dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 402 Roundtable

Chapter 402 Roundtable
"Top Ten Legions...so impressive..."

Looking at the rows of words on this [admission ticket], Han Zheng immediately had this thought in his mind.

On the [Admission Ticket], there was no explanation or introduction, but the names and invitations of the top ten legions were simply written on it, and there was nothing else.

However, it is so simple, without any explanation, there is still a vague feeling of indescribability.

It seems that the names of these ten legions are worth a thousand words, enough to make countless people flock to this dungeon, so there is no need to elaborate.

This was the first time Han Zheng had seen such a coupon.

The dungeons developed by the ten major legions are really different... don't they have different uniqueness?
The doubts and curiosity in Han Zheng's heart suddenly intensified.

It's a pity that he turned the three coupons over and over several times, but couldn't find any clues.

The only information I have at the moment is that the dungeon will be opened in a month...

After checking the three coupons for a long time, Han Zheng sighed helplessly, then handed them over to Megan Fox, asking her to take them to the study for him to put away.

Although judging from Shao Zun and others' desire for these three coupons, this dungeon should be a very generous welfare dungeon, but Han Zheng was really worried about letting himself enter a dungeon that he didn't know anything about in advance.

Or when I see my cousin in a few days, ask him if he knows anything about these coupons.

Afterwards, he quickly ran to the trading halls at all levels to sell supplies and receive proceeds.

Back in the private area, he bought another 20-day [Three Hundred Times Gravity Room] and continued to practice.

I believe that after this short period of practice is over, the cousins ​​should also come out of the dungeon...



In the battlefield living area, in the team territory of a high-level area.

On the top floor of the territory building, there is only one large meeting room.

And this meeting room is also extremely empty, without any decorations, only a round table and ten chairs are placed in the center of the meeting room.

The ten chairs were placed at the same distance from each other and arranged in a circle around the round table.

Nine men and women of different colors had already sat around the round table, only the chair farthest from the door of the conference room was still vacant.

There was nothing placed on the round table, only the edge of the table facing the ten chairs, each with a small card, each with a name engraved on it——

[Shark] A white man with short blond hair, with a cold face, sat in his seat without saying a word.

[Asuka] A big fat man whose body is three times wider than the white man next to him, with his head down and his eyes closed, seems to be dozing off.

[Poisonous Snake] A man with long hair and a braid behind his head raised his hand to straighten the blindfold on his left eye.

[Beidou] A glamorous woman with blond hair and blue eyes and heavy makeup, holding a small mirror in one hand and arranging her hair with the other.

【Buddha】A middle-aged man whose head was obviously in the shape of "Mediterranean" glanced at the blond girl and snorted softly.

[Royal] A handsome brown-haired guy reached out to touch his neatly trimmed beard.

[Magic] A black woman with a shaved head is looking at the handsome brown-haired guy next to her "sexually".

[Green] A man in his mid-thirties lowered his head without saying a word, looking at the white puppet cat lying on his lap.

[Iron Hook] An old man with white beard and hair raised his hand to check the time, and heaved a long sigh.


The nine men and women did not communicate with each other at all.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

"Oh, the nine deputy army commanders have already arrived... I'm really sorry for being a little late..." A male voice with a slightly "big tongue" rang out together with the sound of the door opening.

A blond white man with a height of more than 160 walked in quickly and quickly sat on the empty chair.

He was dressed in an 18th-century European court aristocratic costume, with shoulder-length wavy blond hair, exquisite facial features, a very young and beautiful face, and looked very "juvenile"...or, in other words, "female."

At the same time, the European court dress he wore, with those floral collars and sleeves, added a bit of flavor to this "girly look".

In fact, as long as he didn't talk, anyone would think he was just a pretty white teenage girl.


When the voice with obvious masculine characteristics and a bit of a big tongue sounded, the picture became a little weird...

"Recently, the legion has some business. It's busy. I hope you can forgive me..." He smiled at the other nine deputy legion chiefs, and at the same time raised his hand to hold the small [God's] sign on the table in front of him. Turning around with his fingers: "Count me in, the deputy commanders of our top ten legions are all here now, let's start."

"Okay, since the deputy head of the [Legion of God] Vilkinko has also arrived, let's start..." The deputy head of the [Iron Hook] with white beard and hair said hoarsely: "I've been busy recently. , It’s not easy for everyone to meet, so let’s make a long story short, this time we are mainly discussing the [Large Dungeon] in a month’s time... and, by the way, let’s talk about the corps below.”

