dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 593 Immortal

Chapter 593 Immortal
tick tock...tick tock...

The blood gushing from the mouth dripped onto the white ground, making bright red marks one after another.

Qi Shaodong frowned, his face was covered with sweat, and his face was extremely ugly.
He raised his hand to cover his mouth, coughed heavily, and when he took his hand away, the palm was already covered with sticky blood...

"What's wrong with you?" Vilkinko at the side turned pale with shock, and hurriedly supported Qi Shaodong to sit down.

Qi Shaodong gasped for a few heavy breaths, and finally he stopped vomiting blood in his throat. He closed his eyes tightly, kept silent, and carefully adjusted his body. After a full 2 ​​minutes passed, his complexion recovered, and his trembling body It also gradually calmed down.

"What happened?" Virkinko asked again, this [Spiritual Time Room] belongs to Qi Shaodong's own space, he is absolutely safe here, how could such a thing happen: "Could it be that this is a regular Backlash? Didn't you say that everything has been resolved?"

"It's not a backlash..." Qi Shaodong waved his hand, his weak eyes gradually became sharper: "...If I guessed correctly, it should be caused by a [rare number] in the battlefield... Could it be... …interesting……"



In the army territory.

The three legion commanders rested for several minutes before recovering. They each stared at the bloodstains on the ground and their bodies, all in a daze.

"This... What the hell is going on here?" Liu Wan stood up first. At this time, he was still a little weak. After standing up suddenly, his body wobbled and almost fell.

Alcindor wiped the blood around his mouth, he pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly remembered something: "Do you remember, similar things happened a few times before, but they were not as serious as this time..."

"That's right..." Deng Jue also nodded: "...a few times before, my body suddenly felt weak for no reason, and then I started to vomit... Unexpectedly, this time it escalated to vomiting blood!"

"Then what exactly does this mean? Is it a signal?" Liu Wan obviously remembered it, and then his expression suddenly changed: "It doesn't have something to do with Qi Shaodong, does it?"

"It's not impossible, so we can't wait any longer, we must step up our plan! Get rid of Qi Shaodong as soon as possible!" Alcindo slammed the table heavily:
"...I just got the news that Qi Shaodong has finished the so-called retreat and returned to the battlefield, and... two days later, his new round of dungeons will come. At that time, it will be a good opportunity for us to kill him!"

He looked at the other two people, and his tone gradually became urgent: "Liu Wan, Deng Jue, the three of us are all proficient in the [Fitness Technique], and each of us has a [Designated Sightseeing Card]. Two days later, the three of us Sightseeing and entering Qi Shaodong’s round dungeon together, and then find a way to meet up in the dungeon as soon as possible to combine. After combining, we have 30 minutes to kill Qi Shaodong. There will be no accidents in the whole process. We just need to be careful not to combine It’s good to be discovered by Qi Shaodong before.”

"It's no big deal to be discovered in advance. We are tourists after all. As long as we don't attack first, Qi Shaodong won't be able to kill us... It's a pity that in a dungeon, we can only use [Fusion Art] once, otherwise we can repeat it." If you fit together, you have a better chance of winning!" Liu Wan sighed.

"One time at a time, after any two of the three of us are combined, the combat power will reach thousands or even trillions, which is enough to deal with Qi Shaodong..." Deng Jue shook his head: "Besides... [Designated Sightseeing] This kind of card is not easy to draw, and now only the three of us have it."

"In that case, it's a deal, two days later will be the day of action!" Alcindor made a final decision: "During these two days, everyone must be extremely careful, no matter what happens, you must never go out of the private room for half a step. !"

The other two said yes in unison, and their attitudes were extremely firm.

And right on the ground, the puddles of blood that the three of them had just vomited up looked extremely bright red at this moment...



The surrounding air seems to be very fragrant.

In the haze, Han Zheng seemed to hear someone calling his number constantly, and at the same time felt a soft hand constantly brushing his face.


In the sound of calling, Han Zheng's consciousness gradually became clear. He opened his eyes, and the first thing that appeared in front of him was a huge and ugly bug with a few drops of mucus hanging from its long mouthparts...

what the hell!

Han Zheng broke out in a cold sweat, and the next moment, Gu Yanzi slapped the bug away!

"You finally woke up, N2199..." Gu Yanzi hurriedly reached out to help Han Zheng up.

"Uh...how long have I been unconscious?"

"About three hours, don't worry, this is just a normal reaction, after all, this time I forcibly took away the [Power of Cell] from your body to hit the [Awakening Space], thereby creating loopholes, your body must have difficulty adapting for a while , it will be fine slowly."

Han Zheng shook his head, moved his body again, and turned to look around when he saw that there was nothing serious.

At this time, the [Awakening Space] was really full of vitality, with a wide variety of plants and animals, which made Han Zheng dizzy, and all kinds of strange animal sounds could be heard endlessly.

"Is this considered... a success?" Han Zheng asked doubtfully.

"Of course, it was a great success!" Gu Yanzi seemed a little excited at the moment: "...Look, your [Awakening Space] has been completely remodeled. The original buildings, streets, and lifeless pedestrians no longer exist, and they have been replaced. It's a brand new world, a world full of life!"

"The awakening space... has become like this..." Han Zheng couldn't care less about admiring the countless birds and beasts, he hurriedly asked his most relevant question: "...Then am I still a normal [rare number] now?" ? Is this considered breaking the rules? Then I can harvest other people without restriction like Qi Shaodong now?"

While asking a series of questions, Han Zheng quickly opened the [Status Bar], but there was no change in the [Status Bar].

"Of course you... are not a normal [rare number]..." Gu Yanzi smiled playfully:
"...But, you have to know that there are many loopholes and gaps in the broken world of the battlefield. After decades of exhaustion, Qi Shaodong finally found a loophole, which allows him to harvest other [rare numbers] without restriction. And just now, although we also succeeded in breaking through the patch, and were able to escape from the shackles of certain rules through loopholes, the rules you jumped out of were different from Qi Shaodong's after all...

...The current you are temporarily unable to kill people like Qi Shaodong..."

Han Zheng frowned, feeling a little dejected at once. If he couldn't keep harvesting his combat power like Qi Shaodong, how could he fight against him: "Then I made such a toss and sacrificed [Shalu's Power], after all? What have I gained, can I get rid of the restrictions of those rules?"

Gu Yanzi smiled at first, and then gradually brightened up: "N2199, you don't need to envy Qi Shaodong at all, you know, the rules you jump out of are the boundaries between life and death!"

life and death...

These three words, like Hong Zhong, made Han Zheng's brain buzz!
His expression froze, and he immediately understood what the other party meant.

"In other words, you will be immortal!"

(End of this chapter)

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