dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 213 4 Wish

Chapter 213 Four Wishes
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Han Zheng also specially emphasized the last few words.

He knew very well in his heart that Bolonga was unreliable in his work. In the original plot, because Sun Wuhan and Dandy did not emphasize the specific location, they sent Piccolo directly to another place on Namek.

Therefore, the last few words must not be forgotten!
Shi Long understood what Han Zheng meant, and he immediately made this wish to Polonga.

"No problem, this wish can come true—"

Polenga replied slowly, and at this moment——

In Xidu Hospital on Earth, Monkey King is being fed by Kiki, who is covered in bandages and unable to move due to serious injuries...

In the vast universe, in the spaceship that the gods took when they came to the earth, Sun Wuhan, who sat across from Klin and practiced cross-legged...

It is also another place in the universe, sitting in a small spaceship, with a ventilator, Vegeta who is dying...

The three Saiyans that existed all over the universe disappeared at the same time.

In the next moment, on the Namek planet, right in front of Han Zheng and the others——

Sun Wukong wrapped like a mummy, Vegeta unconscious, and Son Gohan with a dazed face appeared instantly!

Wish come true!
Han Zheng was overjoyed, and at the same time, he rushed out quickly, slashing at the only Son Gohan who was able to move in a healthy manner, but whose combat power was only a few thousand at this time——

[Number N2199 combatant, kill the important dungeon character Son Gohan, drop [Saiyan Blood] 1 drop, [Super Saiyan Blood Synthetic Fragment] 1 piece, whether to pick it up]
pick up.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly rushed to the seriously injured Sun Wukong and Vegeta, and struck out several consecutive moves——

[Number N2199 combatant, kill the important dungeon character Vegeta, drop [Saiyan Blood] 1 drop, [Artificial Full Moon Skill Fragment] 1 piece, whether to pick it up]
[Number N2199 combatant, kill the important dungeon character Sun Wukong/Kakarot, drop [Saiyan Blood] 1 drop, [Super Saiyan Blood Synthetic Fragment] 1 piece, whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

Han Zheng felt a burst of excitement, 3 drops of Saiyan blood, 2 pieces of super race fragments, and - a [artificial full moon skill fragment]!
In the end I got it!

Counting the two fragments in the warehouse, after this round of dungeons is over, I can synthesize the full version [Artificial Full Moon] for learning!

Han Zheng shook his head slightly, suppressed his joy, and walked quickly back to Xiyou's side.

This is not the time to celebrate, there are still two wishes waiting for me.

I went through hard work and took turns fighting to collect these 7 Namek Dragon Balls just now, in order to make good use of Bolunga's ability.

Since Pollenga has two more wishes than the Earth Dragon, it is also more flexible than the latter in terms of operating space.

Although the first wish frustrated him a little, Han Zheng still had confidence in the latter two wishes.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said his second wish to Shi Long: "Resurrect Piccolo!"

Today's Piccolo, together with Tianjin Fan and the others, is working hard on the snake path, and it will take several days before they can reach the king planet.

Reviving Piccolo at this time is actually of no benefit to Han Zheng, his real purpose is the incidental effect of Piccolo's resurrection!
When Piccolo is resurrected, the gods of the earth will also be resurrected, and the dragon balls of the earth will also regain their power.

Although not long ago, Earth Dragon Ball had just been used once to resurrect Monkey King, and the interval was far less than a year.

But the gods belong to the resurrection after death, and the dragon balls can be regarded as the power of recovery, and the time interval from the last time is no longer counted.

In the original plot, the timeline was about ten days later. Due to the resurrection of the gods, Dragon Ball also regained its divine power, and was used to make a wish to resurrect the people killed by Frieza.

Shi Long seemed to understand Han Zheng's plan suddenly, he nodded with wide eyes, and then expressed his wish.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, that person has now been resurrected—"

Han Zheng clenched his fists vigorously, and at the same time quickly expressed his third wish: "Teleport the creator of the Earth Dragon Ball and the 7 Dragon Balls here, before us!"

Regarding this wish, Han Zheng had seen it in his cousin's diary.

Han Lei mentioned in his diary that he had discussed this operation with Zhao Chun, and Zhao Chun told him that in the setting of the battlefield, the Nami star dragon can be used to recruit the earth dragon balls and gods, but it cannot be reversed. , the earth dragon could not attract Bolonga and the great elder.

It is precisely because he has enough understanding of this that Han Zheng is quite confident in this wish.

Xiyou beside him looked at Han Zheng with incredible eyes, and Shi Long kept nodding, and then he made a wish to Bolunga.


"can do--"

Accompanied by the long ending of Bolunga's words, seven earth dragon balls suddenly fell from the sky, and at the same time, the earth god appeared in front of Han Zheng's eyes in an instant.

Han Zheng flickered, quickly dodged behind the god, raised his elbow and knocked on the back of the other's head.

He had excellent control over his strength, and this blow just stunned the god without killing him.

At the same time, Shilong also made quick moves, killing Bolonga and the Great Elder who was sealed by him one after another.

"According to the agreement, all the wishes and the resources brought by the wishes are mine, right..." Han Zheng chuckled, and quickly piled up the seven Earth Dragon Balls: "Don't worry, I won't bother others to make a wish this time." .”

Shi Long and the others nodded repeatedly, and at the same time retreated a long way knowingly.

"Come out! Shenlong!"

The sky of Namek, which had just lit up, quickly darkened again at this moment!
The light beam soared into the sky, and the earth dragon straddled the midair.

"Tell me your wish, any wish can be fulfilled for you, but only one—"

Han Zheng knew very well that the Earth Dragon was not as omnipotent as it claimed, and it couldn't fulfill a lot of wishes.

However, the next wish, the other party will definitely be able to fulfill——

"Let everyone on Namek, except Neilu, who were killed in the last two days, be resurrected!
"It's easy—"

Accompanied by Shenlong's deep voice, earth-shaking changes took place on Namek.

Except for the combatants who cannot be revived by the dragon ball dungeon——

In the past two days, in various villages on this planet, those Namekians who were brutally killed by combatants, or were killed for guarding the Dragon Ball, at this moment, they regained their lives!

At the same time, Son Gohan, Vegeta, and Elder Namisei, who were just killed, also quickly revived at this moment!
Since Sun Wukong had already died once, he could no longer be resurrected by the earth dragon, but Han Zheng already knew this in his heart.

Now that his wish has come true, he slammed a qigong wave towards the dragon in the sky——

[Number N2199 combatant, kill the important dungeon character Shenlong, drop [Earth Dragon Ball] 1, whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

After a successful blow, Han Zheng quickly turned around and rushed towards the other side.

Vegeta and Sun Gohan, who had just been resurrected, hadn't figured out the situation before Han Zheng had already killed them.

Although Vegeta, who had been resurrected at this time, no longer had any injuries on his body, but his current combat power of about [-] was no match for Han Zhengyi at all!
[Number N2199 combatant, kill the important dungeon character Vegeta, drop [Saiyan Blood] 1 drop, [Super Saiyan Blood Synthetic Fragment] 1 piece, whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

[Number N2199 combatant, kill the important dungeon character Son Gohan, drop [Saiyan Blood] 1 drop, [Mysterious Potential Fragment] 1 piece, whether to pick it up]
pick up...

mystery……? !

Han Zheng's eyes suddenly widened!
 For [Hall Master] Hanxiaoyouyouyou's Butterfly Dream, thank you for your support~~~
(End of this chapter)

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