dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 524 "This, this is not..."

Chapter 524 "This, this is not..."

Hearing the word "no", Han Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he looked at "Sun Yanzi" expectantly, waiting for her next explanation.

However, after saying "no", "Sun Yanzi" quickly fell silent and did not continue at all.

Han Zheng had no choice but to take the initiative to ask: "After the end of the era, what will happen to [Rare Number]?"

The other party shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know about this either. I only know that when the old era ends, [Rare Numbers] with less than 10 [Abilities] will be forcibly erased. People, I really don't know what will happen?"

She spread her hands helplessly: "Don't look at me like that, I'm not omniscient, and the information in my mind is limited."

"Is there no useful information at all? After entering the new era, the [rare number] of the old era will not disappear out of thin air, right? The battlefield... or [Awakening Space] must always place them?"

"Sun Yanzi" hesitated for a moment before whispering:
"I can only make some inferences based on some fragmented information - after the end of each era, 10+ [rare numbers] should be sent to another place, I don't know exactly where, only a very few They can escape from the [Rare Number], they can continue to exist in the battlefield and the present world, but when the next era changes, they will still have to face the situation of being teleported away again."

She paused for a second, and said slowly:
"...I am not [-]% sure about the above information, but in the current battlefield, there should indeed be a [rare number] from the previous era. Since your [Awakening Space] has mutated, I can always be sure. Nowhere sensed their presence, but I'm not sure how many there were."

Han Zheng's face became more and more serious, and a trace of sadness flashed quickly in his eyes.

He had never expected that the battlefield was actually more cruel than he had imagined.

As the era changed, ordinary fighters like my cousin and Sun Yuqian almost became fertilizer on the battlefield.

And the [rare number] like myself is missing...

Such an ending is simply unacceptable!
If this is the case, what will happen to the family members who have already lived in their own private area when the era changes?
And, how long before the present era will end?

I have been to the level 1 area many times before, and I remember that when I went there last time, I had already seen the number starting with the letter R there.

Counting it, there will be seven or eight years at most, and this era will come to an end...

Until then, what should I and my family do?

Han Zheng was at a loss for a while, and then he asked some questions about the [rare number] during the era change, but "Sun Yanzi" was already unable to answer.

Han Zheng sighed for a long time. From the conversation just now, a lot of shocking information poured out one after another. He really needs to digest it well...

While the two were talking, in the nearby palace garden, Tianjin Fan had already been defeated, and Monkey King had already appeared to rescue him.

Sun Wukong and Piccolo fought to the death. After a fight, both of them were exhausted and scarred.

According to the development of the original plot, when the battle entered the final stage, Sun Wukong was still stronger. Even when his legs and one hand were interrupted, he still burst out the potential power of a Saiyan, and punched through the The chest of the Great Demon King.

But at this moment, when Sun Wukong and the Great Demon King were fighting to their limits, several figures suddenly flew out from outside the wall of the palace in the distance.

These figures quickly rushed towards the exhausted Great Demon King and Monkey King, and several qigong waves crashed down.

Looking at this scene, Han Zheng, who was in a state of anxiety, did not change at all.

With the development of the plot, when the dungeon character was seriously injured and dying, he suddenly came out to steal the head - this kind of trick, he has long been used to it.

It seems that the combatants of the previous era were also using this method.

However, just when these "senior" combatants were about to succeed, a nearby ground suddenly exploded, and a figure jumped out instantly.

The figure jumping out from the ground was much faster than the others. He raised his hand and shot two holes, directly shooting down the two combatants in mid-air.

After that, he immediately accelerated forward, heading straight for Piccolo and Monkey King.

And in the process of rushing forward, this person happened to pass by Han Zheng's position. Just like the previous situation, this combatant also walked directly past Han Zheng's body.

Han Zheng didn't pay much attention at first, but when he saw the man's appearance clearly, his expression changed suddenly!
I clearly recognize this combatant who sprang out from the ground and quickly passed through his body!

He is - the man in green that he saw in the last round of dungeons!

