dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 50 Invitation from Chen Chen

Chapter 50 Invitation from Chen Chen

Finally received the notification that the task is completed!
Han Zheng felt relieved for a while. This was the most relaxing time he had heard the task completion prompt in the past few rounds of dungeons.

After all, the first two rounds are single-kill dungeons. Even after completing the survival mission, you still have to be careful and beware of those combatants who may not have completed the mission.

But now, in the team battle dungeon, the enemy group is wiped out, and the rest are all teammates who cannot attack each other. In addition, there are no masters around here who can threaten them any more. In the next few days, I can finally relax. I'm asleep.

But... at this time, it's not time to rest and sleep...

"Hey! You killed that orangutan, what did you get out of it?" Chen Chen walked up to Han Zheng and asked with a "bad" look in his eyes.

Han Zheng leaned on the knife, smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, Chen Chen kept shaking his head: "Looking at your character, you must have gotten a drop of Saiyan blood. Why am I so unlucky? I wiped out Team A, but I didn't get anything. This game is a big loss."

Han Zheng couldn't help but want to complain again, it's a loss if he doesn't gain anything from co-authoring!

"What's the problem? Isn't the dungeon endless?" Wang Song laughed. After winning the team battle, he seemed very excited, and his whole person returned to his previous arrogant personality:

"The 'hunting' is far from over. In this city, there are still many dungeon characters worthy of 'hunting'."

However, what he said was indeed correct, although in the battle of the Martial Arts Association, the entire army of the Kamepai master and apprentice was wiped out and died at the hands of the big ape.

But apart from their Turtle Sect, there should be quite a few valuable [important dungeon characters] around here at this time.

For example, Namu and Kilang, they chose to leave after losing in the first round, but they should not have gone too far at this time.

Not to mention, there are Yamucha and other people who went to the hospital before.

Moreover, these dungeon characters at this moment cannot match Han Zheng and others in terms of combat power.

Han Zheng looked at the other two. After the battle, the three of them had a tacit understanding. The three of them nodded to each other and set off again, leaving the Martial Arts Temple...


After this round of "hunting and hunting", all three of them gained something.

At this moment, it was already late at night, and Han Zheng and the three of them returned to the house where they were staying. After a day of fighting east and west, the three of them were all exhausted at this moment.

Especially Han Zheng, he was once slapped when he was fighting with the big ape. Although the big ape also recovered halfway, he was still not lightly slapped.

Although his body was injured, Han Zheng was still reluctant to use Xiandou to treat this injury.

After the martial arts battle, the three of them went to the hospital again. Han Zheng stayed there for a while, and brought a doctor to treat and bandage himself.

At this time, Han Zheng had several layers of bandages wrapped around his shoulders, waist and abdomen. He, Chen Chen and Wang Song were sitting in the living room together, checking their own income.

After leaving Budao Temple, the three started a "conquest" in the city. Wang Song got a drop of [Monster Keelang's Blood] and successfully opened the [Monster Kielang Bloodline].

Chen Chen got the [Spike Fangfeng Fist] and started learning immediately.

As for Han Zheng, his "treasure drop luck" seems to have been exhausted before, this time he failed to get the [Perfect Transfiguration] that he wanted most, which made him feel very regretful, but he still gained the [sky Cross Fist].

Moreover, this time it is no longer a martial skill fragment, but a complete martial skill.

[Skill: Sky Cross Fist]
[Attribute: Unarmed Attack Skill]
[Minimum combat power required for learning: 35]
[Explanation: This is a boxing technique that fell from the sky. It was once performed by Namu, the top four player in the 21st Budokai. Namu used this technique to give Monkey King a heavy blow]
[Learn immediately: yes/no]
[Sky Cross Fist begins to practice]
[Practice duration: 2 hours and 20 minutes]
[Remaining time: 2 hours, 19 minutes, 59 seconds...]
The move skill has such an advantage—although Han Zheng’s equipment bar is full, and the [Sky Cross Fist] he picked up later occupied the slot of [Yajiro Bingbei’s Blade], the skill can be learned immediately, and the space for storing the knife reappeared.

Put the knife back into the equipment bar. At this moment, Han Zheng's equipment bar is in a 7/7 state, with all the grids full.

【Xiandou*2】【Blade of Yajiro Bingwei】【Capsule·Robot Lieutenant Arno】【Shrink Watch】【Sword of Young Son Gohan】【Dongdongbo Martial Skill Fragment】【Wan Guo Shocking Palm Martial Skill Fragment】

Han Zheng clicked his tongue, [General White Pistol] and [Peach Baibai Bomb] were both used by him in the martial arts meeting. Even so, the equipment bar is still full...


Just as Han Zheng was checking the equipment column one by one, and kept studying and thinking, Wang Song who was sitting on the other side suddenly spoke.

At this time, Wang Song suddenly restrained his usual rudeness. He suppressed his voice, and it seemed that he was about to say something very formal.

"It's like this... After the cooperative battle in this dungeon, I admire the ability and courage of the two of you very much, and I also learned that the two of you have not yet joined the team. Qi, on behalf of our captain, I sincerely invite you two to join our [Team Dali]!"

As soon as he talked about his team, Wang Song immediately showed complacency, and he continued:

"Our [Team Dali] belongs to the prestigious [Storm Corps]. Our captain is not only powerful in combat, but also treats his subordinates well. The regiment commanders of [Storm Corps] all hold our captain in high regard, so...the same sentence, a good bird chooses a tree..."

"Oh, I get it, I get it, a good bird chooses a tree to live in—" Sitting on the other side, Chen Chen obviously had no patience to listen to him finish, and interrupted him hastily:
"But——I have no plans to join the team for the time being, sorry."

When he was interrupted + rejected in the middle of his sentence, Wang Song was immediately displeased, and his face also pulled down. He stopped talking to Chen Chen and turned to look at Han Zheng, waiting for a reply.

It turned out that they wanted to recruit people into the group!

Han Zheng was actually a little interested in joining the team.

But, as Wang Song said, they [Strong Team] belong to [Storm Corps].

Han Zheng still remembered that in the last dungeon, the combatant who was killed by him and revealed the bloodline of the "Rabbit Army Boss" once claimed to be a member of the "Storm Corps". Begging for his life, he even threatened Han Zheng with [Storm Corps].

Although my cousin also joined the team, but in his diary, there is very little mention of the unit related to [Corps].

Therefore, Han Zheng is not very clear at the moment, what kind of relationship between [Team] and [Corps] is.

Out of prudence, Han Zheng politely declined, and like Chen Chen, claimed that he did not intend to join the team yet.

Seeing that his invitations were rejected by these two people one after another, Wang Song couldn't hold back. Erlang raised his legs and looked out the window angrily.

The temporary team, which had just achieved a major victory not long ago, suddenly fell into embarrassment.

After an awkward silence for more than ten seconds, Chen Chen suddenly broke the deadlock.

"Speaking of which, although I have played a few rounds of dungeons before, and one of them was a team battle dungeon, but this time is so thrilling, it is almost a narrow escape, it is really the first time..."

She smiled at the two of them:

"We have now narrowly escaped death together once. The [resource dungeon invitation coupon] I received after the last round of dungeon has not been used yet. I plan to go shopping for [resource dungeon] after this round of dungeon is over. , if the two of you are also interested, or—the three of us, go together again?"

Wang Song was still in a bad mood at this time, and he didn't speak in a good mood: "My [resource dungeon invitation coupon] has long been used up, so I can't go with you. You can ask Zheng Han."

But Han Zheng was startled at this moment:
"Copy of resources?"

(End of this chapter)

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