dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 526 The Woman Who Looks Like Chen Chen

Chapter 526 The Woman Who Looks Like Chen Chen

How could it be her?
For a moment, Han Zheng even thought he was dazzled, so he quickly rubbed his eyes, and then took a few more careful glances.

However... No matter how you look at it, the woman in front of you is exactly the same as Chen Chen, as if carved out of the same mold.

Is it a coincidence?
Just look alike?
After all...according to "Sun Yanzi", the segment I am in at the moment is before [Water Margin Era], and [Water Margin Era] was already hundreds of years ago!
Hundreds of years, how could it be the same person?

However, the more Han Zheng looked at it, the more suspicious he became in his heart—although hundreds of years were separated, but...

Is it really such a coincidence that they are so similar in stature and appearance, and they are both combatants?
Could it be her ancestors?But even the ancestors don't look exactly the same, right?

Han Zheng's thoughts were confused for a moment, and all kinds of speculations flashed through his mind quickly.

But at this time, after taking a few breaths, the woman who resembled Chen Chen swung the blood-stained sharp stone slab and cut off the heads of the male corpses one by one.

Then she lifted the heads high, so that their faces were facing the blood-red sky above.

In the next moment, those heads turned into a few streaks of red light, quickly rushed up to the sky, and merged with the blood red in the sky.

Then, the woman turned around and ran quickly in another direction.

"Hey, wait..." Han Zheng, who was thinking about it, subconsciously waved his hand to grab it, but it was empty.

Only then did he realize that he was just a spectator at this time.

Seeing the woman drifting away, Han Zheng hurried back to "Sun Yanzi" and said, "Is she the last sacrificial person?"

"That's right, it's her."

"Then do you know any information about her? Who is she? What is her origin? What has she experienced in the battlefield? Also, isn't she [rare number], do you know her number and ability?"

Facing a series of questions, the other party could only laugh dryly and shook his head: "I don't know about her information, I really don't know that much..."

Han Zheng's expression darkened, while "Sun Yanzi" sat directly on the dirty ground and continued:
"This is a copy of the battlefield before the [Era Era]. As for the current time, it was around the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, they were not called [combatants], but had another name, which was convenient for the ancients to understand. The same is true for [Rare Number], and it does not have such a complicated ability pattern now...

In the other party's narration, Han Zheng finally understood the relationship and difference between [Era Era] and [Pre-Era Era].

In the [Pre-Era Era], which is the current era, there is no distinction between the battlefield and the dungeon, and there is no living area or private area, there is only such a world.

The blood-red sky, the black muddy land, and the foul-smelling air—the whole battlefield world is full of this scene.

And the [combatants] at that time were in this kind of world, fighting endlessly, fighting to the death.

Moreover, at that time, the battlefield could not provide strength and weapons to all [combatants]. Everyone could only rely on their own strength to fight like primitive people with the stones they picked up.

At the same time, the battlefield at that time was even so rudimentary that a combatant had to cut off his head and lift it up to the sky after killing someone else, and wait for the bloody sky to absorb the head before it could be counted as a successful kill.

In short, it is an extremely primitive, low-level, and fragile battlefield world. It has no powerful power, various props and weapons, and no detailed background settings and plot trends...

There is just such an endless space, and those ugly and ordinary fights.

As for the [rare numbers] of that era, they were not as complex and diverse as Han Zheng and others later on. They were just able to obtain some weapons that other people did not have, with stronger power, faster speed, or stronger Self-healing ability, and so on...

Just like just now, that woman suddenly showed a speed far superior to others, killing those men in an instant.

I don't know how long this [Pre-Era Era] lasted. A large number of [combatants] died one after another, and countless energies were sucked into the bloody sky, but this was not enough to support the battlefield to upgrade and evolve.

Until one day, a [rare number] chose to sacrifice himself after reaching the sacrifice standard.

And this person is the woman just now.

Her self-sacrifice, like a key, opened the door to a new world. Relying on her sacrifice and the energy of the dead absorbed over the years, the battlefield finally completed a reset and an evolution.

After that, earth-shaking changes occurred on the battlefield, and a mode of fighting in batches appeared, which was the prototype of the battlefield dungeon.

At the same time, it also has the ability to empower [combatants], and can change the environment of the copy, making it no longer a monotonous and simple world.

However, at this time, the battlefield is still unable to create its own dungeon world view and dungeon content, so it began to use a large number of literary works in the world to support the background setting and plot of the battlefield.

In addition, in this evolution, the biggest gain on the battlefield is the ability to possess [Era Change].

In the following hundreds of years, the battlefield has undergone era changes again and again. In addition to changing the background settings, each new and old alternation makes the battlefield more perfect and stronger, until today, to the present day. Han Zheng lived in this era.


After listening to "Sun Yanzi"'s narration, Han Zheng was silent for a while, digesting the large amount of information.

Afterwards, he slowly asked: "Then...after the sacrifice, what happened to that woman?"

"What happened?" Hearing this question, the other party was obviously a little stunned: "Haven't you already experienced it once, after the sacrifice, the body and consciousness of the [rare number] were occupied and used by the battlefield, The body and consciousness are gone, which is naturally equivalent to death."

"Is it really... dead?" Han Zheng couldn't believe it, he murmured: "...Then why did she sacrifice and kill herself?"

"Who knows, maybe I'm tired of living a life of killing and killing."

Han Zheng looked solemn, and his doubts grew more and more.

In his mind, the image of the woman just now gradually overlapped with the image of Chen Chen in his memory... The two images are exactly the same!

Is it really just a coincidence?

He recalled Chen Chen again. The last time he met her was in a [resource copy] in the level 2 area. At that time, she said that the next meeting between the two of them might be in the level 3 area.

But now that he has entered the 4th-level area, he has never seen her again, and has never been able to contact her.

Han Zheng subconsciously wanted to open the contact network and send another message, but he soon realized that at this moment, he couldn't open the contact network at all.

He sighed... It seems that he can only find a way to contact him after he goes back.

"By the way, having said so much, I already know a lot about the battlefield..." Han Zheng shook his head, and continued to ask: "...But, what about the relationship between the present world, the battlefield and the awakening space? Can you explain it?"

"Sun Yanzi" shook her head again: "Sorry, even I don't know anything about this issue. Although I have gained a lot of authority and learned a lot of information after getting rid of the shackles, I don't know much about the relationship between them. , I really don't know..."

Han Zheng sighed helplessly. He looked around, then at the blood-red sky above his head, and remained silent.

But "Sun Yanzi" stood up from the ground at this time: "Okay, this time I have spent a lot of energy on this trip, if I continue to stay here, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long, what should we do?" gone back."

Afterwards, she grabbed Han Zheng again and started the shuttle.

After more than ten seconds of space distortion, Han Zheng returned to the street of [Awakening Space].

(End of this chapter)

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