dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 258 [Resource Copy] 2 People

Chapter 258 [Resource Copy] Two people in

Inside the spaceship, Han Zheng was carrying 100 times the gravity, and quickly turned several somersaults.

Afterwards, he jumped up abruptly, and continuously punched more than ten punches towards the void.

Immediately afterwards, he turned over and landed, raised his hand forward and blasted Kamehae Qigong!
The qigong wave rushed out at an extremely fast speed, and then turned sharply just before hitting the bulkhead of the spaceship. After making a circle, it came straight towards Han Zheng.

Facing the attacking qigong, he roared loudly, swung his fists together, and immediately scattered the qigong wave that he sent out!

Han Zheng let out a long breath, then twisted his wrist, moved his shoulders, turned and walked towards the console.

Now, he has already fully adapted to the 100 times the gravity inside the spacecraft, but it is a pity that the upper limit of the spacecraft is set here, and there is no way to further increase the multiple.

During this period of time, as he became more proficient at practicing under a hundred times the gravity, Han Zheng vaguely felt that his practice efficiency seemed to have improved a little.

Counting the time, it was only a few minutes before the [Training Dungeon] ended. Han Zheng, who came to the console, raised his hand to turn off the gravity setting, and the spaceship instantly returned to normal gravity.

Han Zheng tiptoed lightly, and suddenly felt that his body was as light as a feather.

In the original book, when Sun Wukong finished training in the gravity spaceship, a game he had played suddenly came to his mind. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he bent down to buckle a stone from the square brick on the ground.

Afterwards, he thought about it, and seemed to feel that it was not enough, so he buckled another stone, and then holding the two stones with both hands, he threw them towards the left and right sides at the same time.

The two stones flew out in two different directions at an extremely fast speed. Han Zheng turned into a phantom and quickly passed half of the cabin. He held the two stones in his palms respectively.

Han Zheng chuckled twice. Now his combat power is stronger than that of Monkey King when he first arrived on Namek, but he doesn't know when he will be able to unlock the updated [Cultivation Dungeon].

A moment later, the [Training Dungeon] time ended, and Han Zheng was wrapped in light and returned to the private area.

These 13 days of practice (two days are still the remaining "double period") have increased my combat power by nearly 1. At this moment, it is——

[Combat value: 50794+102380]
Han Zheng washed it, and then began to check the messages he had received in the past two days.

The [Saiyan Blood] and [Large Somersault Cloud] that I sold in the alliance store have been sold, and 15000 points have been recovered.

Considering that I urgently need to improve my combat power at present, I will strive to reach the standard for starting the Super Tournament this morning.

But cultivation really consumes too many points, and his current points are obviously lacking.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Zheng decided to take out 30 of the 10 [Xiandou] he already had and sell them. If he could earn more money for one day of cultivation, he would try his best to earn as much as possible.

In addition to the item sale information, Sun Yugan sent several text messages to himself in the past two days.

According to him, the section of the road in city b where the incident occurred has been unsealed and opened to the public.

During this period of time, Sun Yuqian also picked some time when there were many people, mixed with pedestrians and went to check secretly, and found that the residential buildings and hotels on both sides of the road were still closed, and occasionally passers-by who wanted to enter were blocked. Outside.

As for more situations, Sun Yuqian's current strength is too low, and he doesn't dare to be too aggressive, so he can't find out too much.

Looking at the text message, Han Zheng raised his eyebrows.

[Storm Corps] It seems that they are going to sit on the sidelines for a long time, and the passers-by on the unblocked road section are just a little loose, trying to lure themselves out.

Since they want to guard the plant, let them guard it first, and I won't go out for a while!

Every combatant needs to participate in dungeons on a regular basis, and at the same time must continue to practice and participate in various other welfare dungeons to improve himself.

Therefore, it is impossible for combatants to stay in this world for a long time and be responsible for tracking them without doing anything.

