dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 561 Little Fresh Meat...?

Chapter 561 Little Fresh Meat...?
While Sun Yuqian was speaking, Han Zheng also immediately recognized that the person who stepped down from the RV was a certain popular actor.

When I read the mind of that female combatant in [Centre Space] before, I saw it in her memory—Vice President Hong of the [Resurrection Club] once shared a ride with this little fresh meat. The car seems extremely intimate.

He hurriedly drove the crystal ball to zoom in on the picture, trying to see it carefully.

The picture of the little fresh meat on the crystal ball quickly zoomed in, the image was clear, and the hair was visible.

"There's nothing wrong, it's him!" Sun Yuqian pointed to the screen and said, "...my mother and my sister-in-law are obsessed with him. When I went to visit them in your private area, I saw them scratching a piece of paper on the bedroom wall. His poster."

Han Zheng didn't speak, and continued to let the screen follow Xiao Xianrou.

In the picture, among the members of the [Resurrection Club], three or four people headed up to greet him quickly. It can be seen from their demeanor that these combatants are very respectful to this little fresh meat .

Those who looked like "bosses" quickly surrounded him in the center, while the man in the suit walked in front and led the way, and the group quickly entered the unit building.

The remaining dozen or so fighters stayed outside the courtyard, scattered around, obviously doing security work.

"What... what's going on here?" Sun Yuqian asked suspiciously: "Those masters of the [Resurrection Club], why are they so respectful to an actor? What's the origin of that guy?"

Han Zheng briefly explained what he saw when he read his mind, and finally he was a little puzzled and said: "From the memory of that female combatant, I can only see that Vice President Hong and this little fresh meat The relationship is very close, and they often travel together in this world..."

"Vice President Hong?" Sun Yuqian recalled for a while, and then immediately said: "I have heard of this person, she is a beautiful woman with red hair, it is said that this woman is super YD, there are several in [Resurrection Club] Men, they all maintain a special relationship with her..."

Speaking of this, Sun Yuqian suddenly became elated, leaned towards Han Zheng, deliberately lowered his voice and said: "...you don't know, I have also heard that this red-haired woman is often in dungeons. The battle force captured Vegeta and his son, and then...you know..."

At the end, Sun Yuqian threw a meaningful look...

Han Zheng was immediately ashamed... This Vice President Hong is truly extraordinary.

"Could this little fresh meat be that red-haired woman's lover in this world?" Sun Yuqian asked.

Han Zheng shook his head. Originally, he also had this kind of guess, but now it seems that the matter should not be so simple.

Just the status of "vice president's present lover" can make these masters of the [Resurrection Club] so respectful?

This little fresh meat is definitely not simple.

Han Zheng continued to spy on him.

Next, the three or four "bosses" and the little fresh meat entered a conference room in the building and sat together, as if discussing something.

And that little fresh meat seldom spoke, but he was always listening carefully.

Han Zheng sighed. The crystal ball could only see the picture, but could not hear the sound, so it was impossible to know what they were discussing.

This discussion lasted for about half an hour, and then the "bosses" respectfully sent out the little fresh meat.

Afterwards, a group of people got into the car separately, and the RV in which Xiao Xianrou was riding went straight to the airport.

And the members of the [Resurrection Club] completely dispersed and went their separate ways.

Han Zheng observed the whereabouts of many vehicles one by one, but found nothing useful.

Those [Resurrection Club] members obviously didn't come here for Gu Yichou. After they dispersed, most of them found a hidden place to stay, and then teleported back to the battlefield.

As for the little fresh meat, he quickly took the nearest flight to the capital.

I really can't see anything unusual about him, I can't find any clues...

"Do you want me to catch him?" Sun Yuqian asked beside him.

"Forget it..." Han Zheng thought for a while, and rejected the proposal: "Our main task now is to guard Gu Yichou. Before she wakes up, we'd better not cause trouble. This little fresh meat has nothing to do with us for the time being." It's okay, let's just let it go..."

He paused, and then said: "How about this, take some time and help me look up this little fresh meat's various performance schedules for the second half of the year, maybe it will be useful in the future."

Sun Yuqian responded, turned around and went to another room, turned on the computer, and logged in to the webpage...

Soon, another day passed.

During this period of time, Han Zheng took the time to go back to the battlefield, and quickly used up the [Lucky Draw] chance obtained from the previous distribution of 10 black cards.

After 10 [lottery draws] in a row, a large amount of supplies fell into Han Zheng's pocket again——


It's a pity that the current Han Zheng has reached the [Super Three] state, and most of the blood equipment is no longer valuable to him.

However, what surprised Han Zheng was that among the dozen or so [practice coupons], there was actually a [spiritual time house * 1 day] training coupon!

When he drew this item, the whole person suddenly became excited.

[Spiritual Time Room] is the most efficient [Cultivation Dungeon] at the moment!
However, due to the "purchase restriction" on the battlefield, each person can only buy copies for two days. After two days, no matter how rich you are, you can't continue to buy [Spiritual Time House] practice.

However, it would be different if there was a 【Cultivation Coupon】!

Although there are restrictions on personal purchases, there is no limit to using [Cultivation Coupon] to enter. Now that you get a coupon for [Spiritual Time Room], it is equivalent to that you can practice in [Time Room] for one more day !

For Han Zheng at this moment, such a ticket is simply much higher than [Super Second Blood] [Dapra Blood], etc.

Afterwards, Han Zheng quickly donated [Dabra's Blood] [No. 16] and other materials to Sun Yuqian.

At this time, Sun Yuqian was still consuming the countdown to start the [Second Generation Shalu Bloodline], and Han Zheng asked him to continue guarding Gu Yichou, while he returned to the private area and directly opened the [Cultivation Dungeon] purchase list.

Now that I am in the [Super Three] realm, and my cultivation speed has reached [SSS+], it is not a waste to go to [Time House] to practice with this qualification.

Han Zheng immediately bought the [Spiritual Time Room] for a whole day, and at the same time used up the [Time Room Training Voucher] at the same time!
With a flash of light, Han Zheng appeared at the door of Time Room again.

He took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Two days... no, it's two years of practice, it's started!

(End of this chapter)

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