dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 471 [Ultimate Mission] Start——

Chapter 471 [Ultimate Mission] Start——

"The reward of this ultimate mission is really too tempting! It's a pity that my mission has been terminated after failure, otherwise, I really want to give it a try."

After teleporting away from Kevin and the others, Han Zheng and Han Lei stayed in a cave for a while to rest. Cousin Han Lei was thinking about the content of the [Ultimate Reward] and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Han Zheng nodded. This reward is so generous that it is impossible for anyone not to be tempted.

"It's a pity, if the [Top Ten] and [Non-Top Ten] factions are really going to confront each other..." Han Lei said with a worried look on his face: "... [Non-Top Ten]'s odds of winning are really too high." It’s low, I guess the dungeon won’t give too much favor, it’s hard to get this reward!”

Han Zheng pursed his lips and remained silent.

As my cousin said, [Non-Ten Ten] does not have enough strength to fight against [Ten Ten]. The previous Kevin also said that [Non-Ten Ten] has never won in similar dungeon missions in the past. .


Han Zheng turned his head and glanced at [Flash Sand] who was always by his side, and then remembered his temporary teammate from before—Captain Tang with 142 billion combat power...

In this dungeon, the [Non-Ten Ten] team also has strong players sitting in it, so it may not be impossible to fight.

Afterwards, the two discussed the [Ultimate Reward].

During the process, the cousin Han Lei had a whim, and wanted to transfer all the [Blood Possession] on him to Han Zheng. If Han Zheng could complete the [Ultimate Mission], he could use this to get more blood rewards.

The idea is good, but when the cousin and Han Zheng tried to donate blood, they were told that in this dungeon, [Blood Donation] will be temporarily closed, and it will return to normal after all the missions of the dungeon are over...

In this way, Han Zheng became even more convinced that the [Ultimate Reward] was really [Blood +50%].

Because, this shows that—the dungeons have already begun to temporarily impose restrictions in order to prevent [cheating]...

If you want to execute the [Ultimate Mission], you have to get the [Fourth Mission] done first, and the [Flashing Sand] next to you, Han Zheng still hopes that he can play a role in the [Ultimate Mission], so we can't let it go for the time being. He blew himself up.

After resting for a while, Han Zheng and his cousin continued to search carefully for other [Wansha] breaths.

Several hours passed, and somewhere in the distance, another [Wansha] was finally thrown into the dungeon, revealing its aura.

Han Zheng was overjoyed, he immediately teleported over with [Flash Sand], but in just a few seconds, he easily killed this [Wan Sha].

[Number N2199 combatant, kill an important dungeon character Perfect Cell, drop 1 drop of [Complete Cell's Blood], whether to pick it up]
pick up.

After the kill prompt, the dungeon mission prompt also sounded quickly——

[Combat number N2199, complete the fourth mission of the instance]
[Mission reward: 60000 points, 2 lucky draws, 1 drop of [Complete Cell] blood, now issued]
With the addition of this drop of rewarded blood, [Wansha Blood] has reached 4/8 status.

[Number N2199 combatant, the fifth mission of this dungeon, the ultimate mission, is a group mission. It will be distributed after all other combatants have completed the fourth mission or the mission time is over, please wait patiently]
Group missions... need to wait for other combatants who are in the fourth mission...

It seems that this [Ultimate Mission] is indeed to divide the camps to fight.

In the following time, Han Zheng waited patiently in the dungeon. At the same time, he was still checking the aura of other cast characters, looking for suitable prey to harvest.

It's just that this time he has to be more cautious than before, and evacuate immediately after he succeeds, so as to avoid the previous "encounter incident" from happening again.

Soon, two more drops of [Super Race Advanced Blood], three pieces of [Super Race Fragments] and one drop of [God Bic Account] entered his blood column.

And just as the fourth missions of other combatants were ending one after another, and the characters in the dungeon were getting fewer and fewer, and gradually withered, Han Zheng accidentally sensed the arrival of the breath of "Dapura" somewhere.

He rushed over in an instant, and successfully performed [Magic Control] on Dabra.

However, this Dabra already has the character "M" on his head at this time, and it is already in the state of [magicization]. Make further improvements.

After [Magic Control], Dabra still maintains a combat power level of 80 billion equivalent to [Flash Sand].

So far, a [Flash Sand] and a [Dabra], two masters with 80 billion combat power, have become their servants.

