dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 280 Exit [Lucky Team]

Chapter 280 Exit [Lucky Team]

City B has a big problem?

Could it be that Sun Yugan was also discovered by the [Storm Corps] and could only hide in the battlefield, unable to get out?

Han Zheng felt a chill in his heart, and bad guesses quickly appeared in his mind.

He hurriedly asked, "What happened in city b?"

"You don't know, just these few days..."

In Sun Yuqian's narration, Han Zheng finally learned about the many major events in City B recently.

During the 10 days during which he executed the dungeon, strange things happened again and again in city b.

First, there were several frequent vehicle spontaneous combustion explosions.

Immediately afterwards, in a certain community, a large number of dismembered corpses suddenly appeared.

Moreover, there is also the street controlled by the [Storm Corps], Sun Yuqian would occasionally pretend to be a passer-by to check the situation, and when he passed by there once, he heard many harsh strange noises coming from the hotel next to the street. Voice.

Since Sun Yugan's own strength was too weak, he couldn't get close to take a closer look, so he didn't know what happened inside.

"And the weirdest thing is that it was three days ago!" Sun Yuqian's tone suddenly rose, as if what he was going to say next had shocked him greatly:

"Three nights ago, just near our residence, a strange sound suddenly came from a community. Because the location was too close to our residence, I felt that I could no longer just ignore it, so I took the risk of turning on the [self-defense system] , quietly sneaked into the past to check..."

Sun Yuqian paused, with an inconceivable look in his eyes:
"...However, just as I approached that community and was about to sneak in, a large group of light burst out suddenly inside the community, and then several buildings in the entire community were blown into pieces almost instantly——

——But in the next second, the entire community and all the buildings suddenly returned to their original state almost in an instant, as if... as if time had flowed backwards, and all the buildings and buildings were intact..."

While talking, Sun Yuqian shook his head: "...For a moment, I even wondered if I had some hallucinations..."

Han Zheng hurriedly asked, "Then what happened next?"

"Later, seeing that the situation was not good, I quickly used the transformation technique and fled back in the dark... When the next day dawned, I went to the community again, and found that all the residents in the community were safe and sound, and they went in and out as usual , it doesn’t look any different at all. It’s as if nothing happened, without this memory!”

It's another worldly power constraint!

Han Zheng's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that there were fighters fighting in that community. As a result, some people moved too aggressively, causing [major damage]. As a result, the power of this world erased the impact of this "destruction" and wiped it away. Everything is back to normal.

Sun Yuqian sighed: "Although I also learned about the law of [Restraint of Worldly Power] after being promoted to the second-level area, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes. It is really beyond my imagination... ..."

Afterwards, Sun Yuqian turned to ask again: "You said... What happened to the chaos in city b? It couldn't be the [Storm Corps]'s fault, right? Ordinarily, they have been expecting you to go out and return to the city. In this world, then you shouldn’t be messing around like this, I’m not afraid to scare you too much to go out..."

Han Zheng blinked his eyes a few times, and suddenly came up with a guess: "Is it possible... that combatants from other organizations had conflicts with [Storm Troopers] in City B?"

"You mean, people from other regiments or teams..."

Sun Yuqian bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then nodded and continued: "...From what I have seen and heard during this period, it is really possible that this is the case—combatants from two factions are fighting secretly in city b."

Han Zheng let out a "huh" before quickly falling into thoughts.

If it is really a combatant of another corps, there will be a chaotic battle with the [Storm Corps] in this world.

So, for me, can this be regarded as an excellent opportunity?

If the battle situation can be further escalated, will the [Storm Corps] defenses near their crossing point be affected, or even be attacked by other combatants?
In this way, wouldn't he have a chance to take advantage of the chaos and escape back to the present world?
Sun Yuqian helped him to observe the situation at all times in this world, and as soon as he found a suitable opportunity, he would flee immediately, and then left while taking advantage of the chaos, completely getting rid of the siege of the [Storm Corps].

The more Han Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that this could be a way out...

However, at the same time, he also felt that he had to think more about it.

Could these chaotic scenes be an illusion intentionally made by [Storm Corps], a conspiracy to lure him to flee in the chaos?

This possibility is not impossible...

In this matter, I still can't be too rash, I have to be more cautious and considerate.

At this time, Sun Yuqian seemed to be thinking of the same thing as Han Zheng. He pondered, and then said: "I think this may be your chance. You can take advantage of the [Storm Corps]'s chaos and escape, but ..."

He shook his head, feeling a little annoyed and helpless: "...I will execute the dungeon in two days, and I can't help you keep an eye on the situation outside, alas, it's just at such a time..."

Han Zheng chuckled lightly, and persuaded Sun Yuqian a few words, asking him to focus on executing the copy, saying that he still has time and can afford to wait.

Next, the two discussed in detail the recent events in city b.

Afterwards, Sun Yuqian got up and left, and went back to prepare for his next round of dungeons.

After Sun Yuqian left, Han Zheng couldn't help but sighed softly.

In the days that followed, I could only honestly stay in the private area.

Originally, he wanted to entrust Sun Yuqian to help him contact his cousin in this world, but now it seems that he can only wait patiently for a while.

When Sun Yuqian's dungeon is over, the cousin who has just been resurrected should have also finished the dungeon, so I will entrust Sun Yuqian to help.

Now that the tenth round of dungeons has just ended, I have another chance to enter the [Awakening Space] lottery.

However, before that, Han Zheng still has one important matter to solve immediately——

Until today, I have played in [Lucky Team] for 5 rounds, and I have the qualification to quit the team.

Thinking of Zhou Xing's understanding of his serial number, William's secret attention to him, and [Lucky Team] will soon gather members to gather in this world...

Each of these factors has made [Lucky Team] more and more dangerous, so they cannot stay for long!

It's time to leave!
He quickly opened the contact network, looking at the only three numbers, he deleted Zhou Xing without hesitation.

After that, he immediately entered the team page and applied for resignation.

[Number N2199 combatant, you are applying to quit [Lucky Squad], please confirm]

(End of this chapter)

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