dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 474 3-Line Attack and Defense [2 in 1]

Chapter 474 Three-Line Attack and Defense 【Two in One】

"Divination crystal ball!" Someone in the crowd immediately recognized it and shouted.

And [Wansha] controlled the crystal ball hanging in front of his hand, and walked quickly to the center of the crowd.

At this time, everyone, including Captain Tang, showed surprise on their faces.

They all know that [Divination Crystal Ball] can remotely check the items or characters in the dungeon, and it is a great tool for gathering information.

While only a few people were pleasantly surprised, they couldn't help but feel puzzled—has there ever been a [Divination Granny] in this dungeon?

However, since the fortune-telling mother-in-law does not have any obvious aura, it is difficult to be noticed, and some combatants in the dungeon have indeed encountered weak characters such as Gui Xianren, so it is impossible to judge its authenticity.

This kind of little doubt only stayed in the hearts of some people for a short moment, and after the picture flashed quickly on the crystal ball, everyone's attention was transferred to the picture.

[Wansha] This behavior was naturally instructed by Han Zheng secretly. At this time, Han Zheng also immediately looked towards the crystal ball.

Since there are three divine swords in total, the pictures on the crystal ball also change one after another——

An Excalibur in the northeast is inserted on a slope. [Royal] Deputy Chief Kevin and another middle-aged male combatant stand on both sides of the Excalibur, and at a more peripheral location, There are also several combatants standing guard at every corner, their faces are awe-inspiring, and they are ready for battle.

The Excalibur in the north was inserted on the top of a tower-shaped mountain. Virkinko was fiddling with the hilt on the top of the mountain, while several other fighters were scattered around the foot of the mountain.

In the northwest, the third Excalibur is inserted on the plain grass. [Shark] Deputy Commander Derek and a bloated fat man guard the side of the Excalibur, and several combatants are also deployed at a slightly outer position.

Han Zheng counted carefully, and the number of combatants guarding the three divine swords was no more than a dozen. This number is really abnormal.

There are currently nearly 30 combatants in the [Non-Ten Ten] camp, and there is absolutely no way that the number of [Ten Ten] is less than their own.

"It seems that there are still some people who don't know where to hide..." The onlookers basically agreed with Han Zheng, and Yang Huan pointed to the screen: "...Either they use deformation to hide, or they are in a more peripheral area. Sentinels and patrols in the area...Of course, it is also possible that some people were sent to take the initiative to attack and look for us."

On the other side, [Saiyan Corps] Corps Commander Fei Lao also asked about the identities of the deputy commanders in the picture: "The two in the northwest, one is Derek from [Shark], and the fat man is from [Asuka] Deputy Legion Commander Cui Ke; the blond hair in the north is Wilkinko from [God]; the one in the northeast is Kevin from [Royal], and I don’t quite recognize the other middle-aged man..."

"That man's name is Mi Yang, and he's an old member of the [God's Legion]..." Captain Tang took over the conversation: "...According to my information, this Mi Yang is currently a [Super Race Full Power Bloodline], and his combat power is just now. It reached just over 55 billion."

Han Zheng quickly turned his head and glanced at Captain Tang. Since he was using a crystal ball to detect it instead of witnessing it with his own eyes, he couldn't see the attribute data of these people in the screen at the moment, but it seemed that Captain Tang was quite impressed by the strength of these people quite understanding.

"If my information is accurate..." Captain Tang continued: "Among the deputy commanders, Derek's combat power is the lowest, just reaching 60 billion before entering the dungeon, and Cui Ke's combat power is similar to Kevin's. , are all above 90 billion, as for Verkinko... more than 140 billion..."

Everyone was in an uproar, and most people knew that there must be masters in the [Ten Ten] camp, but they never expected that they would be so strong.

Including the commanders of those large corps, many combatants couldn't help retreating in their hearts.

I believe that if there is no way out of the "exit dungeon", they would not even dare to continue discussing the confrontation with the [Ten Ten].

Looking at this scene, Han Zheng couldn't help but sigh inwardly——

The strength of the [Non-Ten Ten] is too weak after all, and it looks like a mob in front of the [Ten Ten]. I believe that many of them dare not really participate in the confrontation. If you win, you will be rewarded, if you lose, you will run away” mentality.

In the end, it is estimated that there are only a few people who can use their strength.

Captain Tang was clearly aware of this, and he simply ignored the other weak fighters, and quickly discussed the next plan with Han Zheng, Fei Lao, Yang Huan, and [Wan Sha] and other experts.

"Verkinko in the north is stronger than all of us. It's best to avoid him for the first attack..."

Captain Tang quickly revealed his plan——

The key to deciding the outcome lies only in the top experts of both sides, so the miscellaneous soldiers on the side of the [Ten Ten] can be ignored for the time being, and only the experts in the three locations can be considered.

