dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 36 That Man From [Battlefield]?

Chapter 36 That Man From [Battlefield]?

"...It's still 30 steps away from him!"





In [Cultivation Dungeon], Han Zheng gritted his teeth and walked towards the top of the mountain step by step with the milk crate in his hand.

The top of the mountain is not far away, and the Monkey King next to him has finally been surpassed by himself!

Han Zheng gritted his teeth, rushed to the top of the mountain in one go.

After such a long time of practice, this is the first time he has walked ahead of Monkey King in delivering milk and climbing mountains.

He wiped his sweat, looked back at Monkey King who had been late, and felt a great sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Although he can only beat him once in a while, it is hard-won, after all, the opponent is a Saiyan.

Just when he was complacent, the voice of the battlefield reminder suddenly sounded in his ear!
Han Zheng's heart trembled. In the [Cultivation Dungeon], all reminders from the battlefield cannot be conveyed. They will not be received until after leaving the dungeon.

There is only one exception——

[Number N2199 combatant, the third round of dungeons will be officially opened in 48 hours, please be prepared...]

Estimated in terms of time, a new round is about to come.

Since the last 65 days of training, Han Zheng has started to buy [practice dungeons] round by round for 10 days, also considering the approaching third round of dungeons.

As of today, he has practiced in the dungeon for another 20 days, and today is the last day for him to purchase the second round of 10 days.

It seems that my practice will end today.

Since the flow of time here is 6 times that of the outside world, there is plenty of time, so Han Zheng adjusted his mentality and continued to follow Gui Xianren and his party to practice today...

After coming out of [Training Dungeon], Han Zheng checked his status. After these 20 days of practice, his combat power increased by another 9 points.

[Combat power: 72]
Han Zheng can be said to be very satisfied with the results of his practice since the end of the last round of dungeons.

Compared to when he entered the second round of dungeons, his combat power had more than doubled.

According to what my cousin mentioned in his diary, among the group of combatants in the same period, his current level is definitely considered a rare leader.

Han Zheng took a shower, and then called his parents, saying that because he was in the "career rising period", he would go out for a while, and because he was busy, he would not contact his family during this time.

His father, Han Tongwei, was convinced, and to show his encouragement, the family would go out for dinner at noon tomorrow as a treat for his father.

Han Zheng had no choice but to agree...

Day two.

There is still one day before the opening of the third round of dungeons.

"Let's order. This restaurant is newly opened. Your mother and I ate here last time. The dishes are really good."

The three members of Han Zheng's family sat by the window, and his father, Han Tongwei, handed over the menu, and at the same time he was full of praise for the newly opened restaurant.

It's just that Han Zheng's mind is full of thoughts about entering the dungeon tomorrow, and he has no interest in ordering food. He glanced at it casually, and then pushed back the menu, saying that it would be fine to follow his parents' taste.

If the content in the cousin's diary is correct, the next round of dungeons should be team battle dungeons.

Although two rounds of dungeons have been executed, Han Zheng at this time is considered to have some experience, not a rookie, but he has not really experienced the team battle dungeon yet.

What kind of fighters will the randomly assigned teammates be?

How strong will they be?What abilities?
We are all strangers to each other, will there be a tacit understanding in cooperation?Could it be that the teammates also have their own calculations?

In actual operation, what is the obvious difference between a team battle dungeon and a single kill dungeon?
One question after another kept lingering in Han Zheng's mind, his brows were tightly frowned, and he didn't even notice that the dishes were all served.

"Don't be in a daze, this fish is pretty good, come and taste it." Mother Zhou Min patted Han Zheng lightly, interrupting him from his thoughts.

The local area is adjacent to the HL River, and it is rich in wild ikan kelp. Many restaurants use fish as their signature dish. Han Zheng tasted it, and it tasted really good.

Put aside those tedious things in your mind first, and wipe out the delicious food on the plate first!
While eating, Han Zheng casually looked out the window, but suddenly, a strange thing appeared before his eyes!
Outside the window, in a slightly hidden corner across the street, a passing curly-haired man stood there, looking around in a panic, and then——

The whole person suddenly disappeared!
Han Zheng was so taken aback that the unswallowed fish almost fell out of his mouth.

He was sure that he was not mistaken, that person disappeared in an instant!
Since the corner was somewhat hidden and there were few passers-by around at this time, no one noticed this strange incident, but the position where Han Zheng was sitting happened to be clearly visible.

Moreover, even if other people see it, they may feel that they are dazzled for a while, but Han Zheng firmly believes that this is by no means dizziness or hallucination.

That person really existed at first, and then he really disappeared suddenly.

Could it be... A guess immediately popped up in Han Zheng's mind!
Combatant? !

This guess instantly occupied my mind.

Combatants can shuttle between the present world and the battlefield at any time, so when they shuttle, in the present world, wouldn't it be equivalent to disappearing suddenly.

And at this moment, in that same corner, that curly-haired man suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

It sure is!
Suddenly disappearing and appearing out of thin air, it must be a combatant who can shuttle in the [battlefield].

After the curly-haired man appeared, he quickly checked his surroundings, then quickly walked out of the corner, came to the side of the road and raised his hand to stop the car.

Han Zheng didn't care about his parents' reaction at this moment, he quickly got up and left the table, and hurried to the door.

However, when he rushed out of the restaurant, the curly-haired man had already boarded a taxi and drove away.

The taxi was already out of sight, and Han Zheng firmly remembered the appearance of the curly-haired man.

Unexpectedly, here, in this world, a hidden combatant would be found in this form.

It's a pity that Han Zheng is short on time, and the dungeon will be downloaded tomorrow, otherwise he really wants to investigate carefully.

Han Zheng, who was full of thoughts, returned to the dining table and made up an excuse to fool his parents. At this time, his mind became more and more thoughtful, and when he looked at the dishes on the table, he suddenly felt that they were not so delicious.

At night, Han Zheng returned to the room alone, and sorted out many things during this period bit by bit in the dark.

The specific time for the class reunion has been finalized. Coincidentally, if I can survive the next round of dungeons, I can catch up with the time.

In the afternoon, Han Zheng wanted to make another phone call with Sun Yuqian, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up. The current self is also precarious, not to mention that he has no ability to help him, so let's wait for the copy to come back.

What really made him think about it was the curly-haired man he found during the day, a combatant who suddenly appeared beside him in this world, and he really didn't know how to deal with it.

What should I do if I meet him again in this world after returning from the next round of dungeons?
Contact him?follow him?kill him?Or just ignore him and act like you've never seen him before?
After thinking for a long time without a clue, Han Zheng cleared his mind and decided to put all these messes aside and concentrate on preparing for the dungeon coming tomorrow!

after one day.

Copy is on!
The light enveloped Han Zheng again and transported him into the pitch-black space.

After reporting his personal status, Han Zheng finally got the information about this dungeon that he had in mind:

[The nature of this dungeon: team battle type...]
 So soon, the second volume is also over, and the team battle-type dungeon is about to usher in Hoho, thank you again for your support all the way, your support is the author's greatest motivation!

  Cough cough, the preface is over, let’s get to the main topic: Asking for votes, asking for collections......

(End of this chapter)

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