed, and three people around the bed - a tall and thin man, a woman with glasses, and a middle-aged man with a serious expression.

"Vice Captain Zhen, I'm really sorry for your trouble..." The tall, thin man smiled and was very polite to the middle-aged man in front of him.

Deputy Captain Zhen nodded, looked at the autistic girl on the bed, came to her side, paused to observe for a while, then said to the side:

"It's time to start."

Hearing the words, the tall and thin man flirted with the woman with glasses next to him. Without saying a word, the woman with glasses pulled out a sharp knife and stabbed at Vice Captain Zhen!
[Self-Defense System] On!
The sharp knife stabbed into the back of Deputy Captain Zhen's neck, but it did not cause any damage. Instead, it made a crisp sound, and the blade broke in response.

Deputy Captain Zhen quickly raised his right hand and pressed it on the autistic girl's head.

One minute later, Deputy Captain Zhen frowned and retracted his palm.

"Vice Captain Zhen, how is the situation?" the tall and thin man asked with concern.

"Very pessimistic..." Vice Captain Zhen shook his head:
"She is blind and can't see anything. Moreover, the person who killed her father never said a word from the beginning to the end, so she has never heard the voice of that person."

"Is there no useful information at all?"

"There is, but it's bad news. Before his death, her father revealed the location of the 'thing' and gave it to the person who killed him."

"Then..." The thin and tall man's eyes widened suddenly, his voice trembling:
"Doesn't that mean that the Corps' information has been leaked after all, and no matter who killed the spy, he already has those fatal information?"

"That's right, that's why I said, it's very pessimistic. There are so many people and there is no clue. It's hard to find such a person." Deputy Captain Zhen sighed and sat aside.

"How could this happen..." The tall and thin man was restless, pacing back and forth: "How can I explain to the regiment commander..."

"Commander Lei Bing, the current situation is also very difficult. Although most of the grassroots members don't know about such a incident within the Corps, the captains of the major teams already know about it. It is said that several captains are planning Forcing the palace, I want to use this as an excuse to make Captain Lei Bing take the blame and step aside."

"The Corps Commander doesn't want to see this kind of thing happen, how can you blame the Corps Commander!" The thin and tall man seemed to be very loyal to the Corps Commander of the Storm Corps, and kept speaking out in defense.

"However, most of the captains don't think so. After all, the beautiful spy was single-handedly promoted by Captain Lei Bing. If it wasn't for Captain Lei Bing being confused by the woman's beauty and repeatedly entrusting her with important tasks, he wouldn't have been picked up by him." She stole a lot of information, leading to today's predicament."

"No matter what kind of predicament, all of us [Team Thunderstorm] will always swear to the death to follow the regiment commander!" The thin and tall man said this emotionally, and then his voice changed, and asked faintly:

"As far as I know, [Team Dali] is also absolutely loyal to the regiment commander, you [Team Tiger Wolf]..."

"We [Team Tiger Wolf] naturally also support Captain Lei Bing, mainly the other captains headed by [Team Changfeng]. In recent years, they have been very dissatisfied with Commander Lei Bing's various actions."

The thin and tall man sighed: "Why are there so many accidents this year? What happened to [Blue Team] before has greatly damaged the prestige of the commander of Lei Bing, and now there is another incident of information leakage, alas... ..."

"Speaking of which, have you found out what happened to [the blue team]?"

"Forget it, don't mention the old things again, I have to report the situation to the head of the army quickly, alas, I will be scolded again..."

Seeing the tall and thin man walk out of the room, Vice Captain Zhen inadvertently narrowed his eyes, a gloomy look flashed across his expression.


Empty wine bottles were placed aside one by one, Han Zheng and Sun Yuqian each had their stomachs straight, their faces reddish.

"Han Zheng, when will your next dungeon be?" Sun Yuqian asked suddenly.

Han Zheng burped:

(End of this chapter)

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