dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 447 [Practice Improvement]

Chapter 447 [Practice Improvement]

In the private area, Han Zheng and Han Lei sat on a sofa, quietly waiting for the copy to open.

The last one-minute countdown finally came to an end. When the last "1" became "1", light flashed from the feet of the two Han brothers in an instant.

The next moment, Han Zheng found that he had been teleported into a pitch-black space in an instant.

All combatants with coupons participated in the dungeon as an individual, so Han Zheng could only temporarily separate from his cousin, and they could only work on their own for the time being.

[It is detected that the number N2199 combatant holds two [repeated admission tickets], one is now consumed and allowed to enter the instance]
[Combatant Number N2199:]
[Combat value: 11.13 billion + 30.16 billion]
[Battler Lineage: Super Saiyan Advanced]

After a few brief statistics of personal data, the description of the copy suddenly sounded, and Han Zheng hurriedly pulled himself together and listened carefully.

[You have entered this dungeon, and there are three stages in this dungeon; the first stage [practice improvement], the second stage [resource collection], and the third stage [free task]]
[The time of the first and second stages is one day, the time of the third stage is two days, and the total time of the copy is 4 days]
It's a staged dungeon again, [Practice Improvement] and [Resource Collection] are easy to understand, but what does this [Free Mission] mean?
Han Zheng continued to read and listen, but the next prompt did not mention the last two stages, and only started to introduce the current first stage [Practice Improvement]——

[The first stage [Practice Improvement] is now open, and the number N2199 combatant will conduct a one-day [single practice] in this stage. The practice scene will be matched with the setting after scanning your personal data by the dungeon]
[During the one-day [single-person practice], your [practice speed] will be greatly improved by the dungeon, which will help you gain higher combat power during this day's practice]
[The combat power gained from practicing in the dungeon at this stage is permanent]
[After one day of practice, another combatant in the dungeon will be randomly selected to compete with you, and the winner will get a [Special 3% Combat Power Cap Limit] for 20 bloodline time]
Practice in this dungeon for one day...the increase in combat power is permanent...the speed of practice will be greatly increased...

Han Zheng blinked his eyes. When he first learned about this [Cultivation Resource Dungeon], he thought, since it has this name, does it mean that in this dungeon, it is possible to practice cultivation that can permanently increase combat power?
Looking at it now, it really is.

And after practicing, he will have to compete with some other combatants who participated in the dungeon to compete for a 20% special case... Han Zheng feels that the "welfare" of this first stage is not bad.

[Cultivation scene set up - 150 times gravity room]
[Trainer—Super Two Vegeta]
[A day of practice, start now]
With the end of the last notification sound, the darkness in front of him was instantly erased, and Han Zheng was thrown into a gravity training room in an instant.

This is the beginning of practice!

When he heard that the [practice scene] was [150 times the gravity room], Han Zheng couldn't help curling his lips—labor and management usually practice [150 times], why do you make a fool of [[-] times]?
However, when he heard that there was a training partner participating in the practice scene, and the training partner was actually [Super Two Vegeta], Han Zheng was shocked.

Super two... the gap is a bit big... However, with such a master as a training partner, my practice efficiency should be very good...

Looking around, Han Zheng saw that this gravity room was about the same size as the one he usually had in the [Cultivation Dungeon]. At this time, there were two figures, one big and one small, besides himself in the training room.

These two were Vegeta and Trunks, who was still a boy.

Looking at the age of Trunks, the dungeon should be Vegeta who has not been demonized in [Majin Buu Arc]. At this time, Vegeta should not have a combat power of more than 100 billion, but 80 billion The combat power above is still there.

"Trunkes, go out, this place is not suitable for you to stay any longer." Vegeta drove Trunks out with a cold face.

Standing by the door, Han Zheng also wanted to secretly try to see how big the world outside the training room was, but in the end he was told that [the dungeon space of the first stage] was limited to this training room, and he could not leave here.

...It's almost exactly the same as [Cultivation Dungeon]...

Just as Han Zheng was feeling emotional, Vegeta in front of him instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan, with a powerful aura rushing towards him.

"Come on, let's see how powerful you are." Vegeta waved his left hand proudly: "It's enough for me to deal with you with only my left hand."

Although the words were arrogant, Han Zheng knew very well in his heart that based on the gap between the two sides, even if he only used one hand, he might not be an opponent.

He didn't dare to keep his strength, and instantly transformed into [Super Race Advanced], bursting with more than 40 billion combat power, and rushed towards Vegeta in an instant!
next moment……

With a sound of "bump", Han Zheng was sent flying with a punch, and hit the wall directly...

"It turns out that you only have such a little strength. It seems that I should put more water..."

