dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 247 Battle for No. 18

Chapter 247 Battle for No. 18
There is an ambush party doing something!

This idea immediately popped up in Han Zheng's mind, there must be other fighters ambushing around!
And it is true!

Number 18 was directly knocked away several meters away by the invisible force, and at the same time, two figures suddenly appeared from another place.

These two people were a man and a woman. Among them, the breath of the female combatant was about 5 combat power. As soon as she burst out, she went straight to No. 18.

And that male combatant, with raging arrogance on his body, charged directly at Han Zheng.

The combat power of this male combatant is about 100 million at this time!

Han Zheng's current combat power, coupled with the 6 times Realm King Fist, will only reach 90, and this person is even better than himself at the moment. There are indeed many masters in this dungeon who are stronger than him!

And judging from the tacit understanding between the actions of these two people, it is likely that they belong to the same clan or regiment.

It is possible that they just happened to pass by;
Or maybe they lived in this refugee camp before;
It is also more likely that they learned that the blueprints in Dr. Gallo's research institute were taken away, and they guessed that one day someone would attack the artificial man with a controller, so they have been paying attention to and carefully following the artificial man's trail , I want to take the opportunity to get a share.

But no matter what the reason, these two people have only one purpose for showing up at this moment - to grab the head!

The male combatant with a combat power of over 100 million with the Kaiwangquan jumped in front of Han Zheng in a split second.

He raised his arm, turned it into a hand knife, and slashed down with great momentum, as if he wanted to cut Han Zheng in half with this blow!

6 times the king of the world!


At this critical moment, Han Zheng's body suddenly burst into flames, and his strength instantly increased.

He crossed his arms and quickly blocked the heavy blow.

A look of surprise flashed across the male combatant's eyes, but he didn't hesitate in his movements, and he swept over with another leg.

On the other hand, although the female combatant with a strength of 5 was not so fast, she also took advantage of the opportunity of the battle between the two to rush to the front of the 18th.

She waved her hand to form a Qi Circle Slash, which was about to fall towards No. 18.

At this time, the offensive of the male fighters was aggressive and suppressed Han Zheng in terms of combat power. Han Zheng couldn't rush to stop it for a while.

Seeing that someone was about to be robbed and killed on the 18th, Han Zheng put his heart on the line, flashed back half a minute into neutral, and then held the controller and pressed the button again!
With this movement, even the male combatant on the opposite side was shocked when he saw it, and the offensive stopped suddenly.

And Han Zheng seized this gap, quickly grabbed the magic carpet and jumped on it, and moved to the back of a mountain in the distance in an instant.

Although his people teleported away, the two robot bugs were still watching from the sidelines, and he could still see clearly all the pictures.

The moment he pressed the button, the frozen No. 18 immediately recovered his power. The moment the Qi Yuan Slash fell, No. 18 reacted quickly and dodged to avoid the fatal blow.

The two combatants, male and female, turned pale with shock when they saw this. They never expected that the situation would change like this.

No. 18 glanced at No. 17, whose head fell to the ground next to him, and then looked up at the two combatants.

After being closed, she lost consciousness, but now that she was reopened, she saw such a scene, and she naturally connected the two.

"You...you..." No. 18 gritted his teeth immediately, his face full of anger.

The two combatants turned around and wanted to run away, but they did not have the ability to teleport, and they also knew very well that with their own speed, they would definitely not be able to escape from No. 18.

In a panic, the two quickly cast their transformation techniques, one turned into a bug and the other into a mouse, trying to hide.

However, at the same time as the two of them hurriedly transformed, No. 18 swung out both hands, strafing a huge area of ​​qigong, which sprayed out continuously from her palms.

None of these two combatants could escape, and the insects and mice were all submerged in this large area of ​​energy like waves in an instant.

The female combatant died on the spot, but the male combatant was lucky enough to survive. He was deeply injured, covered in blood, the Transfiguration was forced to be released, and he fell heavily to the ground.

He took out a fairy bean, and tremblingly raised his hand to eat it into his mouth, but at this moment, No. 18 rushed up again, and punched him twice in a row, directly severing his two arms. smashed.

No. 18 had a ferocious face at the moment, and she was obviously extremely angry. Instead of killing the male combatant immediately, she stretched out her fingers and poked several blood holes on his body.

Several of the male combatants were severely injured and wailed again and again. They were fierce before, but now they have been beaten into cripples.

No. 18 grabbed his neck, lifted him up, and shouted sharply:
"Where's the controller? Where is it?"

Naturally, the male combatant couldn't answer this question, but Han Zheng, who actually held the controller, was hiding behind a distant hill at the moment, watching all this calmly through the eyes of the robot bug.

He took a deep breath, raised his thumb and pressed it against the button of the controller, stepped on the magic carpet at the same time, and instantly moved back to within 18 meters of No. 10!

He held his breath, and as soon as he appeared, he quickly pressed the button with his fingers.

In an instant, No. 18's power was turned off again, and her body movements also stopped again.

Han Zheng didn't dare to relax, he stepped on the magic carpet and slid quickly over.

At this moment, the male combatant still had his breath left and was struggling desperately. Han Zheng threw a qigong at him——

[Number N2199 combatant, kill number K1102 combatant, drop [Kaiwangquan Special Martial Skill] one, whether to pick it up]
It's the Realm King Fist again!
Pick up!

Afterwards, his eyes quickly swept over the number 18 beside him——

The consciousness is shut down, the figure is frozen, only the blond hair flutters slightly, and the blood stains on the face can't hide the charming charm of No. 18...

Without hesitation, Han Zheng raised his hand and shot out a Qi Circle Slash!

[Number N2199 combatant, kill an important dungeon character, Robot No. 18, and drop a drop of [Artificial Human No. 17/18 Blood], a [Artificial Human Super Powerful Bomb], whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

So far, these two terrifying artificial humans who almost destroyed the whole world have been killed.

After hearing the prompt to kill, Han Zhengfang let out a long sigh of relief. Although he went through many twists and turns, he succeeded in the end.

My plan from the beginning and all my actions have finally paid off.

The four powerful characters in this round of dungeons - two super Saiyans and two cyborgs, have all been harvested by themselves!
At this moment, Han Zheng was quite exhausted both physically and mentally, and it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

He turned around and picked up the severed arm of the male combatant, and took out the fairy bean in his palm and put it in the equipment column.

Then, with a thought, he quickly teleported away on the magic carpet.

(End of this chapter)

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