dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 602 Fusion Art

Chapter 602 Fusion Art

"Am I... dead?" Han Zheng hurriedly sat up. He looked around and confirmed that he really appeared in the [Awakening Space].

"Of course I'm dead..." The other party chuckled: "...The other party's combat power surpasses yours so much, how could you not be killed?"

While speaking, "Sun Yanzi" waved her hand and snapped her fingers, and a suit of clothes appeared on Han Zheng's naked body.

Han Zheng struggled to get up, and he found that his body was extremely weak at this time, and he would be out of breath after just walking a few steps.

However, he could also clearly sense that invisible warm currents from all directions were slowly flowing into his body and transforming into his own energy.

"This means jumping out of the rules of the battlefield and not being bound by death?" Han Zheng kept looking at his limbs and skin, his eyes full of disbelief.

Although I have already been mentally prepared, it is really frightening to experience a "killing" in person.

"By the way, you just said that after my body absorbs and recovers, I have to go back to the copy?"

"That's right, this dungeon is a bit unusual. After you absorb enough energy to officially revive, you will be forced to return to the dungeon, and you won't be able to stay here..." Stefanie Sun nodded, but she laughed again He said: "...But like I said just now, if you miss this place, you can be killed or commit suicide again..."

Han Zheng couldn't help shivering, and he asked instead: "How long will it take to absorb enough energy?"

"About a day, then you will be resurrected at the place of death."

Han Zheng frowned, which meant that he would return to the dungeon in one day, and hoped that Qi Shaodong would not guard his body at the place where he died...

After spending a pleasant day in [Awakening Space], Han Zheng's own energy was replenished, and with a flash of light, he returned to the copy again, returning to the white world.

However, just before the transmitted light was gone, Han Zheng suddenly discovered that Qi Shaodong was staring at him in front of him!
As expected, he was taken away by the other party!

Han Zheng's heart shuddered, he jumped out of the light group, and flew towards the distance at high speed.

But Qi Shaodong's speed was too fast, he caught up from behind in an instant, and raised his hand to grab Han Zheng's ankle.

"Sure enough, you are not dead! What is this [rare ability]?" Qi Shaodong was full of surprise and doubt at the moment, and then he turned from surprise to anger, and grabbed Han Zheng's ankle with a strong force, directly pulling Han Zheng back: " I don't believe it, I can't kill you!"

Han Zheng couldn't break free, so he had to concentrate all his strength, turned around and blasted out a Kamepai Qigong.

But Qi Shaodong kicked up directly, forcefully kicking Han Zheng's all-out qigong wave into the sky.

The next moment, Qi Shaodong punched hard, smashing Han Zheng's head into a "bloody firework" again.

However, this time, with Qi Shaodong's expectant expression on his face, there was still no kill prompt...

And Han Zheng once again appeared in the [Awakening Space], accepting another ridicule from "Sun Yanzi" with a bitter face.

After spending another day with all the birds and beasts in the space, Han Zheng continued to return to the dungeon.

This time, Han Zheng learned from the experience and lessons from the last time. As soon as he entered the dungeon, he immediately locked Qi Shaodong's location, and then quickly blasted out a Kamepai Qigong.

And he himself used the force of the recoil to quickly flee towards the other side.

However, Qi Shaodong once again broke his qigong and easily caught up with Han Zheng.

At this time, Qi Shaodong had become completely irritable. According to the mission requirements of this dungeon, if Han Zheng didn't die, he would be trapped here forever!
His aura of more than 5000 billion combat power raged wildly, tearing Han Zheng into pieces in just a split second.

... Han Zheng continued to return to the [Awakening Space], and "Sun Yanzi" who appeared in front of him teased: "Is there any progress, this time I lasted for three seconds more than last time..."


On another day, Han Zheng was revived for the third time.

Qi Shaodong, who had been manic for a whole day, finally regained his composure. He held down Han Zheng, and said viciously: "This can't be [rare ability]. So, you are also someone who jumped out of the rules? A few days ago I accidentally The vomiting of blood was also caused by you!"

"Since you can kill without limit, why can't I be resurrected without limit?" Although he was firmly held down, Han Zheng still had a relaxed smile on his face.

"Don't think you can't do anything about me..." Qi Shaodong's bloodshot eyes flashed a ruthless look: "...Even if I can't kill you, I can still torture you. You release me immediately, or I will let you go!" You would rather die than live!"

Han Zheng rolled his eyes and blew himself up on the spot...

