dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 216 Two Sapos

Chapter 216 Two Sapos
In the sky above Namek, Sabo flew over several high mountains, while constantly looking back and forth downwards.

Under Frieza's order, he wanted to find the Namekians as soon as possible to inquire about Dragon Ball, but he searched all the way, only to find that on this desolate planet, not to mention a few living people, even animals rarely seen.

Sabo, who had flown for a certain distance, stopped slowly and stood over a barren mountain for a short rest.

While continuing to scan below, he pressed the detector again, trying to find something.

And on the mountain below Sabo, behind a rock that he couldn't even notice, Han Zheng, transformed into a little mouse, was staring at him closely.

After Frieza dispatched Sabo, Dodoria and other subordinates to search for the Namiians, Han Zheng quickly separated from Shilong and Lu Bin, and came after Sabo alone.

He used the breath sensor to detect the distance, and this position was already quite a distance away from Frieza.

Now is the time to make a move!

In the sky, Sabo cleaned up his combat uniform and hair carefully, and then prepared to fly into the distance again.

However, at this moment, the detector in front of him suddenly sounded an alarm, and a string of continuously rising values ​​appeared on the lens instantly.

But before Sabo had time to check these contents carefully, the detector in front of him suddenly exploded!

Almost at the same time, a figure appeared behind him at an extremely fast speed!

Han Zheng threw his fist at Sabo's back.

Feeling the crisis, Sabo just started to transform when this punch pierced his chest.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zheng swept out with another hand knife, and most of Sabo's head was cut off in an instant——

[Number N2199 combatant, kill the important dungeon character Sabo, drop [Sabo's Blood] 1 drop, [Battle Clothes] 1 piece, whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

While completing the kill and picking up the items, Han Zheng also quickly suppressed his breath, controlling his combat power to the level of normal Sabo.

Afterwards, he transformed into the appearance of Sabo, and at the same time, he had several bleeding wounds on his body, as if he had suffered some serious attack.

After transforming, he turned around and flew in the direction of Frieza.

On the way of flight, he sensed again and again that the positions where Dodolia and the other 2 miscellaneous soldiers were located also suddenly burst out signs of fighting.

Obviously, Lu Bin and Shi Long, who were acting separately, also shot one after another at this time, and began to attack Dodolia and others.

At the same time as the battle broke out, Han Zheng clearly sensed that the powerful aura emitted by Frieza in the distance also suddenly moved at this moment.

It seems that Frieza has also sensed these sudden battles through the detector, and is about to dispatch himself to find out.

However, Lu Bin and Shi Long, who killed Dodolia and the two miscellaneous soldiers, quickly suppressed their breath and hid themselves after they succeeded.

This made Frieza, who was about to act, suddenly lose his target.

Han Zheng sensed that after Frieza flew around the surrounding area, he returned to the docked spaceship.

He quickly sent a message on the team channel, telling Shi Long and Lu Bin not to kill other miscellaneous soldiers for the time being, so as not to cause Frieza to run around.

As for himself, he sped up his speed a little, and after crossing many mountains, he finally arrived at the place where the original spaceship docked.

At this time, above the spaceship, suspended in the mid-air flight pod, Frieza was gloomy, staring at him, the bleeding "Sapo" who had just flown back.

"Sabo, what's going on?"

Facing Frieza's questioning, Han Zheng covered the "wound" on his body, pretending to be very panicked and flew to the other party:

"King Frieza! I was suddenly attacked by the Namek while I was looking for it, and I escaped with great difficulty!"

Han Zheng wiped the blood spit out from his mouth, and continued: "Besides, the Namekians are indeed able to control the combat power, and the probes have no effect on them at all."

"So, there are still Namekians on this planet..." Having said this, Frieza's expression softened a little: "Just now, Dodoria and the others were also attacked, and they have already been attacked. I can’t sense his energy anymore, it’s very likely that he was killed by the Nami people.”

"What! Even Dodoria..." Han Zheng immediately pretended to be shocked.

"That's right..." Frieza nodded: "...However, since there are Namekians, the Dragon Balls may also exist. Sabo, go and heal your injuries first, and then take me to Take a look at the place where the Namekians were encountered before."

With that said, Frieza turned the pod and landed towards the spaceship.

And Han Zheng followed closely behind.

He looked at Frieza who was flying forward with his back turned to him, his mind was full of thoughts, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated!
At this time, Frieza, who was sitting in the pod, was in a non-transformation state.

In this state, his combat power is as high as 53, whether it is strength, speed, reaction ability, etc., he is far better than his current self.

In other words, I have to use the Realm King Fist!

At this time, after casting the 5 times Realm King Fist, the combat strength can exceed 56 for a short time, and with the help of skill matching, there is a chance...

Han Zheng knew very well that he only had one chance, and if he failed to succeed in one blow, Frieza would probably use his transformation immediately.

Not to mention the full body, even the gigantic Frieza after one transformation has a combat power of over 1 million, and he can instantly kill himself with just one move.

We must seize the opportunity and succeed in one blow!
Once you miss, you must evacuate immediately.

Han Zheng took a deep breath, touched the fairy beans that had been hidden in his mouth with his tongue, and at the same time made preparations to take out the [Teleportation Magic Carpet] as quickly as possible and escape.

Everything was ready, Han Zheng quickly calmed down, he moved slightly closer to Frieza in front, and then...

But right now!
Suddenly, a breath rose not far away, flying towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

Frieza, who was flying ahead, immediately received the prompt from the detector, and quickly turned his head.

And Han Zheng, who was about to act, immediately withdrew his hands and stepped aside, pretending to look at that side with Frieza at the same time.

That breath flew extremely fast, and flew here in the blink of an eye.

But when Han Zheng saw this guy who appeared suddenly, he was stunned.

The man who appeared suddenly was wearing a tattered combat uniform, bleeding from his body, handsome and with green hair—it was another Sabo!
"King Frieza! That person is a fake, I am the real Sabo!" The "Sabo" yelled while pointing at Han Zheng as soon as he flew close.

Looking at this scene, Han Zheng suddenly couldn't help but want to laugh.

The real Sabo has undoubtedly been killed by himself, so this guy in front of him is undoubtedly a combatant!

The fake Sabo in the air shouted, and quickly changed himself into a monster form, trying to prove that he was the real Sabo.

Han Zheng glanced at the fake Sabo, then quickly turned his head to look at Frieza next to him.

At this moment, he could clearly see that Frieza, who was sitting in the pod, turned cold, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

ps: I have to work overtime today, so I can only change it once, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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