dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 349 The best timing!

Chapter 349 The best timing!

The robot bug is destroyed!
Was discovered by Guan Lueshan!
Han Zheng, who was lying in the grass, was shocked. He did not act rashly, but continued to lower his body and hide in the grass.

At this time, he and the six members of the [Green Gray Team] were located on the east and west sides of the headquarters base, separated by a huge base, and Han Zheng was not worried that the other party would immediately find out where he was.

At the same time, he did not immediately recall the remaining 5 [robots], but ordered three of them to stay where they were and hide them, while the other two continued to take risks and approached the 6 members of [Blue Gray Team].

The position of the two robot bugs at this time is not too far away from [Green Gray Team] and the others. They quickly found the target, but they were not too close as before. They just kept a distance to observe and sent the screen to back.

In the picture, the [Qinghui] member who just destroyed a robot bug is still looking around vigilantly at this moment.

Among them, Guan Lueshan stared at the midair for a few times, then suddenly made another move, and quickly sent out a move of air separation force towards the void.

And Chai Zhipeng, who was standing beside Guan Lueshan, didn't rest at this time. Like Guan Lueshan, after staring at the air for a few times, he also shot suddenly, as if he suddenly grabbed something in the void.

Looking at the weird behavior of these people in the picture, it seems that they are attacking the robot bugs in mid-air, but their own robot bugs are far away from them at this moment, and they have not received any blows.

Han Zheng frowned, suddenly remembered something, then hurriedly raised his head and looked towards the sky above his head.

Soon, he seemed to have discovered something, and quickly grabbed the sky above his head, and a [robot bug] that had just flown was caught in his hand.

There are indeed other [robots] around here!
Han Zheng looked at the [Robot Bug] in his palm and crushed it vigorously.

He knew very well that this [Robot Bug] was not released by Guan Lueshan, Chai Zhipeng and others, nor was it even released by any combatant.

Because, while catching this bug, Han Zheng already realized that this bug was not an [Equipment Item] at all, but a [Dungeon Item].

There is no doubt that the bug caught by Han Zheng and the bugs found and destroyed by Guan Lueshan and others on the other side of the base were all released by the [Red Ribbon Legion] to the surrounding area!
Han Zheng's heart sank. He actually forgot this point. The [Robot Bug] was created by Dr. Gallo. There will naturally be these bugs near his own army base, and they will be responsible for scouting back and forth!
That is to say, in the base headquarters at this time, the Red Ribbon Corps must have noticed that there are outsiders hiding nearby, trying to misbehave the headquarters base!

At this moment, the two robot bugs released by Han Zheng sent back a new picture again, and the six members of the [Green Gray Team] on the other side of the headquarters base suddenly disappeared without a trace.

I didn't see them take out the [Teleportation Magic Carpet], nor did I see that they used skills such as [Teleportation]. These six people must not have evacuated, but used the transformation technique to become something like a bug. Flying into the headquarters base!
At the same time, a large number of fighter jets and mechas suddenly took off from the base of the Red Ribbon Corps, shooting at the base around a large area.

And there was a tall man who flew out with the fighter jet. Han Zheng looked from a distance, and this tall man was none other than Yamcha!
However, at this moment, Yamcha can't feel any aura. It seems that he has also been transformed into an artificial human by the Red Ribbon Legion!
Yamcha flew high into the sky, and also began to fire several qigong bombs towards the surroundings. His attack destructive power was far beyond that of those aircraft weapons. Han Zheng didn't dare to turn a blind eye, and quickly transformed into a flying insect, carefully Go around to a place with less vitality, and fly towards the headquarters base covertly.

The sound of artillery fire resounded through the sky, and Han Zheng quickly flew over the high wall and rushed into the headquarters base.

Inside the base, a large number of soldiers, chariots, and mechas were running back and forth, and the sound of shouting and cursing was endless, extremely noisy.

Han Zheng learned about the internal structure and topography of the headquarters base from General Violet before. At this moment, he kept flying towards the center of the base according to the route he remembered in his mind.

According to General Violet, the two important research institutes are there, and Commander Red and Dr. Gallo should also be in the central building.

Another batch of mechas flew out of the base and began to search for the intruders. Han Zheng walked towards the central building while looking around, trying to find traces of the [Green Gray Team].

Soon, the central building of the headquarters came into Han Zheng's field of vision. The building occupies a large area and is surrounded by scrutinizing mechas.

According to the information obtained from General Violet, the residence and office of Commander Reid is on the centermost floor of the central building, and on the outer floor of the building, a full range of object scanning and detection is installed, and a fly flying in will also Spotted immediately!
At the same time, there are several artificial humans in the building, who are responsible for the safety of the commander. No matter who enters or exits, even senior officers of the legion must be questioned and interrogated.

It seems that you really can't rush in.

Han Zheng quietly landed on the roof beside him, looking at the heavily guarded central building from a distance, thinking quickly in his mind.

However, at this moment, there was a loud noise inside the central building.

Immediately afterwards, several qigong waves shot out from the middle of the building through the wall, and a large building on the outside collapsed instantly.

Several qigong waves shot out randomly through the wall, and immediately blasted everything around to pieces. A large number of fighter planes and weapons were all destroyed, and countless soldiers howled miserably.

At the same time, Han Zheng could clearly sense that there were 6 groups of powerful auras surging together, and the location was inside the central building!

Han Zheng's heart skipped a beat—those 6 auras must be the 6 members of [Qing Hui Team]!
Depending on the situation, the [Green Gray Team] was discovered by mistake while sneaking into the central building, which attracted the attack of the man-made humans in the building!
Sure enough, as pieces of buildings collapsed, Han Zheng also saw the scene inside.

The six men and women of the [Qinghui Team] are currently inside the dilapidated central building, and at the same time, there are ten other figures, constantly attacking them.

Among those ten figures, there was Tianjin Fan, Crane Immortal, Tao Baibai, Bull Demon King... and even Qiqi, and none of them could feel the slightest breath, obviously they were artificial humans!

Ten cyborgs quickly surrounded the 6 members of the [Green Gray Team], attacked them one after another, and attacked them quickly.

Among the 6 men and women in [Qinghui], the female combatant with the weakest breath was shot through the head by a wave of attack from the Bull Demon King and died on the spot.

Although he couldn't sense the aura, from their movement speed, attack destructive power, and fights with other combatants, Han Zheng judged that although these ten artificial humans were not as powerful as No. 19 and No. 20 in the original plot, But each one also has a combat power level of 6000-7000 million.

After one person was killed, the remaining 5 fighters including Chai Zhipeng immediately used the [King King Fist], each with a combat power of 6000 million.

At the same time, each of Guan Lueshan, Xu Weihe, and Chai Zhipeng was divided into four bodies.

5 combatants, 14 bodies with a combat power of 6000 million, quickly fought with ten artificial humans!

But Han Zheng's mood was wild at this time. He suddenly felt that the scuffle in front of him might be the best time for him!

(End of this chapter)

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