dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 585 [The source of the forbidden ability]...?

Chapter 585 [The source of the forbidden ability]...?
Han Zheng couldn't calm down for a while, so he took Gu Yanzi to do several experiments, and finally had a sufficient and detailed understanding of her [Banning Ability].

The effective range of this [Banning Ability] is about 200 meters.

Within a range of 200 meters, Gu Yanzi can lock on any target and block his [rare ability]; at the same time, she can directly launch a "full range ban" within a range of 200 meters, and all [rare numbers] within the effective range will not be able to be used ability.

However, the use of this [Forbidden Ability] also consumes a lot of her own energy.

But fortunately, energy consumption is no longer a big problem. At this time, Stefanie Gu can replenish energy anytime, anywhere in the present world, the battlefield, and the awakening space.

After knowing everything, Han Zheng couldn't help but ask again: "So, whether it's in the real world or on the battlefield, you can have the ability to block others at any time... It's the same in the dungeon or in the public living area. ?”

After hearing this, Gu Yanzi immediately spread her hands and made an expression of "why would you ask such a redundant question".

Han Zheng laughed a few times, but his heart was full of excitement.

Ever since he learned about Qi Shaodong's various abilities, he has always been afraid.

Especially the ability to grab people into the space at will is really frightening. Once he bumps into him in the dungeon or in the living area, he may not be able to escape at all.

Now with Gu Yanzi and this [Forbidden Power], Qi Shaodong's terrifying ability is no longer a threat.

However, until now, Han Zheng has not figured out why Gu Yichou has such incredible power.

"By the way..." He hurriedly asked: "...Since your consciousness has entered this body now, have you figured out why she, Gu Yichou, is clearly a mortal, and why she has the power to restrain the [rare ability]?" ?”

Gu Yanzi's complexion became a little complicated: "Even now, I don't know how this mortal could have such power. This is really beyond my original cognition, but..."

She changed the subject: "...do you still remember the female sacrificer you saw when I took you to visit the past few epochs?"

Han Zheng nodded, and at the same time, a premonition suddenly rose from his heart.

"According to the information I have..." Gu Yanzi said solemnly: "...that female sacrificial person possesses the [Initial Rare Ability], which is [Ban the Rare Ability of Others]!"

Han Zheng was shocked!
That female sacrificer who looks exactly like Chen Chen actually has this initial ability?
This can never be a coincidence!

"Could it be that... Gu Yichou still has something to do with that sacrificer?" He asked hastily.

"It's hard to say, but the abilities are indeed very similar, and they can all play the role of banning [rare abilities]. This female sacrificer's [ability] can be regarded as the most powerful among many [rare abilities] ...As for whether the two are related, I can't say for sure, after all, I can't figure out how a mortal could be related to [Rare Ability]."

Han Zheng frowned suddenly. Gu Yichou actually had similar abilities to the female sacrificer hundreds of years ago, and the appearance of this female sacrificer was exactly the same as that of Chen Chen. At the same time, Gu Yichou was brought back by Chen Chen this time. ...

The source of all this is indeed inseparable from Chen Chen.

However, Chen Chen is still missing and cannot be contacted at all.

Ordinarily, with her strength, she would definitely be selected into the [Small Trial], even if she entered the third stage [Martial Arts Association], she would have a great chance, but I had never seen her in the dungeon before.

Han Zheng sighed helplessly and had to temporarily put aside the question.

Gu Yanzi returned to the [Awakening Space] after going back and forth between the world and the battlefield twice. According to her, it is more comfortable to stay in the [Awakening Space].

And Han Zheng and others no longer needed to stay in this world, and returned to the battlefield one after another.

Han Zheng told his cousin the serial numbers of the commanders of several major armies, and asked him to quickly establish a contact network with these people, get information from them at all times, and urge them to delete Qi Shaodong's contacts as soon as possible.

"By the way, help me contact Qi Guo, the president of the [Resurrection Club]..." Han Zheng thought for a while before saying, "...I want to talk to him alone, and the time and place can be decided by him."

Although they are all [Old Rare Numbers], Alcindor, Liu Wan, and others were brought into the new era by Qi Shaodong, and they don't know much about the information when the era changed.

Just like the men in green, they don't know where [rare numbers] will be sent when the era changes; they also don't know what the so-called "heaven" is.

Therefore, I must meet someone like Qi Guo who came to the new era by his own strength.

The cousin recruited immediately, and just half a minute after the message was sent, Qi Guo sent a reply.

"He agreed, and also said that he wanted to chat with you a long time ago, but..." the cousin hurriedly said: "...he proposed that the meeting place should be in this world..."

To actually ask for a meeting in this world, the president of the [Resurrection Club] is really different.

"Promise him, when is the time?" Han Zheng raised his eyebrows, now he has 2000 billion combat power, and Gu Yanzi's [Banning Ability] is the guarantee.
"The location is the capital, what about the time...he said we can meet in the afternoon."

"Okay, then I'll go to the capital..."



In the vast white space.

On the snow-white ground, the crack on the red crystal has become wider and wider.

lean less.

Another piece fell, and the crack went all the way to the bottom.

Finally, with a loud noise, the red crystal shattered completely. Qi Shaodong, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, instantly opened his eyes and jumped up.

"Finally solved these backlashing forces..." He twisted his wrists and neck, and murmured, "...It really took a lot of time, [Small Trial] is probably over...but it's all right now , The backlash problem has been completely solved by me, and I no longer have to be as timid as before..."

"...Well... it's time to get active, first go find Alcindor... eh?"

Qi Shaodong opened the [Contact Network], and was about to use his ability to travel.

But the next moment, he suddenly discovered that dozens of messages popped up in his message channel.

And all the news are the same content——

[Number XXXX has severed contact with you...]
[Number XXXX has severed contact with you...]

Qi Shaodong was startled, he quickly expanded the contact network list, and checked it carefully from top to bottom.

Qi Shaodong's face became more and more ugly as his eyes scanned the rows of numbered information.

At this moment, apart from his own subordinates, there is no other [rare number] in the network list.

Even many high-end combatants who are not [rare numbers] have severed ties with him.

"MD, someone is plotting behind your back!"

(End of this chapter)

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