dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 282 Han Lei Appears

Chapter 282 Han Lei Appears
resurrection……! ?

When seeing these words, Han Zheng couldn't help but shuddered all over his body.

He hesitated for a while, then cautiously sent a message asking——

[Han Sanshi? ]
Soon, the other side sent a reply——

[you know me? ?who are you?Are you [Blue Team]?Or [Shark Corps]? ]
It's really Han Lei! ?

Han Zheng squinted at these messages for a few seconds, then he took a deep breath and sent an invitation notification to H5100—inviting the other party to enter his private area.

After the invitation was issued, the other party was silent for nearly 20 seconds, as if hesitating and considering something.

However, in the end, H5100 still chose to agree, and light quickly surged from Han Zheng's study room, and a male combatant whose stature was basically similar to Han Zheng's appeared here instantly.

This man has short hair and looks slightly older than Han Zheng by a few years.

When he emerged from the light group and saw Han Zheng sitting on the chair in the study for the first time, a look of shock appeared on his face.

And Han Zheng also stood up "teng" at this moment, the person in front of him was none other than his cousin Han Lei!

As expected, my wish has been fulfilled, Han Lei has been resurrected!
"Brother Lei, long time no see..." It had been more than ten days since he made the wish, and Han Zheng was somewhat mentally prepared.

"Han...Han Zheng...? It's you...how could it be you?" Han Lei on the opposite side turned pale with shock at the moment, with an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he couldn't believe his eyes:
"...You... Didn't you graduate from university and start working? How...you...how did you end up here? In...Dragon Ball..."

Seeing Han Lei who was speaking incoherently, Han Zheng hastened to comfort him and arranged for him to sit down and speak slowly.

"Han Zheng, why are you here? You also entered the Dragon Ball battlefield?" Han Lei paused for a few seconds, finally digesting this series of "unbelievable" gradually.

Han Zheng poured him a drink, and then briefly explained how he found the diary and the black card in his house, and was absorbed into the battlefield as a combatant.

After hearing this, Han Lei couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "Oh...it's me who hurt you..."

As he spoke, he looked around a few times back and forth, and said with a little surprise: "Here...this is a level 3 area...you already...?"

"I have executed the tenth round of dungeons and just entered the level 3 area."

"Then...you were the one who resurrected me...you got all 7 dragon balls?"

"That's right, I got the seventh dragon ball in the 10th round of the dungeon, and immediately after I got out of the dungeon, I summoned the dragon to make a wish..." Han Zheng nodded, and said calmly:
"...When I was in the 1st level area, I learned from a... friend... that the combatants who died in the dungeon can actually be resurrected with dragon balls, and I have been collecting dragon balls ever since."

Han Lei once again showed a shocked expression: "You only relied on yourself, and only used 10 rounds of dungeons to collect all the dragon balls?"

Han Zheng spread his hands: "Actually... After using it up, there are two extra..."

"Then you are... really amazing..." Han Lei was surprised, so he could only smile awkwardly, and then he sighed a long time:

"Do you know, when I was in the underworld, I was expecting someone to resurrect me all the time... And after I was resurrected, I was really ecstatic, and after I gradually calmed down, I began to wonder again. Who brought me back to life... I have thought of many possibilities and guessed many people I know, but I never thought that it would be you."

Han Zheng chuckled, and then he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked:

"By the way, how did you contact me? How did you know my number?"

"You asked this, actually I didn't think of this before..." Han Lei explained with a smile: "...It turns out that after a combatant is resurrected, he can have a chance to directly report to the resurrected party without knowing the opponent's number. My combatant sends out an application, but this opportunity is limited to one time, once the other party refuses, I can't continue to apply without knowing the serial number."

After he finished speaking, he immediately added a self-deprecating sentence: "There is such a setting in the battlefield, I didn't know it before... After all, I also died once, haha..."

It turned out to be like this...

Han Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. At first, he was a little worried about how his cousin got his number, and whether it might have something to do with [Lucky Team].

Now it seems that it was just a false alarm.

"By the way, what's going on at home, are you all right?" Han Lei asked suddenly at this moment.

"Everything is safe, but the second uncle and the second aunt..." Han Zheng remembered some weird changes in the second uncle's family before, and suddenly didn't know how to speak.

But what he didn't expect was that his cousin Han Lei actually looked like he "has known him for a long time", shook his head and sighed: "...Is the second elder already acting more and more indifferent to my disappearing son, even It's almost as if I never existed?"

Han Zheng was shocked, how could the cousin know about the changes in the second uncle's family?

Han Lei seemed to have seen through what he was thinking, and before he could ask, he smiled wryly and said, "This phenomenon is normal, almost all dead combatants, their 'emotional entanglement' with ordinary people in this world will be destroyed by some kind of The power is gradually weakening to maintain the stability of the present world, and it is speculated that this is another manifestation of [Restraints in the present world]."

Han Zheng was taken aback again—how could it be that even ordinary people's emotions would be affected by the power of the world?

However, he soon realized that [Secular Restraint] could not only instantly restore the large-scale damage suffered, but could even erase and modify the memory of ordinary people.

Calculated in this way, it is hardly a difficult operation to affect and dilute emotions.

Thinking of this, Han Zheng's mind suddenly flashed!For the first time, an extremely terrifying idea popped up——

If things like memory and emotion can be affected and modified, then are these ordinary human beings living in this world really considered human beings?

What is the difference between them and those dungeon characters who are infinitely restarted and refreshed in dungeons?
What about me, before I became a combatant, I was an ordinary person, so what was I?

At this time, Han Lei did not notice the change in Han Zheng's face, he still said to himself:

"...Well, I also heard other death fighters tell me in the underworld. If it weren't for the possibility of resurrection after death, the relatives and friends in this world might not be as simple as affecting their emotions. Instead, it directly modifies the memory..."

While talking, Han Lei turned his head to look at Han Zheng who was beside him.

Seeming to have noticed some changes in him, Han Lei couldn't help asking: "...what's wrong?"

"Oh—it's okay..." Han Zheng shook his head, no longer thinking about these terrible and unsolvable problems, he picked up a glass of drink and drank it in one gulp, calming down a little.

Immediately, his heart moved, and he suddenly asked Han Lei:

"Brother Lei, how did you die?"

Han Lei, who had regained his composure, changed his face once again after hearing this.

ps: I'm sorry, due to some family matters, the 10 added for the leader needs to be delayed for a few days, but don't worry, I will definitely pay it back, I hope you will forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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