dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 490 Blood of Complete Sharu 77

Chapter 490 Blood of Complete Sharu 77
On the campus court of Orange Star High School, Han Zheng took [Wansha], and with the noise of a crowd of students, quietly landed on the net on the edge of the field.

At this moment, his [View Attributes] ability, in this situation, seems to have played the role of "piercing eyes". In his eyes, the "prototype" of the deformed and camouflaged combatants is revealed.

That long-haired boy was pretending to be a [Yege Bloodline] combatant.

And the bat in his hand is also a fighter, and it is also a [Wansha Bloodline] with a combat power of 51 billion!
A string of data was always hanging from the top of a baseball bat—this kind of scene really made Han Zheng feel a little funny.

It seems that these two combatants should be "comrades" belonging to the same team. Unexpectedly, not long after the dungeon started, people from the same team successfully merged.

The two of them came here in disguise this time, they must be the same as themselves, they are all here for Sun Wufan.

Han Zheng stood still and continued to look at the field, wanting to see what the two fighters planned next.

At this time, the "long-haired boy" whispered a few words to the physical education teacher, then suddenly turned around and ran towards Sun Wuhan who was standing in the outfield.

"Oh, um, your name is Sun Wuhan, right? I told the supervisor that we will switch teams, and you will be the batter for this round."

As he spoke, the "long-haired boy" waved the bat in his hand.

Han Zheng, who was hiding on the distant net, couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart.

Seeing the actions of the "long-haired boy", he immediately understood the general tactics of the two combatants.

First hand the [Wansha Combatant] who turned into a bat into Sun Wuhan's hands, and Sun Wufan will definitely not have any doubts about a bat.

Then, the [Yege Combatant] saw the timing again, and suddenly appeared in the [Blood Form] to attack Sun Wufan.

At that time, Sun Wufan will definitely transform into [Super Race] to meet the enemy, and [Yege Combatant] can immediately use his [Blood Ability] to directly swallow Sun Wuhan's [Super Race State] as a light source.

Sun Wuhan has never been in contact with [Ye Ge] before, so he is suddenly swallowed by [Super Race Form], and he will definitely be at a loss for a short time.

And that bat, that is, the [Wansha] with a combat power of 51 billion, seized the opportunity, made a sudden move, and used [Qiyuan Slash] and other deadly moves to kill Sun Wuhan...

Han Zheng thought for a while, if it was him, he would probably arrange tactics like this.

However, this is also good, first let the two combatants rush to the front, wait for them to attack Sun Wuhan, and then see the timing, strike later, and harvest all three of them.

Han Zheng made up his mind and quickly gave instructions to [Wan Sha] next to him, asking him to follow him.

At the same time, he looked around a few times to make sure that there were no other [Data Attributes]—that is, ambushes of combatants.

On the court, the long-haired boy has already rushed to the outfield with a bat, and Son Gohan is still in a stupid and cute state, ready to step forward to take the bat.

But at this moment, in the far northwest direction, a powerful aura suddenly burst into the sky!
Western capital location... Vegeta!

Han Zheng immediately recognized that the owner of this powerful aura was none other than Vegeta!

In addition to Vegeta, there is another weaker breath that bursts out at the Western capital at the same time.

Han Zheng could sense that as soon as Vegeta's aura exploded, he quickly attacked another aura!
Some fighters are starting to mess with Vegeta?
Han Zheng groaned inwardly.

Sure enough, on the court, Son Gohan, who was about to catch the bat, turned his head and looked towards the west.

"Vegeta... what's going on here? Are there any enemies?"

Sensing the breath in the distance, Sun Wuhan's expression tightened.

He paused, and quickly withdrew his hand that was going to catch the bat. At the same time, he ignored the other students, and started the [Super Race] instantly.

Seeing this scene, the long-haired boy was also shocked.

And before he could react, Sun Wuhan flew up and flew towards Xidu.


"Why did Son Gohan have blond hair?"

"Eh? Is he the golden warrior?"

A group of students suddenly exclaimed...

"TMD!" The long-haired boy let out an angry roar, at this time, Sun Wuhan was advancing at full speed, flying far away in an instant.

The long-haired boy also completely ignored the other students at this moment. He looked at the distance where Sun Wuhan disappeared, hesitated for a moment, and immediately took out a [somersault cloud].

Since he didn't dare to reveal his aura, he was afraid of being noticed by Sun Wuhan, and even more afraid of being noticed by other combatants, so he had no choice but to hold the "bat", and quickly chased in the direction of Xidu on the [Somersault Cloud] go up.

Seeing another "classmate" fly away suddenly, the students on the court let out another burst of exclamation.

