dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 29 Goodbye Sun Wukong

Chapter 29 Goodbye Sun Wukong

Han Zheng turned into a flying insect and searched a large circle up and down the tower, but found no one else.

At this time, Masruta went up and down, except for him, Han Zheng, the only thing left was the corpse.

Han Zheng, who had nothing to gain, turned back into a human form, looking at the empty Masruta, thoughtful.

The villagers began to rebel that day, and Han Zheng fell into the scheme of the short-haired girl, mistakenly treating the instigator of the rebellion, the older villagers, as the target of suspicion.

After that, Han Zheng has been brooding over this matter and has a deep memory.

In Masruta today, Han Zheng expected that the short-haired girl would definitely take advantage of the emptiness inside the tower to come up and brush up. However, since he entered the tower, he has experienced several battles, but he has never seen the short-haired girl. shadow.

Could it be that she deliberately incited the villagers to rebel, not for Masruta?

Where did the monster Buffy go?Who killed the man in black in front of him?

Or has she already been here, but left soon?

Han Zheng thought for a while, feeling suspicious.

However, this Masruta is not suitable to stay for a long time, Han Zheng looked around and felt that he did not miss anything.

He walked out of the house, turned over and jumped off the two-story tower, and returned to the village again in the snowstorm.


On this day, the village near Masruta suffered the biggest disaster since its establishment.

The resistance organized by the villagers suffered a ruthless and cruel blow. As soon as the villagers' army came into contact with the Red Ribbon Army that came to suppress the rebellion, they were immediately defeated.

As Han Zheng expected, during the battle between the villagers and the Red Ribbon Army, great internal turmoil occurred among the villagers.

Many combatants who have not completed their missions are mixed in the chaotic battle, looking for objects they think are suspicious, and a large number of assassinations and assassinations happen one after another.

Because of this, the villagers quickly fell into chaos and were killed by the Red Ribbon Troupe.

In this battle, the only result the villagers achieved was that in the chaos of the battle, whoever took advantage of Lieutenant Arnold's depleted battery and blew him into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

When Han Zheng sneaked back to the village, the villagers had formally surrendered to the Red Ribbon Corps, and expressed that they would no longer resist, and would completely obey the orders of the Red Ribbon Corps to work for them and find the Dragon Balls.

The leader of the rebellion was executed by the Red Ribbon Army on the spot, and several key members were also brutally abused.

The rest of the villagers handed over their weapons and released the former captives.

After the victory of the Red Ribbon Army, some people remained to take care of the villagers, and the rest returned to Masruta to report the victory.

However, on the way back to Masruta, the Red Ribbon Army was accidentally ambushed. I don't know who got a lot of bombs from where. They were ambushing on their way back, and a large number of Red Ribbon Army were exploding. died.

There are also some people who survived the explosion, but they failed to survive. Their bodies were later found not far from the explosion. Judging from the wounds, it seems that they were all killed by sticks. Caused by weapon strikes.

When the Red Ribbon Army was ambushed and the news of the annihilation reached the village, the villagers once again staged a rebellion, defeating the small number of Red Ribbon Army left in charge of guarding again, and won the final victory.

It's just that who ambushed the Red Ribbon Army is unknown...


Aiji 750 September 5th.

Han is entering the fourth day of the dungeon.

"Everyone, let's start the second match!"

"In the second match, contestant Cheng Long will face contestant Yamcha, please invite the contestants to play!"

On the TV, the 21st World No. [-] Martial Arts Association is broadcasting the second round of the quarter-finals, and the host wearing sunglasses is doing his best to set off the atmosphere.

Han Zheng was sitting on a chair in the room, with his feet up on the table beside him, holding a cup of tea in his hand, drinking tea leisurely and watching TV.

This is the second time for him to watch the live broadcast of the 21st Budokai in the instance of [Dragon Ball Battlefield].

In the screen, Cheng Long and Yamcha, disguised as Guixianren, entered the field one by one and began to prepare for the competition.

Since the local Red Ribbon Legion was completely wiped out yesterday, the village has experienced a period of tranquility and peace that has not been seen for a long time.

The villagers were no longer oppressed by the Red Ribbon Legion, and lived a normal life again.

And the combatants who had been lurking among the villagers and who had been constantly moving suddenly disappeared during this period of time.

After all, there are only 40 combatants in this dungeon. After these few days of fighting, especially after all kinds of unscrupulous assassinations in the melee yesterday, the number of remaining combatants is probably only a handful.

Most of the few remaining fighters have completed their survival missions at this moment, and they have hidden deeply, and no longer show up at will.

However, Han Zheng firmly believes that if the normal plot progresses, Monkey King will come here tomorrow to look for Dragon Balls. Blood].

However, such a short period of quiet time is also very good. Han Zheng can take a short leisurely time in this dungeon, watch the game, and drink tea.

Even at night, he can finally have a good night's sleep with peace of mind. He only needs to release Lieutenant Arnuo, who has a combat power of 55, to stand by his side, and he can sit back and relax.

After all, in a non-combat state, his power consumption rate is still very slow.

Now you can relax and relax, just wait for the arrival of Monkey King tomorrow!
The only thing that worried him was the red ribbon soldiers who were ambushed to death. It can be seen from the corpses that they were all attacked to death with sticks. Han Zheng couldn't help but think of the short-haired woman again. He couldn't tell when and where she was. will show up suddenly.


Aiji 750 September 5th.

Monkey King, who just won the runner-up in the 21st Budokai, started his journey to find the Dragon Ball.

While searching, he encounters and defeats Colonel Shelba's unit of the Red Ribbon Legion.

Afterwards, he took the plane of Shirba Department and flew towards Masruta...

Amidst the ice and snow, Han Zheng hid in the depths of the forest, looking up at the sky from time to time.

According to the original plot, Monkey King should fly over this area in a plane at this time, and then the plane crashed because the robot flying the plane was frozen by the cold here.

However, Han Zheng was worried that the plot would change, so he hid the dragon ball in a place in advance. If Monkey King came in other unexpected forms, he could use the location of the dragon ball to lure him into the bait.

Facts have proved that Han Zheng was thinking too much. After a while, Monkey King's plane came to the sky above this forest
Then, the plane crashed straight into a mountainside and crashed.

Everything is exactly the same as the original plot.

Han Zheng turned into a bird and quickly flew over there.

In the sky, he soon saw the frozen Monkey King lying in the snow.

Very smooth!

Now you only need to go over, grab his tail, and kill him with the [General White Pistol] at the same time, and you can easily get another drop of [Saiyan Blood]!

But at this moment, in a snow field not far from Monkey King, a figure suddenly jumped out of the snow!
(End of this chapter)

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