dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 320 2 Raising Resources

Chapter 320 Second Swipe Resources
"Used to be a member of the [Green Gray Team]?" Han Zheng pulled out the last corpse - Bulma, and placed it on the ground, then turned to look at Taro:

"...How do you know there is such a person in the dungeon? Have you seen it?"

Taro hesitated for a moment, and replied: "This person's name in the team is Shen Kai. He was still in the team when I first joined the team. I also met him once, but within two days, he came to the team. I was suddenly kicked out of the team by captain Guan Lueshan. I don't know the exact reason, after all, I'm just a new team member, and I haven't seen him since then..."

Speaking of this, Taro's expression suddenly became bitter:

"...As a result, in this round of dungeons, I unexpectedly met Shen Kai again, he was from another team... Zheng Han, do you know who killed my other four temporary teammates? ?”

"Is this Shen Kai?" When Han Zheng asked, he immediately wrote down the name.

"That's right, it's him. My team had an encounter with his team on the first day. As a result, this guy showed his might and killed four of my teammates by himself. Even I almost died in his hands." .”

Taro paused, then continued: "Although it's just a temporary team, there are three combatants in my team who are all allies of [Qing Hui Team]. Shen Kai doesn't care about the friendship of his former allies at all, and he is very ruthless!"

"This Shen Kai, before retiring from the team, was an old member of [Qing Hui Team]?" Han Zheng emphasized the word "old".

"That's right, other team members and allies mentioned to me that this Shen Kai is a veteran in the team, but for some reason he offended Captain Guan and was kicked out of the team."

Han Zheng nodded. After thinking for a moment, he turned around and waved at Taro: "Okay, we'll talk about these things in detail later, you take a few steps back..."

Looking at the Dragon Balls on the ground and Dandy who was tied up, Taro naturally understood what Han Zheng was going to do, and he hurriedly moved back.

Han Zheng fixed Dandy's acupuncture point, then waved his hands, dancing back and forth in front of Dandy's eyes——

【Good Baby Sleeping Punch】!
Dandy was quickly controlled by hypnosis, and the whole person entered a hallucinogenic state, staring blankly at Han Zheng.

"Dandy, look at me, I'm the Great Elder..." Han Zheng "fooled" while untying Dandy: "...Now I give you a task, Dragon Ball is here, you come to summon Polonga, press me I told you to come and make a wish."

Dandy, who was in a hallucinogenic state, nodded immediately, without any resistance or doubt.

Then, under Han Zheng's instructions, Dandy quickly summoned Bolonga.

Facing the tall and burly Bolonga, Han Zheng conveyed his wishes to Dandi one after another, and Dandy told Bolonga about these wishes without hesitation.

The three wishes were fulfilled one by one!

The first wish - revive Piccolo!
This kind of operation was implemented by Han Zheng in the previous copy. After Piccolo is resurrected, the dragon balls of the gods and the earth will also be resurrected.

The second wish - to send Earth Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Producer to Namek Star Han Zheng and others!
A few seconds later, Dragon Ball and Celestial God appeared in front of Han Zheng's eyes. Han Zheng quickly struck out and knocked Celestial God unconscious.

The third wish - to resurrect Monkey King!

Since Sun Wukong had died on Earth once before, the Earth Dragon Balls had no effect on him, and he could only be revived with the power of Bolunga.

When Sun Wukong's body regained its blood color and slowly opened its eyes, Han Zheng swung his right hand and cut it down with one palm.

At the same time, he blasted another qigong with his left hand, directly hitting Bolonga's body.

[...Kill the important dungeon character Sun Wukong, drop [Saiyan Blood] 1 drop, [Super Race Fragment] 1 piece...]
[...Kill the important dungeon character Bolonga, and drop [Namek Dragon Ball] 1...]
Afterwards, Han Zheng shot Dandy to death with a blow of Dongdong Bo, and at the same time killed the Great Elder who was sealed into the bottle!
Pick up 1 drop of [Healing Type Namekian Blood]!
Pick up [Blood of the Great Elder] 1 drop!
Immediately afterwards, Han Zheng used the 7 Earth Dragon Balls he had just sent over to call out the Earth Dragon and made his fourth wish——

"Resurrect all the people who died on Namek in the past 10 days!"

All of a sudden, at Han Zheng's feet——

The Great Elder, Dandy who was just killed, Frieza, Vegeta, Ginyut Squad, Neru, Bulma, Son Gohan...

One by one, the corpses were resurrected one after another!

And Han Zheng ran around like lightning, turning the dungeon characters that had just been revived into corpses again!

At the same time, he quickly shot two holes, killing the earth dragon and the gods respectively.

[Blood of the Great Elder] [Healing Nami Star Blood] [Second Transformation Blood of the Frozen Demon Race] [Battle Clothes] [Saiyan Blood*2] [Super Saiyan Fragments*2] [Neiru Blood] [Dragon Ball Radar] [Namek Blood*2] [Breath Sensing Martial Skill Fragments] [Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon] [Earth Dragon Ball]...and the 5 kinds of blood of the Ginuit team...

This series of supplies was harvested by Han Zheng in just a few seconds.

Seeing Han Zheng's quick operation, Yutou beside him was stunned. It wasn't until the last dungeon character was killed by Han Zheng's palm that he gradually regained his senses.

He calculated carefully, and in the short period of time just now, almost all the dungeon characters that appeared in this round of dungeons were killed by Han Zheng once!
Some, even twice!

Taro couldn't help sighing - it was like monopolizing all the resources in the entire dungeon!Other combatants can't even drink soup...

In fact, it was true. Except for Klin, all the dungeon characters in this round had died at least once under Han Zheng's hands.

At the beginning, Kelin and Sun Wufan died in the hands of another team, and Han Zheng finally killed that team and snatched Sun Wufan's body.

But Kelin's body was directly thrown away by him.

The reason is that Klin, like Sun Wukong, died once on Earth, so he couldn’t be resurrected with Earth Dragon Balls, and with Kling’s resource level, it would be too wasteful to use Namek Dragon Balls to resurrect him. So I can only give up.

After harvesting all the corpses again, Han Zheng took out the [Teleportation Magic Carpet] without stopping at all.

"My wish is that all the dead will be resurrected within 10 days. At this moment, all the Namekians in each village should be resurrected, as well as Sabo, Dodoria and other Frieza's miscellaneous soldiers. They are all resurrected, these are resources and cannot be wasted!"

As Han Zheng said, he grabbed the taro and jumped onto the magic carpet.

"...Also, on the road later, you have to tell me about Shen Kai's appearance, strength and other details..."

(End of this chapter)

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