dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 509 A big wave of ransom "attack"

Chapter 509 A Big Wave of Ransom "Attacks"

Looking at the suddenly extended countdown on the [Invitation Ticket], Han Zheng turned his head and looked at Han Lei, full of doubts.

On the other hand, Captain Tang, after quickly looking at the invitation ticket, suddenly turned cold: "You mean, you have to wait more than ten days before you can release my son?"

"At present, it can only be like this..." Han Lei shrugged and sighed helplessly: "...We didn't expect that the opening time of the dungeon would be suddenly delayed."

Han Zheng also nodded. [Storm Corps] suddenly delayed the opening time of the dungeon for some reason, which is really unexpected.

The 4 days were suddenly stretched to 12 days, and Han Zheng felt a little worried...

Prior to this, Han Zheng and his cousin deliberately selected a few masters headed by Captain Tang from the list of 20 combatants, intending to ask them to follow him and enter the instance of [Storm Corps] together.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to target the Stormtroopers who want to make an exception to enter the [Resource Dungeon]——Zhao Chun!
In that chaotic night more than ten days ago, Han Zheng had already seen Zhao Chun's true strength.

him at the moment.Confident that he already has the strength to fight Zhao Chun.

Especially the previous experience of killing several deputy army chiefs in the [Top Ten Legion Dungeons] made him more confident.

Therefore, when he got the information about Zhao Chun's recent whereabouts from Xiaoshan and these invitation tickets for the [Storm Corps] dungeon, Han Zheng discussed with his cousin and decided to seize this opportunity and sneak into the dungeon to kill Zhao Chun!

If you don't cherish this opportunity in front of you, it will not be so easy to find another opportunity to be in the same dungeon with him in the future.

After all, today's Zhao Chun rarely returns to the present world, and if he wants to deal with him, he can only find a way in the dungeon.

The last time in the melee at night, Zhao Chun's total strength was about 90 billion or more.

I believe that if there are no major surprises, during this period of time, Zhao Chun's combat power should not increase too much.

The current self is capable of defeating him.

At the same time, for the sake of safety, Han Zheng decided to bring some helpers in.

After all, as the commander of the [Storm Corps], Zhao Chun has countless subordinates, and there are other allies of the [Storm Corps] in the dungeon, so he and his cousin can't just go there alone.

10 days ago, from Xiaoshan, Han Zheng got a total of 6 [Invitation Tickets], besides himself and his cousin, he could also bring four more fighters in.

However, now that the time is suddenly delayed, Han Zheng is a little worried whether Captain Tang and the others will be too late...

"Well, I can enter this dungeon with you in 12 days..." After a moment of silence, Captain Tang suddenly spoke, and his words immediately dispelled Han Zheng's doubts.

However, immediately Captain Tang said firmly: "...But, for the past 12 days, I request to see my son once a day to ensure his safety!"

Meeting once a day, of course Han Zheng couldn't agree, after some bargaining, it was changed to meeting once every 4 days, and the meeting place was still in the [Centre Space].

Later, after receiving 2 drops of [Super Second Blood] from Captain Tang, Han Zheng left here with his cousin and Tang Baohao.

For the next half a day, Han Zheng and the remaining 18 combatants met one by one in the [Centre Space].

During the 18 meetings, although some combatants had disputes due to excitement, some even beat Han Zheng and others in the [Centre Space], trying to forcefully take away the tenants.

However, after Han Zheng waved the tenant back to the private area, these combatants finally understood that if they want to save their family members, they must cooperate honestly.

The 18 meetings were successfully completed one by one, and all the fighters handed over the ransom money as requested by Han Zheng.

After that, Han Zheng made appointments with these combatants one after another, asking them to rush to the present world to pick up their families at a designated time and place.

At the same time, another three of these 18 fighters were selected by Han Zheng, and they only needed to pay a "small" ransom to bring their families back home.

These three people are the "helpers" picked by Han Zheng. Like Captain Tang, they will follow him into the instance of [Storm Corps] after 12 days.

Moreover, out of caution, Han Zheng did not inform them of the true purpose of the dungeon trip in advance, in order to prevent the news from leaking during this period.

After all the combatants paid the ransom, they immediately returned to the present world to prepare.

And this large ransom amounted to——


Plus the 5 points + 1 piece of [Mysterious Fragment] obtained from Zhou Xing, the two drops of [Super Second Blood] handed over by Captain Tang, and the part of the ransom that Han Lei had collected before...

What a big explosion!
Han Zheng, who returned to the private area, looked at his equipment column and blood column, and the large amount of "ransom money" received, his heart suddenly surged.

After being agitated for a while, Han Zheng calmed down and began to distribute.

The set of [Earth Dragon Ball] was sent to Sun Yuqian by him, in order to prevent himself and his cousin from dying in the dungeon in an accident at the same time, and no one outside could rescue him.

4 drops of [Complete Shalu's Blood] and 1 [Time Machine] were given to his cousin Han Lei. In this way, his cousin's [Wansha's Blood] has also been collected, and he only needs to practice for a while, and then [Wansha Bloodline] can be activated.

He divided half of the 60 [Fairy Beans] and sold half of them.

2 pieces of [Vitality Bomb Fragments] will continue to be collected into the warehouse. At this time, the collection status of the fragments is already in [6/7] state, and only one piece is needed to synthesize the full version of [Vitality Bomb].

...This kind of BUG-level skill is not far away from me now...

Han Zheng sighed in his heart, and then he opened his [Blood Bar] and took out 10 [Mysterious Potential Fragments] and 4 drops of [Super Two Blood] to synthesize. After the light flashed, another drop of [Mysterious Gohan's Blood] fell. into the bag.

And in the blood bar at this time——

The blood required for the bloodlines of [Super Two] and [Dabra] has now been collected. When the restriction of "suspending bloodline replacement" expires, he can continue to upgrade his bloodline.

In addition to these blood, I still have nearly a million points in my pocket at this moment, so I don't have to worry about being stingy in my practice for a long time in the future.

After disposing of all the supplies properly, Han Zheng quickly called out more than 30 tenants one after another, told them to get ready, and sent them away one after another by himself one day later.

Afterwards, Han Zheng drove all the more than 30 excitedly screaming tenants back to the room. After running around for a long time, he felt a little tired and sat down on the sofa.

He took the copy of the invitation again, looked at the countdown on the back, and then turned to look at his cousin beside him...

... Zhao Chun... In 12 more days, it's time to make a break!

(End of this chapter)

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