dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 488 The 16-year-old Son Gohan

Chapter 488 The 16-year-old Son Gohan



The sudden light made Han Zheng close his eyes subconsciously, while the sound of car horns could be heard next to his ears.

Han Zheng suppressed his breath and quickly adapted to the sunlight. While performing [breath sensing], he looked around.

Like most copies in the past, he is currently on the streets of a certain city, surrounded by heavy traffic and noise.

After some detection, Han Zheng failed to sense the breath of any combatants.

On the contrary, he detected the auras of several dungeon characters.

He could sense that somewhere in the far north, there was an extremely powerful aura that was constantly fluctuating violently.

Judging from the situation of this breath fluctuation, it should not be in a battle, but more like a practice.

Han Zheng judged that the owner of this group of breath should be Vegeta who has been working hard at his wife's house for the past 7 years.

If it is only sensed from the breath, Vegeta's current breath is only about 50 billion combat power.

However, Han Zheng knew that Vegeta should not have exploded with full strength. Although he had not been demonized by Babidi at the moment, Vegeta had already broken through the limit and achieved [Super Two], and his actual combat power should have exceeded 80 billion.

In addition to Vegeta, there are several more obvious auras, which fall in the northwest and east.

Judging from the location, it should be the dungeon characters such as Piccolo, Kling, and Turtle Immortal who live in the temple and Turtle Island.

Sensing the aura from all directions, Han Zheng quickly walked across the street in front of him, turning around and into an empty alley.

Here, he raised his hand and quickly summoned 【Wansha】.

In today's timeline, there is no Cell at all, so unless you use the [Time Machine] to travel, or you can't do that kind of "copy and paste" operation anymore.

At present, if you want to use those [Bloodline Abilities], you can only rely on [Wan Sha].

"Transform into a human first to avoid being noticed, and then divination about the location of the Dragon Ball..." Hiding in an empty alley, Han Zheng whispered an order.

Sha Ru quickly took orders and turned into an ordinary passerby.

Then, he quickly put his hands together, and the [Divination Crystal Ball] suddenly appeared in front of his palm.

In just a few seconds, he divined out all the positions of the seven dragon balls.

Han Zheng smiled in satisfaction. From a certain point of view, [Wansha] who is proficient in [Divination] is already equivalent to a "human flesh self-propelled radar".

At the same time, [Divination] can perfectly break the signal shielding of [King Pilaf's Box], which is stronger than [Dragon Ball Radar].

"OK, it's good to know the location. You don't need to collect the dragon balls for the time being. You just need to keep an eye on the location of the dragon balls. When others have collected the dragon balls, we can find a way to snatch them directly."

After explaining to [Wansha], Han Zheng quickly thought about it.

According to the plot, characters such as Majin Buu, Babidi, Dabra, King Kai, and Monkey King who returned from the underworld will not appear on the earth until one month later.

Therefore, in the current dungeon, the two most high-quality characters are Vegeta and Son Gohan.

Han Zheng thought about it, and decided to find and try to harvest Sun Wufan first.

In the past seven years, Vegeta has been practicing hard day and night, and has always maintained the true qualities of a warrior.

With Vegeta's strength and fighting awareness, even though he has [Wansha]'s [Bloodline Ability] to rely on, it would be a little risky to attack Vegeta rashly like this.

For persimmons, pick the soft ones first.

Also in the past seven years, Sun Wuhan has given up his cultivation and has been studying and studying. Not only has his combat power been wasted a lot, but his combat awareness and experience have also declined significantly.

Going to attack Sun Wufan in this state, the success rate will be much higher.

It's just that Han Zheng couldn't sense Sun Wufan's aura on the earth at this time. It seems that Sun Wuhan should have completely suppressed his combat power and didn't let out any aura.

According to the dungeon description, today is Sun Wuhan's first day at Orange Star High School.

Orange Star High School is located in Satan City, and it is already morning, and the school should have started long ago. Sun Wuhan must be in Satan City at this moment, in the school.

Han Zheng immediately called out [No. 16], asking him to quickly find the location of Satan City with the help of the radar and map in his mind.

Afterwards, he ordered [Wansha] to follow the direction given on the 16th, and quickly found the breath of a large number of ordinary residents in Satan City through [breath sensing].

Among these ordinary auras, [Wansha] easily locked on a warrior aura that was slightly stronger than ordinary people.

The next moment, [Wansha] took Han Zheng and teleported to a certain martial arts gym.

"Ah—you... who are you?"

The owner of this aura was indeed a mortal martial artist. Han Zheng and [Wan Sha] suddenly appeared out of thin air, and he was startled.

Han Zheng didn't have time to pay attention to him, so he directly understood [Wan Sha] and knocked the man unconscious.

Then he quickly left the martial arts gym with [Wan Sha], and before leaving, he deliberately turned over a copy of [City Map].

According to the map, he and [Wan Sha] went straight to Orange Star High School.

When passing by a square, a big screen was broadcasting current affairs news. After hearing the sound of the broadcast from above, Han Zheng couldn't help turning his head to look at it.

According to the news, just this morning, a bank in the city was robbed by several gunmen, and when the gangsters were fighting with the police in the street, a young man with blond hair and an Orange Star High School badge on his body , easily subdued the gangster with a shot, and then the blond young man disappeared quickly.

Seeing this news, Han Zheng smiled knowingly.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the original plot, and the blond young man was naturally Sun Wuhan.

In the original plot, Sun Wuhan accidentally ran into a robbery when he was going to school in the morning, and in order to deceive others, he had to transform into a Super Saiyan first, and then subdue the gangster.

Han Zheng and [Wansha] speeded up, and arrived at Orange Star High School in no time without revealing their aura.

At this point, only a few minutes had passed since the dungeon started.

During these few minutes, Han Zheng didn't sense any abnormal aura fluctuations. After all, most of the other combatants couldn't [teleport], so they couldn't act as quickly and timely as he did.

Orange Star High School is the number one high school in Satan City and a world-renowned school.

In the school, there are many students and the campus area is extremely wide.

Standing outside the campus wall, Han Zheng and [Wansha] picked a deserted place, and quickly cast [Transformation].

The two turned into two bugs, quietly crossed the high wall and flew into the campus.

At this time, on the campus field, the physical education teacher was leading a group of students to organize a baseball game.

Han Zheng and [Wan Sha] quietly flew over the field, and saw a group of boys and girls wearing baseball caps, and began to stand on the field.

Among the crowd, a young and beautiful girl immediately attracted Han Zheng's attention.

This girl is about 1.5 meters tall and has a pleasant appearance. A pair of ponytail hair hangs in front of her shoulders, giving her a very lively and girlish atmosphere.

Han Zheng immediately recognized that this was Mr. Satan's daughter——Bideli!

As the daughter of the "Savior", Bideli is extremely popular in the school. Since she stepped onto the court, both boys and girls, regardless of distance, have greeted her.

Amidst the uproar, Han Zheng took 【Wan Sha】 and quietly approached Bidili.

And at this moment, a young boy with a dazed face and a baseball glove foolishly walked onto the field.

Don't look at the hairstyle, but in terms of appearance alone, this boy looks very much like Monkey King.

But in terms of image and temperament, there is a faint trace of Yamcha's demeanor when he was young...

It is Sun Wufan!
(End of this chapter)

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