dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 454 [Freedom Mission]

Chapter 454 [Freedom Mission]

Realm King God Realm!?
Han Zheng's spirit was suddenly lifted by these four words.

I have already guessed that the third stage will probably not be a partition copy anymore, it should be a public copy...

However, it was really unexpected that the dungeon area was the Realm of the King of Gods.

However, what was even more unexpected was still behind——

[event area: limited]
[This copy, there will be no plot direction]
[In this dungeon, several dungeon characters will be placed regularly into the activity area. All dungeon characters are extracted from plots in different time periods and used for resource replenishment or as mission objectives]
[After entering the dungeon, combatants can move freely in the dungeon area. The dungeon will randomly assign missions to each combatant. Every time a mission is completed, the combatants will receive mission rewards and a new mission. Complete 5 missions in a row. taskers, you can get the ultimate reward]
[The combatants can also choose not to perform the task, which will not have any negative impact on the combatants themselves]
[If a combatant quits the dungeon and enters the dungeon again with [Repeated Entry Ticket], as long as the mission has not timed out, the mission can continue to be performed]
[Countdown preparation: 30...29...28...]
Listening to the introduction of the third stage dungeon, Han Zheng was a little dazed.

There is no plot, regular placement of dungeon characters, random distribution of tasks, task rewards, ultimate rewards...

This kind of dungeon has never been experienced before. There are no similar dungeons in the past.

Judging from the introduction, it should be that all the combatants who want to participate in this book are put into a certain area of ​​Kaiwangshen Realm. There is no time period here, and there is no original plot. doesn't exist here either.

It is equivalent to using [King of the Realm of God] as a template for the dungeon to create a separate dungeon area.

Of course, according to the meaning in the introduction, there will still be dungeon characters in the dungeon, but the dungeon characters are temporarily drawn from a certain plot time period out of certain [mission] needs and serve as mission goals.

For example, the dungeon assigns a combatant a task of [find and kill Vegeta]. After the mission is dispatched, the dungeon will extract a [Vegeta] and put it somewhere in the dungeon. Act now, find Vegeta and kill him.

Han Zheng thought for a while, if that's the case... In this third-stage dungeon, most combatants will definitely receive a task similar to [killing a certain dungeon character]. Therefore, there must be a lot of characters in the dungeon. .

At that time, maybe there will be a situation where Combatant A kills the [mission target character] belonging to Combatant B in order to harvest resources, which makes B unable to complete the mission. This situation...

Moreover, Han Zheng also estimated that among the dungeon missions distributed by the dungeon, not all of them are [hunting a certain character], there should be other types of missions,
It is not clear what kind of [tasks] there will be, nor what [task rewards] will be.

The 30-second countdown will soon end.The light flooded in instantly, and Han Zheng entered the dungeon.

Han Zheng firmly suppressed his breath, and at the same time used [breath sensing] to carefully detect the breath of other people.

At this time, the other fighters who entered the third-stage dungeon also suppressed and concealed their aura. So far, no one has emerged, and no aura has been revealed.

Afterwards, Han Zheng quickly scanned his surroundings.

"This is the Realm of the King of the Realm...It's very similar to the manga..." Looking at the surrounding scenery, Han Zheng muttered to himself.

At this time, Han Zheng was standing on a green grassy slope. Looking around, there was green everywhere, and a large number of dense trees grew on the hillside in the distance. All kinds of things had never been seen on the earth or other planets. Strange flowers, blooming all over the grass.

The warm wind blows on the face, the air is fresh and refreshing.

In the sky, there are several shining spheres hanging high, neither faint nor dazzling, I don't know whether to call it the sun or the moon.

It is really a picturesque scenery...

I remember it was mentioned in the original plot that Kaiwangshen Realm is the place where Kaiwangshen live, and it is a "sacred place that mortals cannot set foot on". According to Jabitt, even the Great Kaiwang is not qualified to enter here...

Of course, after [Majin Buu Chapter], there are all kinds of people who enter this "sacred land".

Every time he sees this place, Han Zheng can't help complaining - the majestic King of the Great Realm is not as good as a dog...

[Number N2199 combatant, your first mission in this dungeon is now distributed]
While looking around, the dungeon notification suddenly sounded.

Han Zheng didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly listened carefully——

[The first mission: Please follow the prompts and arrive at the designated location within 1 hour; mission success reward: 3000 points; mission failure will not be punished, but you cannot continue to receive the second mission]
Just when the notification sound ended, Han Zheng suddenly sensed a strange aura somewhere in the east...

Or it can't be called "breath". To put it simply, it is like a positioning coordinate, which appears in Han Zheng's sense consciousness in the form of [breath sensing].

There is no doubt that this is the so-called "designated place".

The first task is actually just a simple running position...

Of course, the task is simple, and the rewards are naturally not very rich...

Han Zheng quickly called out No. 16, turned over and jumped onto his shoulders.

He immediately issued instructions to No. 16, specifying the location, and No. 16 rushed out quickly, galloping towards the "designated location" at the fastest speed.

Han Zheng sensed the location and quickly estimated it based on his own experience - with the speed of No. 16, if there were no accidents along the way, it would take less than 40 minutes to arrive.

Along the way, Han Zheng always paid attention to his surroundings, but in the next 40 minutes, Han Zheng and No. 16 did not encounter any accidents, not to mention other people on the road, not even a bug.

Han Zheng knew very well that the area of ​​the Realm of Kings and Gods was quite large, many times larger than that of the mortal planet. Even if the dungeon imposed certain restrictions on the activity area, its area would still not be small.

Now that the dungeon has just started, I am afraid that the distance between the combatants is still very far, and it is normal that encounters cannot be formed in a short period of time.

It's just that when the flight was nearly halfway, a breath suddenly burst out somewhere in the far west. The breath appeared and disappeared quickly, and it was impossible to determine whether it was a combatant or a copy character.

Since he still had a task to do, and the place where the breath erupted was far away, Han Zheng didn't care about it.

All the way was unimpeded, and Han Zheng arrived at the "designated place" very smoothly.

[Number N2199 combatant, complete the first mission of the instance]
As soon as Han Zheng arrived here on the 16th, the dungeon reminder rang in his ears.

[The first mission reward: 12000 points, now issued]
The ability of [Doubling Points] came into play again at this moment, and the original reward of 3000 points was quadrupled when it was distributed.

Just simply ran a position, and got more than 1 points!

Han Zheng couldn't help but cheered a little in his heart.

And at this moment, the reminder of the second mission also came one after another——

[Number N2199 combatant, your second mission in this dungeon is now distributed]
[Second task: Please find [Designated Combatant], kill him or force him to withdraw from the dungeon, the time limit is 6 hours]
[The task is successful, the reward points are 3000, and - [Complete Cell Blood * 1] or [Super Race Full Power Blood * 2] - choose one of these two]
(End of this chapter)

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