And Han Zheng, who has been hiding on the net, can't calmly wait for the "later attack" at this moment.

The sudden burst of Vegeta's aura in the direction of the western capital disrupted the situation here.

I am afraid that other combatants on the entire earth have been alarmed by the breath of Vegeta and Son Gohan, and they must act as soon as possible.

Fortunately, [Wan Sha] possessed [Divine Teleportation], so he could move to the vicinity of the two [Super Two] at any time by following his breath.

But before that, Han Zheng decided to kill the two fighters quickly.

Collect some points first to ensure that the copy survives the task.

Han Zheng on the ball net quickly regained his human form. Without waiting for the students on the ground to exclaim again, he immediately took out [No. 16], and took [Wan Sha] on No. 16 to catch up with the two combatants. .

Before the students could see clearly what had happened, No. 16 had already turned into a quick shadow, passing across the campus in a hurry.

The speed of No. 16 was far faster than Somersault Cloud, but within a few breaths, Han Zheng and others caught up with Somersault Cloud flying in front from behind.

At this time, on the somersault cloud, the "long-haired boy" and the "baseball bat" had returned to their human forms, and Han Zheng happened to have seen both of them before.

The combatant of [Ye Ge Bloodline] was Shao Zun who he met in the Martial Arts Conference. Lan Hua from [Legion of God].

And that [Wansha Bloodline] combatant was the former and current deputy commander of the [Storm Legion]—Lei Bao!
Sure enough, he is a combatant from the same team, and he is from [Storm Corps]!

Han Zheng snorted softly, and at the same time beckoned [No. 16] under his feet to rush up quickly.

Lei Bao and Shao Zun, who were flying in front, also immediately noticed the abnormality in the rear, and they turned around hastily.

And at this moment, Han Zheng quickly issued an order in his mind——

[Wansha], who had been lying on his shoulders in the form of flying insects, rushed out at this moment and turned into a human form.

[Wansha] With both arms out, both palms facing Lei Bao in front, and quickly cast [Dumpling Super Power]!
Lei Bao, who had just turned around, immediately saw [Wan Sha]'s moves, and hurriedly wanted to dodge.

However, his speed at this time was about the same as that of [Wansha]. Because he fell behind and was not as good as the opponent in terms of reaction, he still couldn't dodge in the end, and was instantly restrained by [[Super Power]!
At the same time, Han Zheng also rushed out, and a flash appeared beside Shao Zun.

Shao Zun hurriedly blasted out a qigong wave with his backhand, and at the same time twisted his body eager to escape.

However, Han Zheng blew out the qigong with one punch, and then changed his punch into a palm, grabbing Shao Zun's arm.

After that, Han Zheng punched four times in a row, hitting Shao Zun's head hard.

Shao Zun's head instantly turned into "a piece of melon rind"...

[Number N2199 combatant, kill number J1029 combatant, drop [Ye Ge's blood] 1 drop, whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

Immediately afterwards, Han Zheng took advantage of the trend and rushed towards the other side, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to Leibao who had been controlled by [Wansha].

At this time, Leibao had already switched to [Bloodline Form], he struggled to stretch out the tail behind his back, opened the needle port, and gritted his teeth trying to give birth to a few small Cells to rescue himself.

However, Han Zhengyu made a move in an instant, and a series of three [Qi Yuan Slash] quickly cut towards Lei Bao's head——

[Number N2199 combatant, kill serial number H0009 combatant, drop [Complete Cell's Blood] 1 drop, whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

Han Zheng was overjoyed. With this, his [Wansha's Blood] was finally collected!
Moreover, killing two combatants in a row, accumulating points according to the combat power of the killed, at this time, I have already accumulated 79.1 billion points, temporarily ranking first in the dungeon!

It's just that this is not the time to celebrate. This fight has already exposed his aura. Even if Sun Wuhan and other dungeon characters don't pay attention to this side, they will definitely be noticed by other combatants.

He quickly restrained his breath, and then took 【Wan Sha】on No. 16's back again, and immediately left the area.

At the same time, he once again sensed the breath of Son Gohan and Vegeta.

At this time, just as he killed two combatants one after another, Sun Wuhan, who was flying at full speed, had already rushed to the vicinity of Xidu.

Vegeta, on the other hand, is still fighting fiercely with that aura of combatants. Judging from the fluctuation of aura, Vegeta is already sure of victory.

Han Zheng immediately issued an order to [Wan Sha], and then [Wan Sha] locked onto a certain group of ordinary aura in Xidu as quickly as possible.

Then [Wan Sha] reached out and grabbed Han Zheng and No. 16, and immediately cast [Teleportation]!
In the next moment, Han Zheng and his party appeared in the Western Capital City out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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