Chapter 238

Beijing, the backstage of an opera house.

In the silent room, the lights were dim, and there were only two men of similar stature standing in the room.

And at the feet of the two, lay a bleeding male corpse.

The corpse's skull was completely shattered, and its face was beyond recognition. It was obvious that it had suffered an extremely serious blow before it died.

As for the two people standing, the leader is the head of the [Storm Corps]——Zhao Chun!
The man behind him, dressed in black, was the man in black who often followed him around and acted secretly for him.

"It's going well, but this guy is not very strong, but only about 2 combat power..." Zhao Chun looked at the corpse on the ground and sneered.

"From the time you asked me to kill Dong Dali of the [Strong Team], to now you've killed Liu Changfeng's nephew in front of you, during this period of time you have been assassinating people in the Corps, will you go too far and be careful not to be discovered. "The man in black stood behind him with no expression on his face.

"Don't worry, I know what's in my mind." Zhao Chun waved his hand lightly, then turned to say: "There is another matter. In more than 20 days, Liao Shenghui will go to Province H to handle some business of his team. Our power is relatively small, and it is mainly the territory of [Red Dragon Corps] now, I am worried that if he goes there so recklessly, don’t accidentally make something wrong.”

"Understood..." The man in black snorted coldly: "I'll just follow, and I promise not to let your duck fly away."

Zhao Chun turned around and slightly nodded at the man in black: "Thank you very much..."



After 26 hours, open the ninth round of dungeons?
so abrupt...

Han Zheng frowned, immediately dismissed his plan to go out, and sat down on the chair.

After thinking about it, he quickly figured out the reason.

This must be because a combatant who was about to participate in the dungeon was accidentally killed, and he was temporarily caught by the battlefield.

This kind of thing was also slightly mentioned in the cousin's diary.

According to the rules of the battlefield, when the battlefield selects a group of combatants to enter the round dungeon, a notice will be sent to these combatants 48 hours in advance to make them ready.

After receiving the notice, most combatants will stay in the private area obediently, prepare and wait, and at the same time there will be no accidents in the private area.

However, some combatants, for various reasons, will stay in this world during the 48-hour preparation time.

And in the event of an accident, if a combatant is killed in this world during the 48-hour preparation period, there will be a lack of people in the round of the dungeon.

It would be fine if it was a single-player dungeon, but it would be bad if it was a team-type dungeon. Without one person, the team would be unbalanced.

Therefore, whether it is a single-player dungeon or a team-type dungeon, once such an unexpected situation occurs, the battlefield will temporarily recruit strong men to fill the dungeon.

The battlefield will not delay the original dungeon time to redistribute personnel, but will directly select a person with the same or similar combat power from among the idle combatants in the battlefield to fill it.

At this moment, Han Zheng realized that he must have been arrested.

There must be a combatant with a combat power similar to his own. He was notified to execute the dungeon immediately, but was suddenly killed 26 hours before the dungeon started, and he was captured by the battlefield to fill the vacancy .

Han Zheng smiled wryly. He never thought that this day would happen to him. He didn't know what timeline this sudden dungeon was, whether he was alone or in a team...

But after thinking about it carefully, it is also beneficial to suddenly grab yourself to fill the vacancy of others.

Enter the dungeon at this time, after the dungeon time ends on the 10th, there are still more than 10 days before Liao Shenghui arrives here.

In this way, there is plenty of time, and it is easy to deal with any unexpected accidents.

If you follow the normal process, it will take at least 10 days for me to execute the dungeon. In that case, the time for the dungeon will end on the 10th. When I return, it will be the day when Liao Shenghui arrives. I have to do things right after I come back from the dungeon. , It is inevitable that there will be some confusion.

There was only more than a day before the new dungeon, and Han Zheng returned to the battlefield without further delay.

He sent a message to Sun Yuqian to explain the situation, and then bought a [Gravity Spaceship] for 2 days, and sharpened his gun before the battle!

These two days of practice have increased his combat power by more than 1000 points again.

After finishing training, Han Zheng immediately began to rest to recharge his batteries for the upcoming dungeon...


It's time to execute the copy!
The light flashed, and Han Zheng appeared in the dark space.

[Number N2199 Combatant Status:]
[Combat power: 27054+792]
[Battler Lineage: Saiyan]
[The upper limit of combat power: 500000 (except for special cases)]
[Practice speed: B+ (except for special cases)]
[Equipment props: 6/13]
[Skills: Sky Cross Fist, Hole Wave, Dancing Kongshu, Mastery of Breath, World Shocking Palm, Four Body Fist, Breath Sensation, New Spike Wind Fist, Sun Fist, Perfect Transformation, Qi Circle Slash, Turtle Pai Qigong, 6 times Realm King Fist, Multiple Afterimage Fist, Artificial Full Moon, Acupuncture]
[Special ability: great ape transformation, combat power increase after dying and resurrecting]
[Copy rounds executed: 8]
Equipment bar: [Sen Bean*17][Somersault Cloud (Big/Small)][Brave Sword][Teleporting Magic Carpet][Small Detection Robot Bug*3][Earth Dragon Ball*5]

[The nature of this team: single-player melee type; the start of the timeline - the future parallel universe Ai Ji 781, on a certain day in May 5, 5 days before Sun Wuhan was killed by the artificial man, the mission time is 10 days; location: Global Earth; Activity area: limited]
[Number of participants in this copy: 41, average combat power: 20058]
[Dungeon Survival Mission: Find and kill at least one combatant, mission failure will be erased]
[The single-player melee dungeon is about to open, the countdown is 30...29...]
Another future parallel universe!

Han Zheng couldn't help but groan in his heart. It's hard to find even stuttering here again, and he has to worry about the desolate end of the artificial human...

In fact, judging from the current combat power alone, it should not be possible to enter this kind of dungeon.

However, considering that when I crossed regions before, I executed a copy of the future timeline.

Therefore, since I came here to replace others, maybe the combatant who was killed before the battle happened to be crossing regions, and this dungeon was his crossing region dungeon.

My luck is really "good"~~
The matter has come to this point, it is useless to think so much, Han Zheng immediately calmed down and thought about the situation of this round of dungeons.

Unlike the previous future dungeon, the timeline of this round of dungeons is before Gohan is killed.

At this time, artificial humans are still raging, and Bulma's time machine is probably still in its infancy.

Gohan broke an arm in the previous battle, and he couldn't restore it because he didn't have the senbean.

At the same time, Trunks should have just become a super race.

(In the animation future special chapter, Date turned into Super Saiyan in anger after Gohan was killed. But in Akira Toriyama's original manga future chapter, Date turned into Super Saiyan before Gohan was killed It’s over, the comics shall prevail here)

In other words, there are 2 artificial humans and 2 Super Saiyans in this dungeon.

With 4 strong players, such a situation must be handled properly.

At the same time, Han Zheng noticed that since he came here as a replacement, the average combat power of this dungeon has increased a lot compared to his previous round, and it is now 2.

Under this average value, there may be some people whose internal combat power in the dungeon is higher than their own.

In any case, proceed with caution.

Han Zheng was thinking quickly in his mind, and at this time, 30 seconds had already passed.

The light poured in, and he was quickly thrown into the dungeon, appearing once again in this desolate end of the world.

Surrounded by ruins and ruins, the soil under his feet is still emitting wisps of scorched smoke, obviously it has just experienced a destruction or a war.

Han Zheng was alert in his heart, immediately suppressed his breath, and then quickly looked around to investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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