At this time, the combatant had already started to attack Monkey King and the Great Demon King, Han Zheng hurriedly chased after him, and after a careful look, he was sure that this person was the man in green!
"What?" Stefanie Sun obviously saw that he was wrong, and immediately followed.

Han Zheng shook his head, but did not answer.

However, thoughts frantically surged in his mind. The combatant in front of him was definitely the man in green, and he would not admit his mistake.

From this point of view, the man in green was clearly a combatant from the previous era and had survived until this era.

If it was just like this, Han Zheng wouldn't care too much about it, it's just...

The man in green should be a [rare number]!

"Sun Yanzi" once said before that the 10+ [rare numbers] will basically be teleported to a mysterious place after the era changes, and only a very small number of people can escape this "transportation" and stay on the battlefield and in this world.

In this way, the man in green is very likely to be a "successful escape."

As a [rare number], he has lived through at least two eras.

Han Zheng, who was originally full of worries, clueless, and helpless, suddenly saw the light of hope at this moment!

Or to be more precise - I saw a useful clue!

Since the man in green can continue to survive, then he must also have a chance.

It's just that, at present, I don't know much about the man in green. I don't know his number, nor his origin. I'm afraid it won't be that simple to find out how to keep him alive.

Fortunately, there was enough time left to find clues by myself.

At this moment, the man in green had already harvested all the combatants, Monkey King, and the Great Demon King. He looked at the corpses all over the ground, with a smug smile on his lips, and then flew into the sky and ran away into the distance.

"Let's hurry up...Eh? What's going on here?"

Han Zheng was eager to keep up with the man in green and look for clues from him, but just after he flew up, he seemed to hit an invisible transparent wall and was bounced back.

"Sun Yanzi" stepped forward at this moment, and said helplessly: "I told you before that I didn't take you through time, but just took you to watch a certain fragment of the past. Therefore, we are only in the past now." In a 'fragment' of this place, the time and place are limited, we can't leave here, and we can't see the situation outside here."

"Then can I watch other clips, especially about that person just now!" Han Zheng asked loudly, pointing at the man in green in Feiyuan.

The other party shook his head: "Sorry, this is the only watchable clip about the last era."

Han Zheng was suddenly a little sad.

It seems that I can only find a way to find the man in green after I go back...

He sat on the ground and meditated for a long time before standing up.

"What, are you ready to leave here?" Stefanie Sun asked softly.

"By the way, there is one more thing..." About the man in green, Han Zheng decided to put it aside for the time being, and do research after returning. Right now, he still has a few doubts in his mind, and he hopes to get answers:
"...The background setting of the battlefield in this era is [Dragon Ball Part [-]] + [Dragon Ball Z], while in the previous era there was only [Dragon Ball Part [-]], so what about the previous eras? The battlefield background at that time What is it like? Also... You said before that several epochs ago, a [rare number] sacrificed himself, which made the battlefield more complete. Before he sacrificed himself, the battlefield What is it like?"

"Haha, I guessed that you would ask this..." The other party smiled, then stretched out his hand again, and grabbed Han Zheng's shoulder: "Come... I will show you a few places, and continue to look..."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding scene twisted and rotated again.

After a while, Han Zheng found himself taken to a brand new place by "Sun Yanzi".

"This is the previous era, about 30 years ago..." Stefanie Sun raised her finger and pointed around: "...Look, do you recognize where this is?"

Han Zheng looked around, and found that he was brought to an extremely desolate land, with extremely dilapidated buildings standing on both sides, which looked like the background of the end of the world.

Just in front of him, stood an extremely tall man with a ferocious face, holding a young girl in his hand, and roared loudly:

"How dare you kill my companion, watch how I tear this child apart!"

On the other side, a young man who was also very muscular walked up to the man quickly.

After hearing the other party's roar, the muscular man suddenly became furious. He let out a roar, and then all the muscles in his body swelled violently!
The next moment, the clothes on his upper body were quickly torn apart by the soaring muscles.

And on his strong chest and abdominal muscles, seven finger-thick scars are arranged in the shape of a Big Dipper, which is extremely eye-catching.

Looking at this scene, Han Zheng couldn't help but change his expression again: "This, isn't this..."

(End of this chapter)

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