After a loud noise, Han Zheng's body was gone, leaving only Qi Shaodong standing alone, with a dull and bewildered expression.


Another day, Han Zheng persisted for 6 seconds under Qi Shaodong, breaking the previous record


Another day, the revived Han Zheng saw that Qi Shaodong was about to use [acupuncture technique] to restrain himself, so he quickly blew himself up and returned to [Awakening Space].


Another day, Han Zheng simply blew himself up after being resurrected. After returning to the [Awakening Space], he directly grabbed the piece of roast lamb leg that he hadn't finished eating just before his resurrection, and continued to eat.



In the white world, light flashed again, and Han Zheng was revived on the spot for the 20th time.

At this time, Qi Shaodong was already unkempt. He sat motionless not far in front of him, staring straight at the white ground below him, his expression seemed a little dull, even when Han Zheng's resurrection appeared, I don't care about it.

Han Zheng frowned and walked over cautiously.

He could see that Qi Shaodong was on the verge of collapse.

During these 10 days, Qi Shaodong tried every means and used various methods to kill Han Zheng continuously. At this time, his clothes were already stained red with blood, and every drop of blood on it was from Han Zheng. out of the body.

However, Han Zheng was still alive and kicking, appearing in front of his eyes on time every day.

Being unable to kill Han Zheng is equivalent to being unable to complete the task, and never being able to leave this dungeon... Gradually, an unprecedented despair grew in Qi Shaodong's heart.

Seeing Qi Shaodong's miserable appearance, Han Zheng stepped forward and couldn't help but ask, "How about...the next time I come out, I'll bring you a piece of roast leg of lamb? Look, there's nothing to eat here... ..."

"You are too arrogant!"

This sentence was like a sharp knife, which made Qi Shaodong tremble all over.

He roared and grabbed Han Zheng's shoulders with his hands. His eyes were red, as if he was about to burst into flames: "Don't be complacent! I... I will find a way to kill you sooner or later..."

Han Zheng spread his hands, noncommittal.

Qi Shaodong still held onto Han Zheng's shoulders and did not let go. He hung his head and muttered something inaudible, looking very nervous.


Suddenly, he raised his head abruptly, and frenzied colors flashed in his wide-eyed eyes.

"I have a solution!"

Before Han Zheng could react, Qi Shaodong grabbed him and quickly flew up, arriving in a room in the blink of an eye.

This room is the only thing that exists in this entire white world.

In the depths of the room, there is a small door, and outside the door is the temple outside the [Time Room]... and the earth.

Qi Shaodong quickly brought Han Zheng to the door, and Han Zheng couldn't help being startled when he saw this.

According to the settings of this dungeon, the activity area has long been limited to the [Time Room]. Normally, neither of them can leave here and return to Earth.

But...he soon realized that Qi Shaodong had taken away all the [rare abilities] of the man in green, and he must have mastered the ability of [can step out of the active area once in a single instance].


Qi Shaodong directly pushed open the small door, led Han Zheng out of the room without hindrance, and entered the temple.

At this time, there was no one on the temple, and Han Zheng didn't know what kind of timeline it was.

Qi Shaodong grabbed Han Zheng and flew directly to the Jialin Tower below the temple, where he found Yajirobei who was sleeping soundly.

"Ah—who are you? What are you going to do?" Yajirobei woke up suddenly when the two arrived in a hurry. He was frightened and drew out his knife.

Seeing this scene, Han Zheng already understood Qi Shaodong's plan...

Qi Shaodong grabbed Yajiro Bingwei, grabbed Han Zheng's shoulders and shook him twice, then shouted at Yajiro: "If you want to live, do as I say, and I will kill this person later." Injured, and then you kill him for me! As long as you listen to me, I will never hurt you."

Sure enough, he wanted to use the hands of the dungeon character to kill himself——Han Zheng couldn't help laughing.

In order for Qi Shaodong to recognize the reality as soon as possible, without waiting for Qi Shaodong to make a move, Han Zheng stretched his neck to meet the blade set up by Yajirobei...

The next moment, Han Zheng returned to [Awakening Space].

And Qi Shaodong sat down on the ground—this time, he still failed to hear the kill prompt that he had dreamed of.


"Am I going too far?" Han Zhengshi asked in [Awakening Space].

"Yes, you shouldn't lie to him that you can bring him roast leg of lamb, you can't take anything out from [Awakening Space] at all..."


A day later, Han Zheng was revived again and appeared in Jialin Tower.

At this time, the inside of the Jialin Tower was already covered in blood and corpses were strewn all over the place.

