dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 423 The Bearded Man's Search and Excavation

Chapter 423 The Bearded Man's Search and Excavation
Parallel world time and space, the end of the future.

Among the uninhabited mountains, gusts of cold wind rolled up the fallen leaves, and a few insects quickly crawled across the ground. Everything seemed to be very peaceful.

Suddenly, a huge qigong descended from the sky!

Accompanied by a loud noise, the qigong group hit the ground directly, setting off a huge explosion shock wave, which spread rapidly towards the surroundings——

The continuous mountains, as well as all the vegetation and creatures, were instantly engulfed and vanished in the explosion.

After the explosion ended and the aftermath dissipated, there was nothing on the ground except a large circular pit and wisps of black smoke.

And above the sky, the culprit of the explosion was a short, light blue body with black spots—Little Shalu!

At this moment, this little Shalu had more than 25 billion combat power erupting all over his body. He looked down at the ground that had just been blasted into a big hole by himself, showing disappointment on his expression.

Then, the little Shalu quickly flew forward, and at the same time blasted out qigong waves downward continuously along the way.

Countless mountains, jungles, oceans, lakes... exploded one after another, and large areas were razed to the ground.

At the same time, over the other 6 regions in the northwest of the earth, there is also a little Cell.

There are a total of 7 little cells, which are distributed in various regions of the western hemisphere of the earth at this time, constantly blasting qigong towards the ground, doing search bombing.

And just thousands of miles away, at the location of the original Galin Tower in the west, the bearded combatant was standing in the air with a serious face.

As [Cell Bloodline], after being promoted to [Complete Cell], he has one more [Special Ability]——

【Create Little Cell】!
According to the setting of the battlefield, the combatants of [Full Cell] can produce a total of 7 small Cells just like the Cell in the original plot.

Each little cell will have 60% of the combat power of the combatant.

The bearded man's combat power after being promoted to [Complete Body] is 48 billion, so the combat power of these little Cells at this time is 28.8 billion.

However, since this ability is too buggy after all, the battlefield still imposes certain restrictions on it.

When a [Full Cell] combatant creates a small cell, the combat power of this combatant will drop to the same level as the small cell.

And when all the little cells are killed, or the combatant takes the initiative to release all the little cells, the combat power of the combatants will be restored.

At this moment, the 7 little Cells that are carrying out carpet bombing search in the western hemisphere of the earth are all made by him.

His purpose was to dig out the other two remaining combatants in this dungeon——Han Zheng and Han Lei.

Especially Han Zheng!
A few hours ago, when the bearded man was attacking Han Zheng, he was firmly suppressed by Han Zheng who had exploded with [Sharu's Power].

The bearded man was terrified and had to run away immediately.

But after escaping, the bearded man gradually calmed down and began to think about the problems.

As a [tourist], he is very aware of the average combat power of this round of dungeons. It is obvious that there are only 4.9 million dungeons with an average combat power. How can someone have a combat power of more than 50 billion?

Although from the aura, it can be judged that the guy with 56 billion combat power is also [Sharu bloodline], and it is possible to improve his combat power by absorbing artificial humans and being promoted to [full body].

However, the only two artificial humans in this dungeon have been absorbed by Beard himself, so how can there be extra artificial humans absorbed by others?
Could it be that time travel was carried out and other artificial humans were absorbed in other time and space?

However, the bearded man carefully recalled all the details of when he and Han Zheng met and fought.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the guy with a combat power as high as 56 billion at one time didn't seem to be promoted to become a [perfect body].

The bearded man clearly remembered that when he bombed the cave for the first time, Han Zhengming was blown off most of his body by the aftermath, and he survived entirely by relying on his [self-healing ability].

If that guy really possesses the combat power of [Perfect Body], how could his body be so fragile that he couldn't even resist the aftermath of a random qigong by himself?

After that, the bearded man fought Han Zheng, and was overwhelmed by Han Zheng's 56 billion combat power, so he had to run away immediately.

