dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 46 The Night of the Full Moon

Chapter 46 The Night of the Full Moon
Seeing Chen Chen go to sign up, and then walk into the Martial Arts Temple venue, Han Zheng and the other three people in the corner also took action at this moment.

Considering that they have met Team A before, and they are familiar with each other's looks, they specially prepared wigs, fake beards and other supplies, and took them out one by one at this time, and quickly disguised themselves.

If you don't know [Perfect Transfiguration], you have to use this method.

Several people dressed up, looked at each other, and confirmed that there was nothing serious.

Since the qualifiers for the martial arts competition will be held in the guild hall and will not be open to the public, Han Zheng decided to first use his [Incomplete Transformation] and [Shrink Watch] to sneak in to check the situation.

While Wang Song and Li Chunsheng stayed outside, mingled with the audience, waiting for the start of the top 8 matches, and at the same time, always paying attention to the surrounding trends.

Han Zheng turned into a bird, flapped his wings, and flew into the tournament hall.

Inside the guild hall, there are several arenas arranged side by side, and there are many contestants around each arena.

Most of these contestants are tall and burly, and there are many beast-headed people among them, who look extremely ferocious.

Han Zhengfei landed on a window sill at the top of the clubhouse, looked inside the venue, and soon found Chen Chen who had transformed into Lanfang.

Chen Chen was currently competing against a burly warrior in a ring.

According to the plan in advance, Chen Chen deliberately suppressed himself and did not use his full strength. He tried his best to show his strength the same as the real Lan Fang, so as not to be seen as a flaw or affect the direction of the plot.

On the other side, Han Zheng finally saw Monkey King Kelin and others.

In the arena, Sun Wukong just used one finger to defeat a big man who was several times taller than him.

And Kelin is preparing to confront his senior brother who used to be in Duolin Temple.

In several other arenas, Han Zheng also saw Cheng Long (Guixianren), Yamucha, Barbarian, Namu and the monster Kilang.

All the development of the plot is proceeding step by step, without a trace of chaos.

A few minutes passed quickly, and the time limit for the Transfiguration was over, and Han Zheng returned to the form of a little villain.

During this period of time, he kept paying attention to the clubhouse and didn't notice anything wrong. He didn't know if the people from Team A didn't sneak in, or they hid too deeply.

[Everything is normal inside, how is the outside? ] Han Zheng asked in the team channel.

A few seconds later, Wang Song replied in the channel:

[The outside is also very calm, no abnormalities]
[Don't relax, if you find something, keep in touch]
Han Zheng looked at the tournament hall where everything was going on as usual, and felt that things should not be so simple...

The preliminaries didn't end until the afternoon, and all developments were the same as the original plot.

Cheng Long (Gu Xianren), Sun Wukong, Kelin, Namu, Kilang, Yamcha, Barbarian, and Chen Chen's fake Lanfang, the above 8 people have gone through many competitions and eliminated all the players to become the final top 8.

However, when entering the draw of the top 8, an abnormal situation finally appeared.

The draw for the top 8 was different from the original plot. I don’t know what went wrong, but the draw turned into:
Barbarian VS Yamucha, Cheng Long (Kuixianren) VS Namu, Kelin VS Lanfang (Chen Chen), Monkey King VS Kilang
Except for the group of Monkey King and Kilang, the other three groups are all different from the original plot!
As soon as the lottery was drawn, Chen Chen communicated the change to his teammates on the team channel.

[Such a big change?There must be a problem!Did someone from Team A get in here? ] - Wang Song

[Could it be that there is a problem with the person in charge of drawing lots? ] - Li Chunsheng
[I'm not very clear, the lottery has just finished, I don't have much contact with the staff in charge of the lottery, so it's hard to judge] - Chen Chen

Have a problem signing the form?Han Zheng's heart tightened. Sure enough, as he feared, the Martial Arts Association could not be so smooth. His teammates suspected that the lottery was very reasonable. He immediately sent a message in the channel:
[Focus on the host wearing sunglasses and the monk holding the lottery box, at least one of them is problematic]
[Do you want to kill these two people now? ]——Wang Song asked

Han Zheng immediately rejected the proposal:
[Don't act rashly, at present we are not the opponent of Gui Xianren at all, if we act rashly, once we alarm Gui Xianren and cause him to attack us, it will be bad, let's observe it later]
Immediately afterwards, Han Zheng, who had been hiding in the high place of the guild hall in the form of a villain, immediately turned into a bug and quietly moved towards the host.

There was a problem with the signing, and the host was the most suspicious. Han Zheng decided to take a close look at it himself.