These two characters, one on the left and the other on the right, closely guarded Han Zheng, like "two generals hum ha", and both of them were extremely tall, and they looked quite imposing.

Finally, no aura from characters could be sensed in the dungeon, and the dungeon no longer continued to release new characters.

The fourth mission is finally coming to an end.

After a long and peaceful period of time passed, the final mission prompt finally arrived——

[Number N2199 combatant, [Ultimate Mission] begins now]
[The ultimate mission is faction confrontation. All combatants in the dungeon will be equally divided into two camps [members of the top ten legions] and [non-members of the top ten legions]. ID]
[Total task time limit: the remaining 21 hours of this instance]
[Ultimate Mission Reward: Hold blood column, all blood quantity +50%]
[Another note: Combatants who have not completed the previous four missions can still participate in this mission according to their faction. After the faction wins, although they cannot get the ultimate reward, they can get 2 lucky draw opportunities as compensation]
Hearing this [another note] prompt, Han Zheng subconsciously turned his head to look at his cousin beside him, and from his appearance, it was obvious that he had received the task prompt just like himself.

In this way, most of the "mission losers" like my cousin will choose to participate in the mission, and there are probably many more combatants in the two camps than I originally expected.

[The faction is now assembled. Combatants numbered N2199 are requested to rush to the designated place immediately and gather with other members of the same faction. The assembly time is 50 minutes. After 50 minutes, the mission content will be distributed]
[During the assembly period, the hostile camps will temporarily be unable to sense each other's breath, and it will return to normal after the mission is officially dispatched]
After the last reminder, Han Zheng's sensory consciousness suddenly had another coordinate point located in the distance.

Come to think of it, this coordinate point is the assembly camp of the [Non-Ten Ten] camp.

During the assembly period, the inability to sense the breath of the hostile camp should also be to prevent sneak attacks during the assembly process.

If you think about it carefully, this can be regarded as the dungeon's policy of caring for the vulnerable [non-top ten].

Han Zheng immediately took his cousin and two subordinates, shortened part of the distance by using [Teleportation], and then rushed towards the designated location.

At this time, he also sensed other locations in the dungeon, and each of them burst into aura, all heading in the same direction.

While walking, Han Zheng looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one around, he quickly raised his hand and summoned the character [Wansha] he was holding.

Then, he ordered [Wansha] to perform the transfiguration technique, turned into a human, and followed him disguised as a combatant.

Just like in the previous Budokai, as his own character, [Wansha] also has the gray triangle logo of [Non-Ten Ten] on his left arm, so his identity will never be seen through.

Ten minutes later, Han Zheng and his party arrived at the designated place smoothly.

The designated location is located behind a high mountain. It is said to be an assembly camp, but in fact there is no camp facility, it is just a very simple assembly point.

At this time, more than a dozen combatants had arrived here first, and they were discussing something non-stop. They all looked serious, obviously worried about this mission.

Han Zheng and his party flew quickly from afar, turned over and landed next to this group of fighters.

These combatants stopped talking immediately, and turned their heads to look at it. When they saw it clearly, the voice of discussion sounded again, and the voice was a little louder than before.

"Look at that, that's [Wansha] and [Dapra]! These are two ruthless characters, why did they follow that combatant?"

"Did you see clearly? That's [Wansha]? It's clearly [Flashing Sand]!"

"Whether it's [Flash Sand] or [Dabra], they all have an M character above their heads. Could it be [Babidi Bloodline]?"

The voices of discussion came one after another. At this moment, almost everyone's eyes were on [Shansha] and [Dabra] behind Han Zheng.

As for Han Zheng, he didn't care about it at all. This mission must be successful, so he must go all out and use all the power he can use.

Therefore, [Shansha] and [Dabra] must go into battle, there is no need to hide. As for other people's guesses about their bloodlines, let them go. Anyway, I am currently in disguise, as long as I act carefully, There is no need to worry about identity exposure.

While the combatants were discussing endlessly, Han Zheng also quickly scanned the crowd, wanting to see if Captain Tang was here at the moment.

But among the crowd, there was no sign of Captain Tang.

On the contrary, there is another acquaintance, who is currently among this group of combatants, looking at the "Second General Humha" behind him with the people around him, with a look of amazement in his eyes.

Yang Huan...

(End of this chapter)

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