dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 435 Night of Chaos (1)

Chapter 435 Chaos Night ([-])

In the county town, an explosion suddenly appeared!

And there is also a powerful combatant's breath coming out. Could it be that someone fought here?

Han Zheng held his breath immediately, and continued to look in the direction of the explosion in the distance.

But the parents, who were also at home, were really frightened. The two quickly ran to Han Zheng's house, and seeing the flames that exploded in the distance, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the power plant and it exploded. Don't panic." Han Zheng quickly comforted the old couple, and then continued to sense the fluctuations in the distant breath.

At this time, right after the first burst of aura, there were almost 10 more auras.

These more than 10 breaths moved back and forth and collided in the distance, obviously a battle took place.

How could there be so many combatants fighting here?
Moreover, he still made such a big explosion, aren't he afraid of [mortal punishment]?

Doubts arose in Han Zheng's heart.

At the same time, he immediately remembered Yang Huan's appearance in the capital of the province, and couldn't help thinking—could Yang Huan's sudden appearance be related to this?
The aura in the distance fluctuated more and more violently, and the explosion sounded again and again. In some nearby residential buildings, a large number of panicked people ran out.

Han Zheng was restless in his heart. He wanted to take the risk to check it out, but he was also worried that something would happen to his parents after he left.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise from the anti-theft door at home, followed by the anti-theft door being kicked open from the outside, and the twisted door panel flew in instantly.

Good guy!
They all came to Laozi's doorstep!

Han Zheng's expression froze, he shook his hands and pushed the parents to the corner, and then I entered the circle of friends, and rushed to the door in an instant.

However, just when he was about to strike violently, he suddenly discovered that the person who kicked open the door of his house and forced his way in was none other than his cousin Han Lei!

At this time, the cousin also looked impatient, and there was another person under each of his arms, which was obviously his second uncle and second aunt.

"When did you come back?" Han Zheng hurriedly asked in surprise and joy.

"I just came out of the [Resource Book], and I was about to call you when I got home, when this happened suddenly." Han Lei kicked the twisted anti-theft door back when he came in, and it happened to be stuck. on the door frame.

"I was worried that you were not at home, so I hurried over here." Han Lei continued, his cousin's home was not far from Han Zheng's home, and he rushed over quickly without using much force.

At this time, Han Zheng's parents and Han Lei's parents, the four old people had extremely "colorful" complexions, and each of them seemed unable to digest the situation in front of them, opening their mouths and not knowing what to say.

But the Han brothers don't care about explaining right now.

"I'll go over there to have a look, you stay here!" Han Zheng said to his cousin, "If there is any problem, get angry immediately. As soon as I sense the anger on your side, I will come back immediately."

"Okay! Be safe."

Han Zheng nodded, and then he quickly cast [Transfiguration] to change his appearance.

Then he pushed open the window and jumped down directly.

In the dark night, he didn't expose much breath, and he didn't even fly. After landing on the ground, he quickly ran wildly, passed through several blocks, and quickly rushed to the vicinity of the explosion.

In the process of walking, Han Zheng could clearly sense that at the explosion site in front of him, several of the auras had been scattered and disappeared one after another.

Obviously, in the chaotic battle ahead, the combatants were killed on the spot!
Han Zheng felt astonished for a moment. Those auras of being killed were not killed suddenly by someone. Judging from the aura, they should have been killed one after another.

This is a bit strange. In a battle in this world, if you find that you are invincible, you can immediately hide in the battlefield. How could you be killed one by one?

In this world, everyone has only one life...

As the battle site ahead got closer and closer, several explosions were heard one after another, and the flames shot up into the sky.

The violent explosion engulfed the surrounding buildings and turned them into ashes.

But in the next moment, under the action of [Worldly Power], the buildings and grounds that were destroyed were instantly restored.

Not long after recovery, there was another explosion, destroying everything again...

Destroy...restore...and so on...

At this time, Han Zheng had already quickly rushed to the periphery of the battle site. He hid behind a building and looked at the area in front of him that was constantly being destroyed and restored, and his doubts became even heavier.