Even if more people are mobilized to take turns to stand guard, I am afraid that after a long time, complaints will inevitably arise.

The longer it takes, the more difficult it will be for Zhao Chun to explain himself within the Corps.

It's just that the remaining points are not enough to practice for a long time. I really don't know what to do when I stay in the living area during this time.

Han Zheng thought for a while, and took out the [Normal Resource Dungeon Invitation Coupon] he got after the ninth round of dungeons.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so why not try my luck next time [Resource Dungeon].

He went to the trading hall first, put the fairy beans for sale, and then went straight to the service station.

The service station at this time is quite crowded, and there are surprisingly many people queuing up to enter [Resource Dungeon].

Han Zhengde took the [Invitation Ticket] and waited in line obediently. After queuing for a full 20 minutes, it was finally his turn.

After the person in front of him was teleported in, Han Zheng followed quickly and held up the [Invitation Ticket] to accept the light scan.

And at this moment, there was a sound of arguing behind him. It seemed that there were too many people in line, and someone wanted to forcibly stop him.

"Get out of the way, this position belongs to me, labor and capital belong to [Light Corps Tianlong Team]!"

A humming sound sounded not far behind him, followed by several surprised comments.

Han Zheng turned his head to look, and there was an extremely burly man, nearly two meters tall, who forcibly tried to take someone else's seat, but the person who was robbed of his seat seemed to be quite afraid of his words, and didn't dare to say anything more.

The burly man quickly inserted into the line, and at the same time, there seemed to be a thinner figure closely following him, but from Han Zheng's angle, he couldn't see the face of the man behind him.

At this moment, the light quickly swept across the [Invitation Ticket] in his hand, and Han Zheng couldn't continue to turn his head to check. The light flashed, and he was quickly brought into the pitch-black space.

[The nature of this copy: resource collection type; the timeline starts on December 762, Aiji 12, which is the third day after Sun Wukong took the spaceship to Namek; time: 20th; location: the whole world of the earth; event Area: Limited]
[Number of combatants participating in this dungeon: 20 people]
[Resource copy opened——]
Hearing the brief reminder, Han Zheng suddenly had a herd of alpacas running past him.

Nima, what's the difference between this and the previous 【Resource Dungeon】?
No matter the timeline or location, they are all exactly the same!
Oh - there is still a difference, the difference is that the active area has expanded from the northern hemisphere to the whole of the earth...

I also said that I wanted to come to [Resource Dungeon] to try my luck, but it turned out to be this kind of bad dungeon... It seems that ordinary resource dungeon invitation coupons really don't have much value.

Light flashed in front of his eyes, and before Han Zheng had time to complain in his heart, he was transferred to the dungeon.

He glanced at the surrounding scenery, and couldn't help complaining in his heart - even the incoming location was the same, and it was in Zhongdu again!

However, if you have come, let it be, and you can harvest as much as you can.

Han Zheng flew into the air quickly, preparing to head north—go to the Dr. Gaylor Research Institute in the north first, and continue to kill the blank cell!

Before setting off, Han Zheng glanced vigilantly at the 19 combatants who entered the dungeon with him.

He found that the burly man with a height of 2 meters was also here at the moment, pulling a passerby and asking for the location.

Other than that, nothing was found.

At this time, several combatants also flew up, as if they were going to harvest resources in various directions. Han Zheng was not far behind, and quickly drove the somersault cloud to the north.

Somersaulting cloud dragged out a long tail, and soon disappeared into the distant sky.

And on the streets of Zhongdu, among the few combatants who still stayed here and hadn't acted yet, the burly man who was still asking for directions suddenly put aside the role of passerby who was caught by him before, and then looked up at Han Zheng. In the direction of going far away, he whispered to the side and asked:
"Is that him?"

Behind him, a thin man stepped out quickly, and this man also looked up in the direction Han Zheng was going away, with endless resentment and viciousness in his eyes:

"That's right, even him, I can't forget him even if he turns into ashes!"

(End of this chapter)

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