"Those regiments, Deputy Commander Cui refers to...those so-called '5 small regiments'?" The glamorous female deputy commander of [Big Dipper] opened his mouth and asked.

"Return to the 5 small legions? How long has it been since you learned about the lower-level information?" The "Mediterranean" man shook his head disdainfully: "[Red Dragon Corps] has perished, and now there are only 4 small legions left."

"After the [Red Dragon Corps] was destroyed, the [Storm Corps] was considered to be the largest troop under our ten families. Recently, he also united three other large troupes with the intention of forming an alliance, and now it has formed a It's quite powerful..." The [Green] Deputy Army Chief said lightly after touching the puppet cat on his knee.

"So what? A [Storm Corps], why are you so nervous?" The bald black woman chuckled, "To tell you the truth, I have sent someone to infiltrate the [Blue Team] a few days ago, Zhao Chun's The data is clear, a guy with a combat power of less than 35 billion, which one of you here can't kill him?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter, and in the laughter, Vilkinko raised his eyebrows a little noncommittally, and lowered his head to pinch his floral cuffs.

"I think..." The big fat man of [Asuka Legion] solemnly raised a chubby finger: "We can't just look at Zhao Chun's strength. In fact, according to the information I have, since this Zhao Chun was After becoming the commander of [Storm], he has been making moves behind his back. Now that he has wiped out [Red Dragon Corps], and joined forces with the other three major corps, I have reason to believe that his next move will definitely be to The four corps will integrate to form a new powerful force, maybe his strength is not strong, but his ambition is definitely not small!"

"Ambition? What kind of ambition?" Vilkinko asked suddenly as he lowered his head and straightened his cuffs.

"Nature is replacing us."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused another burst of laughter.

But after the laughter, everyone quickly calmed down again, and the deputy head of the [Venomous Snake] who was wearing a blindfold knocked on the table first: "What Er Fatty said is actually reasonable, and I also think that this [Storm Corps] should attract our attention Well, this Zhao Chun... let's get rid of it as soon as possible."

"Get rid of it? Okay, which one of you will go?" The bearded handsome guy of [Royal Legion] grinned: "Anyway, I won't go."

"Actually, a few days ago, I just sent Lan Hua from our legion to the [Budo Association] jointly opened by [Storm Corps] and [Blue Ocean Corps], just to beat and beat the following people and make them behave... ..." Vilkinko still lowered his head, and began to straighten the cuff of the other hand: "... Counting the days, he should have won the championship by now."

"There is one thing I have to say..." The white-haired old man spoke again at this moment, his expression a little solemn: "...a few days ago, the vice president of [Resurrection Club] came to me, meaning That is to say, I hope we can be more accommodating to [Storm Corps] and Zhao Chun, and don’t bother them. It seems that [Storm Corps] and [Resurrection Club] are now colluding, maybe [Resurrection Club] is I want to support a corps and further strengthen myself."

"Which vice president?" Vikkinko asked.

"It's the one with the red hair who used to call you 'Little Fresh Meat' when we first met, and said that as long as you slept with her for one night, I would give you 10 sets of [Namek Dragon Balls] for your legion."

"Why can't this kind of thing happen to me?" The Mediterranean man brushed his sparse hair: "I can sleep them [Resurrection Club] until they go bankrupt!"

There was laughter again.

"Come back to business!" The white-haired old man knocked on the table: "[Resurrection Club]'s face, we have to sell, if we really want to get rid of Zhao Chun, it's better not to let our people take action, you know, [Resurrection Club] It's almost like the household registration department. He has a certain amount of file information for all members of our various legions... So my suggestion is to support another team force, preferably with a bit of hatred with [Storm] and Zhao Chun. At the same time, I know him better. Let’s do this by other people’s hands, and [Resurrection Club] can’t come and make trouble with us.”

As soon as this remark came out, several people nodded.

"If that's the case..." The deputy commander of the [Shark Legion] who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "There is a suitable candidate for me..."

"Oh? Come and listen..."

[Shark] The deputy commander coughed lightly, and was about to speak...

But at this moment, Vilkinko, who was sitting opposite him, seemed to have received some news suddenly, and let out a surprise.

His hand, which was adjusting the cuff, couldn't hold back the strength for a while, and tore off half of the floral sleeve.

"what happened?"

Virkinko was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "Let me just ask, in each of your legions, have there been any fighters with a combat power of more than 18 billion in less than 55 rounds?"

PS: I have something to go out for a whole day, so I can only change it once, and I will make it up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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