And just as he was wondering, the battle ahead seemed to be intensifying, and several scattered qigong regiments flew out of the darkness.

There was even a qigong ball that was ejected from the darkness, and flew right past Han Zheng's side, almost hitting him...

Who the hell dares to release qigong waves in this world so frequently.

Such continuous destruction of the present world should have been erased long ago...

Dare to wreak havoc in the present world like this, ignoring [Punishment in the present world]...

Han Zheng suddenly thought—could it be a [rare number] combatant?Using some kind of card that can be destroyed in this world without penalty?
Other than that, Han Zheng really couldn't think of any other means that could make people so brazenly violate the laws of the world and the battlefield.

At this time, the sound of explosions and fighting sounded one after another not far in front of him, and powerful momentum continued to surge from the battle situation ahead.

In this state, Han Zheng was judged by the [Self-Defense System] to be always under threat, so the [Self-Defense Ability] could always be turned on.

He thought for a moment, and then quickly cast [Four Body Fist] to create a clone.

The main body, Han Zheng, hid behind and followed from a distance, while the avatar, Han Zheng, quickly moved towards the battle location and continued to approach.

Clone Han was walking quickly in the darkness, and he quickly entered the center of the battle.

At this moment, the battle situation in front seemed to suddenly fall into a short-term calm, and the sound of explosions and fighting did not sound again.

The avatar Han Zheng quickly came to the bottom of a tall building. He jumped, and at the same time stretched out his hands to firmly grasp the various tiny bumps on the outer wall of the building.

Then, like Spiderman, he quickly climbed to the top of the building. From here, he should be able to see the center of the battle ahead.

He continued to suppress his breath, tried not to expose much, quietly poked his head out on the roof, and looked forward.

At this moment, on the flat ground in front of the tall building, four auras suddenly flew up into the sky, as if they were about to fly away into the distance.

The avatar Han Zheng was lying tightly on the top of the tall building. From his point of view, the four flying auras seemed to be in a panic, as if they were fleeing.

At the same time, another stronger aura also flew up quickly, and chased after the four fleeing auras!

The avatar Han Zheng who was hiding on the top of the building hurriedly looked at the five groups of auras that were running away and chasing after four, and when he saw the five fighters clearly, he was shocked!
The four fighters who were flying away in front were all strange males that I didn't recognize, so I don't need to say much.

However, Han Zheng recognized the combatant chasing four behind him!

Zhao Chun!

Although Han Zheng had never met Zhao Chun, there were several pictures of him and Zhao Chun in his cousin Han Lei's private area.

The cousin once showed these photos to himself, and he had already kept in mind Zhao Chun's figure and appearance.

No mistake, that person is Zhao Chun!

No wonder he dared to ignore [mortal punishment] and bombed at will, and there really was a [rare number] here!

And... Yang Huan first appeared in the provincial capital, and now Zhao Chun appeared here again. It seems that the two of them really came together!
What are their plans?
What is going on with this battle?

Han Zheng was emotionally flustered, but he didn't act rashly. He continued to hide on the top of the tall building, staring closely at the front.

At this moment, Zhao Chun exploded with 60 billion combat strength all over his body, and he caught up with the four fleeing people in just one breath.

Zhao Chun let out a loud roar, and punched out with a punch, and among the four fleeing fighters, the last combatant was killed by this punch on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Chun's figure flashed again, and he jumped in front of another person. With several moves, he tore this second person into pieces!
Afterwards, Zhao Chun raised his hand and blasted a qigong wave at the last two remaining!

Among the remaining two, the leader hurriedly accelerated and dodged one by one, dodging the Qigong wave's attack.

But the other one's speed was not so fast, even though he tried his best to dodge, he was still brushed aside by this qigong wave.

This blow "scratched the edge" directly tore off the entire right arm of the man, red blood spurted from the cut, and fell from the sky to the ground like rain.

The next moment, Zhao Chun caught up in an instant. He waved a pair of palms and stabbed like a knife, directly piercing the man's chest.

But in the blink of an eye, Zhao Chun killed three people in a row!

(End of this chapter)

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