Karin Senjin, Yajirobei, Son Goku and Son, Vegeta and Son, Piccolo, Krillin, etc...

And Qi Shaodong was crookedly leaning against the base of the wall beside him, holding a bottle of wine he didn't know where he got it, his face was slightly flushed.

He glanced at Han Zheng with an extremely sinister look, then raised the wine bottle to his mouth, and took a big gulp.

The experience of more than 20 days seems to have changed Qi Shaodong.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Han Zheng quickly began to think about it.

It has been more than 20 days since [Dungeon Time], according to the previous agreement, Chen Chen should almost complete the integration and come to support him.

But, she never showed up.

Han Zheng had already decided that if Chen Chen didn't show up again in a few days, he would discuss the escape plan with "Sun Yanzi" immediately.

But at this moment, a certain nerve of Han Zheng suddenly jumped, and an abnormal signal suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

According to the previous agreement, Chen Chen said that when she entered the dungeon, she would send a signal to Han Zheng as a reminder, that is to say, Chen Chen had already entered the dungeon at this moment!

Han Zheng was overjoyed!

However, he quickly calmed down again. The activity area of ​​this dungeon is in the [Time Room], and Chen Chen who entered the dungeon must be there too!
Must join her immediately!

Han Zheng glanced at Qi Shaodong, who was dressed in a decadent figure, and then he suddenly got angry, flew out of the Jialin tower in an instant, and went straight to the temple above.

Qi Shaodong was shocked when he saw this, he immediately realized that there might be an accident, the look of decadence on his face was wiped away, the 5000 billion combat power broke out again, and he quickly caught up.

Han Zheng's speed was far inferior to Qi Shaodong's. Seeing the other party chasing him, he froze his heart and waved his hand to summon [Mysterious Gohan].

As soon as the mysterious Gohan appeared, he howled towards Qi Shaodong, his body instantly radiated light, and he started to explode himself directly at Qi Shaodong!
A huge shock wave erupted, and the towering Galin Tower was instantly swallowed up. Even the temple suspended in the sky was impacted by the aftermath, shaking almost to fall.

As for Qi Shaodong, after all, he was a little hindered by the explosion.

Taking advantage of this gap, Han Zheng flew up to the temple in an instant and came to the small door.

He pushed the door and entered, then closed the door with his backhand.

He stood in that white world again, and the next moment, a figure appeared in front of him instantly.

It was Chen Chen!

She sensed Han Zheng's breath and teleported over directly.

After all, she still came here as promised!

At this time, Chen Chen's appearance and body were the same as usual, but in terms of expression and temperament, it made people feel completely new.

"Your fusion is over..." Han Zheng asked and glanced at the top of Chen Chen's head.

Afterwards, the second half of his words were swallowed back. At this time, he suddenly saw that Chen Chen's current combat power had reached as much as 1600 billion!
"I came here in a hurry, otherwise I can improve a little more..." Chen Chen smiled: "By the way, where is Qi Shaodong?"

"It's just outside the door... We don't have time to chat, the time flow in [Time Room] is 365 times faster than outside, we have to seize this opportunity..." Han Zheng quickly distanced himself from the other party: " ...immediately cast the [Fusion Art], otherwise neither of us will be his opponent."

Chen Chen also understood the escalation of the situation. She stopped talking and quickly opened up the space, waving hands and feet with Han Zheng.

Han Zheng had already practiced the set of movements in the [Fit Body Technique] in the [Awakening Space], and there was no slightest disorder in his movements.

The same is true for Chen Chen who is opposite.

"Combination - body -"

After completing a series of actions, accompanied by shouts, the two quickly stretched out their index fingers and four fingers, two by two, touching each other perfectly.

The next moment, the light exploded, engulfing the two of them instantly.

The light lasted for a full two or three seconds. After everything cleared up, Han Zheng and Chen Chen had long since disappeared, and a brand new figure stood there.

This person is of medium build, with shoulder-hanging hair, and his facial features are quite neutral.

With a thought, the 【Status Bar】appears quickly.

According to the setting of [Fusion Art], after the fusion is completed, the combined combat power of the combined fighter will be 5-10 times the combined combat power of the two combatants.

But now, TA's combat power has reached the maximum value - 36000 trillion!
Looking at his data, the man nodded in satisfaction.

But then, TA seemed to suddenly think of something, his face changed slightly, and he quickly reached out and touched his crotch.

Then, TA showed a gratified smile...

And at this moment, the small door of [Time House] was also opened...

(End of this chapter)

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