dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 356 Crazy Big Draw

Chapter 356 Crazy Big Draw

After looking up and down the entire [Practice Copy] list for several minutes, Han Zheng just calmed down and closed the list "reluctantly".

There is no doubt that from now on, the efficiency of my practice will be greatly improved.

In particular, Han Zheng currently has a full six-figure points in his pocket. From now on, he will continue to buy the [Three Hundred Times Gravity Chamber] that only needs 3600 points per day after discount, and there will be no pressure.

While looking forward to the "cheap practice" in the future, Han Zheng walked quickly to the warehouse and took out all the [controller fragments].

[Controller fragment 5/5, has met the synthesis skill requirements, whether to synthesize immediately]
There was a flash of light in the equipment column, and the full version of [Controller] that Han Zheng had been looking forward to instantly appeared in the column——

[Equipment props: Controller]
[Attribute: Auxiliary technology props]
[Explanation: The controller made by Dr. Gallo is too powerful to listen to the doctor's order because the strength of the artificial man No. 17 and No. 18 is too strong. Dr. Gallo must rely on the controller to control the kinetic energy of the two artificial humans; Gallo After the doctor was killed, Kling and Trunks found blueprints in the underground research institute and handed them to Bulma, who successfully manufactured the controller based on the blueprints]
Han Zheng nodded in satisfaction. Although there are many restrictions on attribute functions, as long as the controller can control No. 17 and No. 18, it is enough.

Calculate your combat power and the number of dungeons, and the dungeon with [Artificial Man] as the timeline is not far away from you.

And the power of those two artificial humans is as high as hundreds of millions, and they still have unlimited energy. My current strength is far behind them, but [17/18 Blood] still plays a very important role in my future planning. There has to be a lot to harvest, so it's up to the controller.

Afterwards, Han Zheng went to the trading hall to get back the proceeds, and at the same time put the resources he got in the [Resource Forest] on the shelves for sale.

in. He left 13 drops of the 19 drops of [artificial human 20/7 blood], and then he sent a message and invitation to Sun Yuqian, asking him to take time to come to his private area.

At the same time, after some thought, he sent another greeting message to Chen Chen.

I just killed 6 people in [Qinghui Team] in a row in the dungeon, including the team's chief and deputy captains.

Yutou, who is also a member of [Team Qinghui], must have known about this major change in the team at this time, and as Chen Chen's "spy", he would definitely report this situation immediately.

In addition, I had inquired about the situation of the [Qing Hui Team] in the [Sightseeing Dungeon] before, and if I thought about it, I would report it to Chen Chen.

Han Zheng wanted to see if Chen Chen, who had been unable to contact him for a while, would respond to such an emergency this time.

After solving all the trivial matters, Han Zheng did not practice immediately, but returned to the present world first.

At this time, it was already late at night, and Han Zheng first went to the self-service bank to transfer his recent [Battlefield Subsidy] to his parents.

Afterwards, he took advantage of the night and quietly ran to the outskirts of the city, found a few underground gambling dens very "familiarly", and bought the 12 [Promotion Black Cards] that he got after the No. 8 round of dungeons ], 5 cards were distributed.

After returning to the private area, the battlefield reminder quickly sounded in his ears——

[Number N2199 combatant, you have 7 lucky draw opportunities that have not yet been executed, do you want to draw immediately]
5 draws for promotional rewards, plus the remaining 7 draws in [Resource Forest], exactly [-] draws in total.

Now his lottery has been upgraded to "quadruple". Just like the mentality when he checked the "Training Dungeon" just now, Han Zheng is also a little impatient now. He wants to do more lottery draws and give full play to the role of "strengthening ability"!

7 draws, 7 roulette wheels...and a total of 28 hands!
It really is a "crazy big draw"!
Han Zheng summoned the roulette again and again, and conducted lottery draws again and again, and a large number of prizes in various forms emerged one after another.

The first lottery draw: [4400 points] [Super Race Fragments] [Time Machine Fragments] [1 times gravity practice * [-] day]

It's really a joy to start, the first lottery draws such a good thing as time machine fragments!Han Zheng suddenly became excited. This is already the third fragment, and the time machine is getting closer and closer to him!

The second lottery draw: [Magic seal wave martial skill fragments] [Kurd's untransformed blood] [1 times gravity practice * [-] day] [Kaiwangquan special martial arts]

Although the prizes this time are not as high-quality as the first one, but [Kurdish Blood] and [King King Fist] can be given to Sun Yuqian, and [Magic Sealing Wave Fragments] already has two, plus this one , then you can synthesize the full version and learn new skills!
The third lottery draw: [Dongdongbo fragments] [Cellu fragments] [One-sixth of those who are unhappy in life] [Three hundred times the gravity practice * 2 days]

There was a bye... Sad reminder, but fortunately, there is a [Cell Fragment], which is also needed now.

The fourth lottery draw: [Kame-style Qigong] [Super Race Fragments] [4400 points] [1 times gravity practice * [-] day]

It's not bad, except for [Kame Pai Qigong], they are all useful.

The fifth lottery draw: [One-sixth of unsatisfactory life] [Artificial Human 17/18 Blood] [Kame School Qigong] [Three hundred times the gravity of practice * 3 days]

It's another bye...but [artificial human blood] is what I need, and it's not bad.

The sixth lottery draw: [Fusion Art Fragments] [Super Race Fragments] [Three Hundred Times Gravity Practice*2 Days] [Teleporting Magic Carpet]

Han Zheng's eyes lit up again, and it was another [Fusion Fragment]!In this way, like [Time Machine], the collection progress of [Fusion Art] has also reached 3/5!


The 6 lottery draws ended one after another, and Han Zheng was very satisfied with the harvest. He took a deep breath and started the last lottery draw!
The roulette turned rapidly, and then gradually stopped after one circle after another.

The four pointers are respectively on [one-sixth of those who are unhappy in life], [practice coupon], [blood] and [equipment props],

"I got a bye in the draw!"

Amidst Han Zheng's complaints, the four panels slowly opened.

[Mr. Satan's smiling face (bye item)] [Three hundred times gravity practice * 1 day] [Healing Namekian blood] These three items first appeared in front of Han Zheng.

Han Zheng's expression was suddenly a little depressed. The quality of the prize for the seventh time has really declined.

However, when the last piece of [Equipment Item] was lifted, Han Zheng's eyes stared straight at once!

【Robot·Android No. 16】


(End of this chapter)

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