dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 570 Scary as Qi Shaodong

Chapter 570 Scary as Qi Shaodong
"It's you!"

Han Zheng looked surprised, and stared at the combatant he held in his hands with wide eyes.

At this time, the combatant numbered A0038 has changed from a short, fat middle-aged image to a tall, slender man with short hair.

Looking at the other party's pale face due to serious injuries, Han Zheng recognized him at a glance!

Although there is no trace of green on his body at this time, there is no doubt that he is - the man in green!

The man in green who made a "deal" with himself in the 15th round of dungeons... is also the man in green who is the head of the [Green Legion] army...

The man in green also recognized Han Zheng at this moment, he choked out a mouthful of blood, and said in a vague voice, "It turns out... so it was you..."

At this moment, other ordinary passers-by in the town were already running away in shock, and the sound of police cars could be faintly heard a few blocks away.

At the same time, [Big Buu] also rushed over with two other [Number Plates]. Han Zheng simply didn't stay here. He took the man in green and two subordinates and teleported directly into a cave.

"Unexpectedly, you also entered the [Small Trial], and you were assigned to the same area as me..." Han Zheng put the man in green down, watched him take out the fairy bean, and ate it into his mouth with difficulty.

After healed, the man in green sat with his back against the stone wall. He looked at Han Zheng with complicated eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Han Zheng turned around and told [Big Buu] and [Mysterious Gohan] to watch outside the cave, and then silently looked at each other a few times.

From the process of capturing the man in green just now, Han Zheng has already judged that the strength of the opponent is indeed only the 85 billion combat power shown in the [Data Attribute].

Moreover, the man in green was originally a [rare number] from the last era, and I couldn't see his [data] at first.

But now, not only is his [data] clearly flashing above his head, even the serial number has become normal...

It seems that my guess is indeed correct...

After silently looking at each other for a few seconds, the man in green was the first to speak. He looked out of the cave and said with a complicated expression:

"The last time I saw you, you controlled [Lightning Cell] and [Super Second Son Gohan]...I didn't expect to be upgraded to [Buu] and [Mysterious Gohan] so soon...and yours Combat power... When you attacked me just now, the combat power was more than 600 billion..."

"You have changed a lot from each other..." Han Zheng squatted down: "...What happened?"

The last time I saw the man in green, he was strong enough to compete with Super San Sun Wukong, and then he used himself to control the old world king god, and his combat power was improved.

Unexpectedly, when I saw him again now, I was already in such a state of despair.

Back then, he could subdue himself with a wave of his hand, but now, it's just the opposite.

"Why do you need to ask so much..." The man in green looked bitter: "...you and I are both [rare numbers]... Uh, I used to be... why I am in such a mess now, you naturally know in your heart."

Han Zheng nodded: "If I'm not mistaken, you are a combatant from the last era, right?"

"You even know this? So, you have already decided to make a [sacrifice] once?"

Han Zheng smiled and continued to ask: "Who has swallowed your ability and combat power? Qi Shaodong, right?"

"That's right..." The man in green had bitterness on his face: "... I was indeed killed by him, and my abilities and invisible combat power were all taken away by him... Now I have completely become a Ordinary number, the fighting power is not as good as the few subordinates I used to..."

"Subordinate... By the way, you are the head of [Green Legion], right?"

"That's right...but it's not anymore..."

"You always answer your questions."

"Hehe, I know, even if I don't answer, you will use [Mind Reading] to probe my heart. Do I still need to hide it?"

Han Zheng blinked his eyes, but didn't answer the question.

But the facts are indeed as the other party said, while asking the question, he is also quietly performing the [mind reading technique].

Through mind reading, he learned that after the man in green was resurrected, he died in the dungeon again. After being resurrected again, he finally got out of the dungeon. Before he had time to practice, he was dragged into the copy of [Small Trial].

"After all, you are a combatant who has lived in two epochs, and this is the only obvious combat strength?" Han Zheng asked.

"What's the point of the two epochs? In the last epoch, the top experts only had a few hundred combat power. After entering this era, what is the value of a few hundred combat power? Everyone is equivalent to starting from scratch..." The man in green He shook his head and said:

"...Moreover, you should have seen it before. I have an ability that can convert the [Temporary Combat Power] obtained in the dungeon into [Concealed Combat Power] that can be used permanently. Although this ability has a limit on the number of times it can be used , but it has become the main way for me to improve my combat power. 90% of my own combat power is [hidden combat power]...

...The last time I met you in the dungeon, my total combat power was 570 billion. After being promoted by the old king god, it reached 950 billion combat power equivalent to the mysterious Gohan... After being killed, more than 800 billion The hidden combat power is all gone..."