From the perspective of layout and power distribution, the northeast and northwest positions are slightly weak and can be used as breakthrough points.

Among them, Trek in the Northwest has a combat power of 90 billion+ billion, and Derek has a combat power of 60 billion.

Captain Tang believed that if he could sneak attack in an instant, he would have the confidence to kill or force the two of them back quickly.

And Han Zheng, [Wan Sha], Fei Lao, Yang Huan and others gathered together as a force to raid Kevin (90 billion+ billion) and Mi Yang (55 billion) in the northeast at the same time.

Han Zheng's [Flash Sand] and [Dabra] both have a combat power of 80 billion, while Fei Lao's combat power is 60 billion, and Yang Huan and other masters also have a combat power of 50 billion. In that way, defeating the opponent quickly should also be able to hold back the fighting power in the northeast.

As long as Captain Tang can defeat the northwest in an instant, the entire [Ten Ten] defense line will be completely torn apart.

At that time, no matter which side Verginko, who lives in the true north, goes to rescue, the entire defense line will be full of loopholes.

With Captain Tang's strength, he can continue to contain Verkinko. At that time, among the three top experts, one will be quickly killed and two will be held back. Touch the handle of the sword, and you will see the chance of victory.

"...It's just that this 'master' needs to have very strong mobility. It is best to be able to [teleport]. touch the hilt of the sword."

In the end, Captain Tang had a slightly embarrassed expression. After all, [Teleportation] is a cherished skill, and even the leader of a large army like Fei Lao doesn't know this skill.

"Let me come, I have learned [teleportation]..." Just when everyone was in trouble, [Wansha] spoke again:
"...Moreover, I am of [Wansha] bloodline, and I can also give birth to a little Cell, who can also teleport, so that it is more flexible and maneuverable."

Everyone was shocked again, Fei Lao, Yang Huan and others hurriedly asked about the origin of [Wan Sha], but [Wan Sha] just laughed and didn't answer.

Although Captain Tang didn't ask, he looked at [Wansha] with complicated eyes.

A [Wansha] bloodline, with 50 billion combat power and proficient in [Teleportation], is definitely a "rare" existence outside of the [Ten Legions]... None of the big guys here recognize him Or how much he can guess about his identity, this really makes many people doubt.

However, this is not the time to get to the bottom of it. Everyone can only keep this doubt in their hearts for the time being, and concentrate on solving the task first.

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, 【Wansha】quickly released the deformation and returned to its original shape, and then he opened the pin button on his tail, and quickly gave birth to two little Shalu.

In the eyes of others, they thought it was this "combatant" who switched back to [Blood Form] in order to make Little Cell.

"Who is of artificial human blood? It's better to have a higher combat power!" Seeing that Little Shalu has been created, Captain Tang quickly shouted at the other "weak chicken fighters": "You can't just hide behind and rub your hands!" Rewards, always make a contribution!"

After a commotion in the crowd, two combatants, a man and a woman, stepped out.

Both of these two are of [artificial human blood], and their combat power is approaching 10 billion, which is considered to be very suitable for Captain Tang's requirements.

"You two, each with a little cell, fly towards the location of the two swords in the northeast and northwest..." Captain Tang immediately gave orders: "...you have no breath, it is not easy to be found, and you only need to move Just take little Sharu to the nearby area, you don’t have to risk getting close, and then you two can immediately evacuate or hide on the spot, and the rest will be handed over to little Sharu.”

According to Captain Tang's plan, the [artificial human blood] will take the two little Cells to the northeast and northwest respectively, and then the little Cell will directly charge towards the location of the two divine swords.

The two little Cells each only have a combat power of 30 billion. Not to mention the few top experts, I am afraid that even the peripheral members can be easily killed by the two of them.

However, everyone didn't expect Little Shalu to achieve any results. The two of them are used for feint attack, and for "breath positioning"!
As long as the two little Cells successfully charge into the enemy's formation, the two Excalibur locations in the northeast and northwest will immediately erupt with aura. At that time, Captain Tang can follow the aura and directly launch [Teleportation], appearing in the northwest in an instant, and carry out a surprise attack .

On the other side, [Wan Sha] can also take Han Zheng, Yang Huan, Fei Lao and other experts to use [Teleport] to raid the Northeast.

In this way, if both parties use [Teleportation] to appear suddenly, they will be able to catch the opponent by surprise.

After the plan was agreed upon, the two little Cells quickly transformed into two worms, and the two [artificial human] combatants also transformed into two little birds. After each picked up a worm, they quickly The speed, toward the northeast and northwest two directions, gallop away.

The two [cyborgs] were at full strength and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant. Captain Tang glanced in those two directions, and couldn't help muttering: "I hope the two of them can successfully take Little Shalu and lead them to the next level." To the vicinity of the Excalibur..."