But the bearded man remembered that when he was running away, they were not far away from each other, and Han Zheng obviously had the opportunity to rush over in an instant to prevent himself from teleporting.

However, he just blasted a qigong wave from a distance, and he didn't come forward to stop it at all.

Looking back now, the other party seems to be afraid to chase too closely...

The bearded man keenly felt that there must be something strange in it.

As a [Rare Number], Big Beard usually pays great attention to discovering these unusual phenomena in the dungeon.

Because he knows very well that sometimes, some abnormal phenomena in the dungeon or the battlefield are actually related to [rare number] and [awakening space].

After careful consideration, a bold guess appeared in the bearded man's mind——

The combat power of 56 billion is probably not Han Zheng's own...

In other words, it doesn't belong to him permanently, he can't mobilize such a strong power for a long time, he can only use it for a short time occasionally...

Therefore, when he suddenly attacked the cave, he was almost killed by the aftermath.

And when he ran away, he didn't dare to chase too closely.

Taking this as a point, the bearded man couldn't help guessing—could that guy with a combat power as high as 56 billion at one time be a [rare number] just like himself?
And his [rare ability] may be able to burst into stronger combat power for a short time...

This thought lifted the spirit of the bearded man.

Although he was not entirely sure whether Han Zheng's 56 billion combat power was just a short-term combat power that could be mobilized temporarily.

However, as [Rare Number], another combatant suspected of [Rare Number], for him, the attraction is extremely huge.

The bearded man decided to take the risk and use the method of carpet bombing to dig out Han Zheng and Han Lei!
Of course, out of prudence, he also kept a hand, instead of going out himself, he created 7 little Cells to carry out bombing in turn.

But he hid far away in the distance, no matter whether he advanced or retreated, he had room to operate.

At this time, the seven little Cells had already swept across the entire western hemisphere in a very short time.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

The bearded man shook his head helplessly, and then through his consciousness, remotely issued an instruction to six of the little Cells to turn around and head towards the southwest direction to continue the bombing search.

The remaining little Cell stayed in the northwest for final inspection.

The 6 little Cells took orders immediately, but after a while, the entire southwestern part of the earth was quickly submerged in the flames of the explosion.


Somewhere in the Northwest Hemisphere, just after the little Cells turned to the Southwest.

In the sky, light suddenly flashed, and the time machine descended from the sky.

Han Zheng, who had finished harvesting in the [Main World] time and space, finally returned to the [Parallel World] time and space.

And when he just stepped out of the time machine, his expression suddenly tightened.

The place where he landed after traveling back was exactly in the deep mountain when he left.

However, when returning from time travel, where can there be any mountains around?

Looking around, there was only a piece of scorched earth emitting black smoke, and his time machine landed in the center of a large pit.

How is this going?Under attack?

Han Zheng's heart sank, and at the same time, he quickly activated [Breath Sensing] to detect the surrounding movements.

He suddenly discovered that at this time, there were 7 auras of more than 25 billion, which were moving extremely actively on the earth.

Six of them are located in the southwest.

And there is another one in the northwest of the earth, not far from him.

Han Zheng was already in the [Perfect Body] state at this time. From the aura, he immediately judged that these 7 auras were all created by Little Shalu!

There is no doubt that it must have been done by that bearded man!
It seems that the bearded man created 7 little Cells, and wanted to find himself by bombing and searching in a large area!

It seems that his 56 billion [Sharu Power] still failed to scare him completely.

Han Zheng immediately turned on the group channel and asked about his cousin's whereabouts——

[I'm back?Where are you? ]
Just when Han Zheng was worried, Han Lei quickly responded in the group frequency——

[You are finally back!That bearded man has been using Little Sharu to bombard me from just now. Fortunately, I am [artificial human blood] and do not have breath, or I would have been dug out by him. ]
ps: The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the housework is a little complicated. I will update it today and make it up tomorrow, Sao Rui

ps2: Thanks for the support of book friends [Flipping Books Love Lonely], the day after tomorrow will still change three times, thank you again
(End of this chapter)

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