When he said the words "all gone" at the end, the man in green showed pain clearly on his face.

"After devouring you, wouldn't Qi Shaodong's total combat power reach 2000 billion?"

"Well, when I was fighting with him, I could sense that his combat power was around 1000 billion to 1100 billion... plus my 950 billion... 2000 billion must be there."

Han Zheng frowned. After that, Qi Shaodong forced his way into the dungeon and harvested another [Rare Number], and after that, he heard that the head of the [Royal Legion] was suddenly killed...

In this way, wouldn't Qi Shaodong's combat power at the moment be quite terrifying...

"With hundreds of billions of combat power, does he have such a big upper limit?"

"Yes, he is [Majin Buu's bloodline]. Buu and Kamihan are the two 'end-type bloodlines' in the battlefield...the upper limit is ridiculously high, with a value of 6000 billion."

Hundreds of billions of space...Han Zheng's face suddenly turned cold.

Then he took a closer look at the situation when the man in green was killed, and the various [rare abilities] they possessed.

According to the man in green, before he was killed, he had 14 [rare abilities], among which the ones that were quite useful in battle were [reserve all previously used moves/abilities], [equipment enhancement] and so on.

In addition, the three most valuable abilities are - [Dungeon increases combat power permanently] [Free access to non-dungeon activity areas] and [Two lives].

Han Zheng had already seen the first two of these three abilities before, and after he learned about the ability of [Two Lives] through mind reading, he couldn't help being speechless again.

However, according to the man in green, he has exhausted the number of times the ability [Dungeon Boosts Combat Power] can be used, so even if Qi Shaodong has this ability now, he cannot continue to use it, which is equivalent to adding one more "Waste ability".

According to the man in green, Qi Shaodong has 13 abilities in total. Apart from high-quality abilities such as [Copy Equipment] and [Damage Transfer], there are two other special abilities——

First, [Transformation Ability], if two [Rare Numbers] are voluntary, they can exchange [Ability].

Before the battle with Qi Shaodong, the "replacement ability bet" they proposed was based on the effect of this ability.

Second, [Creating Space], this ability is really amazing, he can open up a space world of his own, the size of the space is the same as the [Spiritual Time Room], and the passage of time is the same as the outside world.

As long as Qi Shaodong doesn't want to leave that space, even [Running Dungeon] cannot take him away.

Moreover, Qi Shaodong can remotely invite other combatants to enter the space through the contact network; and if the invited person does not agree to enter, Qi Shaodong can also forcibly bring the other party into his own space through face-to-face physical contact.

What's even more rogue is that Qi Shaodong's ability to "forcibly bring people into the space" can be used anytime, anywhere!
That is to say, Qi Shaodong can reach out and grab someone directly in the [living area], and bring them into the space; while everyone in the [living area] only has the speed of a mortal, if they don't react in time, they will easily die. was forcibly taken away by him.

And anyone who entered his space, without Qi Shaodong's permission, would have to stay for at least 5 minutes before leaving.

After understanding this ability, Han Zheng immediately remembered the situation when Qi Shaodong killed another [rare number] in the previous dungeon.

At that time, Qi Shaodong claimed that he wanted one of that person's abilities, and that ability was—【Forcibly enter the private area of ​​combatants in the network】.

Han Zheng couldn't help but gasped, no wonder Qi Shaodong wanted to get this ability so much, he didn't hesitate to break the rules and break into the dungeon to harvest it.

If this ability is used in conjunction with his own [Create Space], then wouldn't he be able to sneak into other people's private areas anytime and anywhere, forcefully capture people into the space, and start killing them!
With his current strength, it is impossible for anyone in the battlefield to be his opponent, plus this bunch of BUG-like abilities... Others are not only unable to provoke, but also unable to hide.

Judging from the current information, Qi Shaodong has already mastered 3000 to [-] abilities, and has a combat power of [-] billion or [-] billion... It's really "horrible"...

If he also entered this [Small Trial] and participated in the final stage of the [Martial Arts Association], then the only way left for him is to retire.

Otherwise, once he finds out, he will definitely be captured by him immediately into that terrifying space, and there is no way to escape.

And just when Han Zheng was worried, the man in green on the side spoke again:

"Before entering the [Small Trial] this time, I temporarily received news from my confidants in the past—according to him, Qi Shaodong has been publicizing that he will 'retreat' for a period of time in recent days, and even this time [Small trial] I gave up, no one knows what the hell he is doing..."

(End of this chapter)

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