Since the [Temporary Faction Channel] is enabled in the dungeon, Han Zheng and the others can always ask about the situation of the two [artificial humans] combatants.

Judging from their occasional replies, their trip went smoothly without any accidents.

Although patrol fighters from the [Ten Ten] once appeared on these two roads, they were avoided by those two fighters in time and were not found.

After waiting anxiously for a long time, two [artificial human] combatants finally succeeded in bringing the two little Cells to the vicinity of the designated location.

Although the place they arrived at was still quite a distance away from where the Excalibur was, but as long as Little Sharu flew at full speed, he could fly there in just a few seconds.

After the two [artificial humans] put down Little Cell, they quickly sent a message in the [Faction Channel].

On the side of the camp, a group of masters immediately entered the state of preparing for battle.

Captain Tang's eyes froze, his body bowed slightly, and he was always ready to use [Teleport].

And Han Zheng, [Shansha], [Dapra], Yang Huan, Fei Lao, Hawkes, Lei Bao and others stretched out their palms and pressed them on [Wansha].

Everyone froze their breath at this moment.

In the next second, everyone raised their heads suddenly—the two little Cellu's aura quickly went berserk in the northeast and northwest directions!
According to the plan, the two little Cells rushed towards the two Excalibur locations with the fastest speed.

The two of them flew across a large area of ​​land in just a few breaths.

The location of the two divine swords quickly entered the sight of the two little Sharu.

However, in the next moment, the [Ten Ten] combatants guarding the periphery immediately launched an attack, and countless qigong waves soared into the sky.

The two little Cells were unable to dodge in time, and were hit by countless qigong waves, turning into fly ash,

And at this moment, the two places in the northeast and northwest have already erupted. Captain Tang let out a low growl, and immediately cast [Teleportation]!
On the other side, [Wansha] also took Han Zheng and others, and immediately [teleported]!
Han Zheng only felt that his eyes flashed, and he and a group of other masters instantly appeared in the sky above a slope in the northeast.

Appeared at the location of the Excalibur in the Northeast!

At this moment, he could clearly see that the [King King Excalibur] was firmly inserted on the soil slope below.

Around the soil slope, those fighters who had just killed Little Shalu quickly turned around, ready to attack Han Zheng and his group.

On the dirt slope, on both sides of the Excalibur, Kevin and Mi Yang's expressions turned serious, and they quickly entered a fighting state.

At the same time, Han Zheng could also sense that Captain Tang had successfully [teleported] to the northwest at this time, and quickly burst into breath.

The two groups of people successfully raided the other side's hinterland!
Everything is going according to plan!


At this moment, when [Flash Sand] [Dapra] Yang Huan and the others were about to launch an attack, Han Zheng suddenly discovered a major problem!

He looked at Kevin, Mi Yang on the hillside, and other combatants around the hillside, his eyes widened suddenly!
At this moment, everyone's data attributes are presented one by one in front of his eyes, and they can be seen at a glance.

Kevin's combat power is the same as when he met him before, still at 91 billion combat power.

But that Mi Yang, his combat power is completely inconsistent with the information provided by Captain Tang. It is not 55 billion combat power at all, but a full 93 billion combat power!
In addition to these two, among the several combatants around the hillside, there was a person who looked like a little guy who rushed out quickly, and the combat power of this person was 60 billion!
Looking at the data one by one, Han Zheng suddenly understood something!

At the same time, thousands of miles away, on the top of a tower-shaped mountain in the due north, Virkinko was squatting on the top of the mountain, raising his hands and rubbing the hilt of the Excalibur.

However, if one gets close to him and observes carefully, one will immediately notice that at this moment, Vilkinko is sweating from the back of his neck, his lips tremble slightly from time to time, and occasionally there is an undetectable nervousness and fear in his eyes.

——It is completely different from the aura that a strong man with more than 140 billion combat power should have.


Also at this moment, Captain Tang, who teleported over from a plain in the northwest, quickly launched an offensive.

He wanted to get rid of Derek and Trek on the guard side in an instant, and tear off a corner of the line of defense.

According to his information, Trek's combat power is more than 90 billion, while Derek's combat power is 60 billion. He decided to take the lead in killing Derek!
Captain Tang's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Derek in an instant, and he swung a knife in his palm, and slashed out at an extremely fast speed, as if he was going to cut off Derek's head with one blow!
At the same time, his other hand also quickly waved, ready to deal a heavy blow to Trek on the side at the same time.


There was a loud "touch"!
This hand knife, which was blessed with 142 billion combat power, was unexpectedly blocked by Derek.

His other palm, which was attacking Trek, was caught by Derek in an instant!

And at this moment, Derek's aura instantly soared, surpassing 140 billion!
(End of this chapter)

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