dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 358 Zhao Chun's Hegemony and Han Lei's Team

Chapter 358 Zhao Chun's Hegemony and Han Lei's Team


Han Zheng was shirtless and covered in beads of sweat.

In the training room with [-] times the gravity, he kept flying around, punching and kicking back and forth, piercing the air with his fists and feet, making the sound of hunting wind.

Since the previous big lottery draw, Han Zheng has used up the 40-day 【Cultivation Ticket】and spent points to buy a 70-day dungeon, starting a full 110-day penance.

During this period of time, he has been practicing in the dungeon almost all the time, only pausing once in a while, returning to the living area in a short time, and collecting points and [practice coupons] from the trading hall.

At this time, the long training schedule has reached the 108th day. When Han Zheng was practicing and exercising hard, the long-lost battlefield notification sound resounded throughout the gravity room——

[Number N2199 combatant, the 13th round of dungeons will be opened in 21 hours, please be prepared...]
21 hour……

Han Zheng punched the air, and then stopped.

"Actually... I caught myself once again..."

I remember that in the ninth round, I temporarily transferred myself once. I don't know what kind of dungeon I will be transferred into this time...

Han Zheng calculated the time. He still has 2 and a half days to practice, which is about 10 hours if converted into the time of the present world, and there is still time.

He quickly withdrew his thoughts.Continue to practice hard without distraction...


[Combat value: 10798 million + 4700 million (normal suppression: 215.9 million + 94 million)]
After finishing the 110-day practice, Han Zheng returned to the private area and looked at his status bar with a very satisfied smile.

After possessing the ability of [2% off training], the progress of this practice is much higher than before!

Now his actual total combat power has exceeded 1.5 million, which is comparable to the strength of Monkey King who has just transformed into a super race in the original plot.

Finally, it is no longer a super saiyan with only tens of millions of combat power, and can be a super saiyan "uprightly" again!

And the most important thing is that after Han Zheng opened the equipment bar and checked [artificial human No. 16] again, the combat power limit item on the attribute description had disappeared.

With this new round of dungeons, you can let your [No. 16] show off its style!

Excited, Han Zheng switched the contact network and sent a message to his cousin Han Lei, informing him that he was about to execute the dungeon and about Xinde [No. 16].

Han Lei quickly responded, and after the two discussed about the dungeon, Han Lei suddenly changed the subject and asked——

[Zheng Han, have you heard what happened to [Storm Corps] recently? ]
Han Zheng was slightly taken aback. Could it be that Zhao Chun made some big news on the battlefield again?

[I didn’t hear that, I’ve been soaking in the [Cultivation Dungeon] for a while, and basically didn’t come out, what’s wrong? ]
[About just a few days ago, the chief and deputy commanders of the [Red Dragon Corps], as well as some other heavyweight captains of the Corps, were all killed! ]
[Could it be [Storm Corps] doing it? ]——Han Zheng is a little unbelievable, although he also knows that [Red Dragon] and [Storm] have always had a grudge, especially after the internal rebellion of [Storm Corps], the vitality was damaged for a while, and many of its enemies wanted to take advantage of it. Among them, the one with the most frequent movements belongs to [Red Dragon Corps].

However, [Red Dragon Corps] and [Storm Corps] are both so-called "Five Small Corps", and their strength should not be underestimated. How could they suddenly suffer such a severe blow this time?

[According to the current news, [Red Dragon Corps] and [Storm Corps] had been having frequent frictions before, and then [Saiyan Corps] intervened in mediation, and the three parties agreed to negotiate a ceasefire in [Centre Space]. All the important captains participated in this negotiation. As a result, none of the regiment commanders and captains of the [Red Dragon Corps] could come out of the [Centre Space]!All dead! ]
[[Centre space]?Isn't it impossible to kill in there?How can it be? ]——Han Zheng was shocked again, but when he asked this question, he quickly realized... Ordinary combatants must not be able to kill people in [Centre Space], but Zhao Chun, as [Awakening Rare Number], Maybe he has the card that makes an exception to kill someone.