The top 8 matches will start soon and will be held in the open-air arena, which is officially open to the public.

A large number of spectators crowded to the edge of the wall, shouting excitedly.

Wang Song and Li Chunsheng passed through the crowd and came to the front, separated from the ring by a wall.

The two of them are at a distance from each other, horns, always ready for action.

Han Zheng turned into a little man again, hiding behind the huge teeth of the stone monster on the inner wall of the ring.

So far, all the performances of the host are normal and there is no problem. Due to the large number of masters in the venue, Han Zheng did not dare to act rashly.

In this way, Han Zheng's first zero-distance contact with the top 8 of the Tianxia No. [-] Budokai officially started!
In the first match, when the barbarian played against Yamcha, he gave full play to his own stench advantage and completely interfered with Yamcha's actions.

At the same time, the barbarian was already strong and strong, coupled with the blessing of his own stench, he quickly defeated Yamcha, and beat him to the point of being seriously injured and unconscious.

As soon as the game ended, Oolong and Poole rushed to the hospital with the seriously injured Yamcha.

[This barbarian has a problem, Chen Chen, pay more attention to him behind the ring, and if there is any change later, you will take the lead in attacking him]——The result of this match made Han Zheng very suspicious, and he immediately posted on the channel Reminder.

The second match was even more exciting. The match between Guixianren and Namu could be described as an expert duel; defeated.

In the third match, according to the plan, in the match against Kelin, Chen Chen deliberately punched him after a few random moves, and then fell to the ground, failing.

In the fourth game, Sun Wukong followed the original plot and defeated Keelang.

In the next semi-finals, there were no accidents. Guixianren defeated the barbarian, and Monkey King defeated his fellow Klin, and the two successfully joined forces in the final.

Although there are various differences in the process, the final result is still the same as the original plot.

Han Zheng, who was hiding in the stone sculpture, was quite nervous at the moment. He kept reminding his teammates on the channel to be prepared at all times, and the most critical moment was coming soon.

The finals began, and the progress of the competition was also within Han Zheng's expectations.

Same as the original plot, Sun Wukong and Guixianren took turns to move, from testing each other to attacking with all their strength, martial arts such as drunken boxing and wild boxing were also used one after another.

Finally, in the middle of the match, Guixianren used that ultimate move——

【Good Baby Sleeping Punch】!
Faced with this "boxing", Sun Wukong was hit immediately and fell to the ground unconscious.

And at this moment, the change that Han Zheng had been waiting for finally appeared!

In the process of counting seconds, the host suddenly jumped up, grabbing the tail of Monkey King who was sleeping soundly, and quickly pulled out a pistol with the other hand!
At the same time, the barbarians on the bench behind the ring also suddenly rushed out, heading straight for Monkey King.

[action! ]
Han Zheng gave an order in the channel, and at the same time he instantly returned to his original shape, and pulled out [Yajiro Bingwei's Blade].

According to the plan previously discussed on the channel, Wang Song and Li Chunsheng rushed out of the auditorium behind the fence and rushed towards the host.

On the contestant's bench, Chen Chen, who had been keeping a close eye on the barbarian, was also acting at this moment. She took advantage of the barbarian rushing out, and shot behind him suddenly, releasing a large ball of [Magic Chewing Gum].

[Magic Chewing Gum] wrapped the barbarian in front of him instantly, and the barbarian couldn't get away, showing his original shape. It was the long-haired girl in Team A who had activated the [Barbarian Bloodline].

Under the arena, the host also showed his original state at this moment. It was the bald combatant of Team A. He was quickly suppressed under the surprise attacks of Wang Song and Li Chunsheng.

"Who are you?" Gui Xianren on the ring was furious at this sudden change, his veins were exposed, and he seemed to be about to strike.

At this time, Han Zheng quickly came to Guixianren. He had been forbearing before, and he had to wait until Team A made a move, just to deal with this situation.

At this moment, he had already planned to deal with Gui Xianren's lies in his mind. He smiled kindly at Gui Xianren and said hello, while looking around from the corner of his eye.

After a quick glance around, Han Zheng was puzzled again. There were only 3 people left in Team A, why the little guy with the lowest fighting power was not here at this moment.

At this moment, the long-haired girl who was surrounded by [Magic Chewing Gum] suddenly spoke. She looked up at the sky and laughed loudly, "You bastards of Team B, your time of death is coming!"

Han Zheng hurriedly followed her gaze and looked up. In the sky, there was nothing but the full moon that had just risen.

He turned around and looked at the long-haired girl who was about to ask a question when suddenly——

A huge black shadow suddenly grew on the ground, covering everyone on the ring in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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