MD!A soldier can be killed and cannot be humiliated, Han Zhengnu said from his heart: "Vegeta! If you have the guts, stand there and don't run away!"

After saying that, Han Zheng cast his [Muscle Explosion] ability in an instant!
Muscles expand and strength increases!
Han Zheng, whose muscles exploded, rushed towards Vegeta again.

And Vegeta sneered, but it was true that he did not run and dodge, but stood where he was, and continued to fight Han Zheng fiercely with one hand.

This time, Han Zheng persisted for a while, but after several moves in a row, he was caught by Vegeta again and hit his face with a punch. After that punch, Vegeta raised his fist again. The elbow hit Han Zheng hard on the neck again.

Han Zheng, who had been hit hard, was knocked down again.

At this time, his face and neck were really in unbearable pain, and Chao Er's fist was too fierce.

"This Vegeta's fist is too heavy. Does a partner trainer need to be so serious? Even if he used to use his wife Bulma to serve tea and pour water in [Cultivation Dungeon], he doesn't need to be so ruthless... ..." - Han Zheng rubbed his neck while silently complaining in his heart.

Afterwards, he struggled to get up, took a deep breath, roared and threw himself at Vegeta again...


In the following time, Han Zheng continued to challenge Vegeta in this way, and then was knocked down and beaten repeatedly.

It seems that the dungeon blesses Han Zheng with some kind of power. Whenever Han Zheng is seriously injured and exhausted, some kind of magical power will appear in his body to quickly heal him and restore him, so as to ensure the efficiency of his practice.

And in the process of fighting Vegeta again and again, Han Zheng could also clearly feel that his combat power was indeed improving rapidly, and this improvement speed was many times faster than his previous practice.

After countless challenges and countless times of being beaten down, the day's practice time finally came to an end.

When Han Zheng got up from the ground for the last time, and was about to continue to rush towards Vegeta, Vegeta's entire figure slowly faded away, and then disappeared without a trace.

[One day [practice] is over] - the mechanical cold notification sounded at this moment.

"The practice is over!" Han Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly opened his [Status Bar] to check——

[Combat value: 12.33 billion + 30.16 billion]
Han Zheng couldn't help but take a deep breath. This only one day of practice has actually increased his combat power by 1.2 million!
Practice for one day, increase combat power by more than 1 million!

Han Zheng was a little stunned. He had thought before that this day's practice would definitely be much more efficient than the previous [Practice Dungeon], but he never expected that it would improve so much!
No wonder those high-level contestants in the [Budokai] were so envious of these [tickets].

This [Cultivation Resource Copy] is really amazing, the first stage of [Cultivation Improvement] actually has such a good effect!

Moreover, in addition to improving so much combat power all at once, Han Zheng remembered that after the training was over, the dungeon would randomly select another combatant in the dungeon to have a [Special Case Battle] with him...

Sure enough, just as Han Zheng was thinking about it, the dungeon quickly restored his body to its peak state, and at the same time, another prompt sound followed——

[The random selection has been completed, and the number N2199 will compete with another combatant for a [20% upper limit exception]]
[You can choose to fight, or give up]
[After you choose to give up, [Special Upper Limit] will automatically belong to the other party, and you will continue to enter the second stage of the instance]
[If you choose to fight, you may be killed by the opponent in the contest, please think twice before making a choice]
Choose to fight or give up?
Han Zheng frowned. It seems that the meaning of the dungeon is to tell the combatants - if you don't have confidence in your own strength, it is best to choose to give up.

After all, this dungeon is led by [Ten Legions], and there must be a cloud of masters inside, and the two randomly selected people do not know each other's strength. If they randomly meet a super master, That would be difficult.

Of course, you can choose to quit at any time in this instance, so you don't have to worry about whether your life will be in danger.

Just as Han Zheng was thinking about it, the dungeon prompt sounded again - [The opponent's combatant has made a choice, choose: fight! ]
The opponent chose to challenge... Han Zheng raised his eyebrows, and immediately made his own choice - challenge!
Anyway, I still have a [repeated entry ticket]. If a fierce master is randomly sent to me, I will immediately exit the dungeon, and then consume another ticket to re-enter the second stage of the dungeon.

[You have chosen to fight——]
[The combatants on both sides began to enter the field to prepare——]
Accompanied by two reminders, the surrounding practice room scene changed instantly.

The next moment, Han Zheng found himself in a ring, which looked a bit like a martial arts competition ring in [Martial Arts Association].

In front of his eyes, another man appeared in an instant, who was his opponent.

However, when Han Zheng saw clearly the appearance of this opponent, he couldn't help being startled again.

This person has a handsome face and a head of blue hair... It is the contestant who was once defeated by Han Zheng with the [Power of Cell] in the final of the [Martial Arts Association]——Lan Hua!
(End of this chapter)

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