[Zhao Chun must have used some special means. Those important people of [Red Dragon] did die suddenly shortly after entering [Catarization Space]. Other members of [Red Dragon] can be seen from the contact network]
[[Red Dragon] is also a large army, didn't you immediately use the dragon ball to resurrect the leader of the army? ]
[It is said that [Red Dragon Corps] used dragon balls to make a wish in the first place, but none of the two chief and deputy commanders and three important captains who were killed could be resurrected; it is because of this that [Storm Corps] has always claimed that the cause of death of the [Red Dragon] Corps leader has nothing to do with them. The dead cannot speak and cannot be resurrected. I don’t know what to say, this matter has become an unsolved case now]
Can't be revived?

After hearing these words, Han Zheng immediately thought of [Must Kill Card]. As a rare number, Zhao Chun must have a chance to draw this kind of card, but...

Zhao Chun killed 5 people in a row, but none of them were revived... Could it be that he has so many [Must Kill Cards]?Or did he draw another "Multiple Killer Card"?
But in any case, things have already happened, [Red Dragon Team] really suffered a heavy loss this time.

In the next conversation with his cousin, Han Zheng learned that after the [Red Dragon Team] suffered such a heavy blow, although the [Storm Corps] kept talking about the relationship, they did not hesitate in their actions; Taking advantage of the time when the [Red Dragon Corps] had no leader, they attacked and invaded with thunderous momentum. In just a few days, the new [Red Dragon Corps] commander was assassinated in this world.

Afterwards, the [Red Dragon Corps] completely fell apart. Several teams announced their withdrawal, and several teams even announced their surrender and directly joined the [Storm Corps].

[...But in just a few days, the [Red Dragon Corps], which was once in the limelight, just collapsed, and after [Storm Corps] ate those teams, their strength has improved by a level, and they have returned to their original peak The level at that time... The famous "Five Small Legions" became four in this way, which was beyond everyone's expectations. Who would have thought that the [Storm Corps] would directly destroy a regiment of the same level. But suddenly became famous]
Looking at the messages sent by his cousin, Han Zheng couldn't help but marvel. He didn't expect such a big change to happen during the days when he was practicing in seclusion.

Zhao Chun and the [Storm Corps] are so strong, this is really not good news for himself and his cousin.

The two were silent for a while through the dialogue box, and then Han Lei on the opposite side suddenly sent another message - [Forget it, let's not mention Zhao Chun, I plan to start forming a team after a while]
Han Zheng's heart moved, his cousin was finally about to start forming his own team, he hurriedly asked - [When? ]
[Soon, I have already contacted several former subordinates, all of whom are trustworthy. When the time comes, you and Tai Chi will be added. After the team is established, some benefits can be added, and there will be more care and convenience for each other. As for the exact time, it will be almost there after your copy comes out this time]
Due to his own special situation, Han Zheng always felt that he was not suitable to be the leader and build a force. Now this job is done by his cousin, which is perfect.

After discussing with Han Lei for a while, he said goodbye and closed the contact network.

With less than 10 hours before the dungeon opens, Han Zheng decided to go to the trading halls at all levels first to get back the recent earnings.

When he rushed to the trading hall in the second-level area, there were still a lot of people gathered here, and it looked a little crowded.

He pushed aside the crowd, quickly retrieved the proceeds, turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a person walked in from the gate. Because the road was crowded by the crowd, the two bumped into each other inadvertently, and they couldn't help but look at each other awkwardly.

At this time, Han Zheng had already learned from previous experience and lessons. When walking alone in the living area, he always wore a hat and mask to cover his face.

On the other hand, the person on the other side was also dressed the same as himself, and he couldn't tell what his appearance was. He just looked at the eyes exposed under the brim of the other person's hat, and Han Zheng had a vague feeling of deja vu.

(End of this chapter)

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