dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 201 Stone Dragon's Condition

Chapter 201 Stone Dragon's Condition

Dragon Ball changed direction?
Without saying a word, Han Zheng turned around and quickly flew to Lu Bin's side.

Lu Bin also hurriedly took out the radar, raised his hand and handed it to Han Zheng.

On the radar, the Dragon Ball signal really changed its original route, and the speed seemed to be very fast. After a while, it moved a long distance towards the west.

The distance that had been gradually approaching was suddenly pulled away at this moment.

However, this is also expected.

After fighting here, the aura has already been exposed. The fighters with the dragon balls must have noticed this, and it is an inevitable reaction to move in other directions.

"Zheng Han, the person who escaped just now, we still...?" Lu Bin hurriedly asked in a low voice, watching the Dragon Ball signal on the radar flashing and moving towards the west.

"Forget it, there's no need to waste time on one person, not to mention that guy may be [Guldo bloodline] and can stop time..." Han Zheng immediately made a decision:
"Continue to chase in the direction where the Dragon Balls are moving. In addition to the fighters carrying the Dragon Balls, there must be other people who have the same radar as us will also secretly chase them. We can seize the opportunity and take them down together!"

Everyone agreed after hearing the words, Shi Long took out the large somersault cloud again, carried a group of five people, and quickly chased in the direction where the dragon ball was moving.

And during the flight of Somersault Cloud, Han Zheng and Lu Bin sent out several qigong waves towards the surrounding mountains in succession, blowing up a large area of ​​mountains into a flat land, which was considered as the last attempt.

It's just that under the indiscriminate bombardment, the fleeing combatant of Gurdo blood was still missing, apparently having escaped from the surrounding area.

Han Zheng and the others had no choice but to stop, and at the same time quickly concealed their aura.

The large somersault cloud galloped towards the west, and Han Zheng, who was sitting at the end, checked the rankings again——

Team points: 8; Team ranking: 1st.

So far, everything is going well. Han Zheng relaxed a little, and turned his head to look at the Dragon Ball Radar in Lu Bin's hand.

However, at this moment, a certain place in the distance suddenly burst out several breaths.

As soon as these auras appeared, they collided quickly, as if a fierce battle had taken place.

Shi Long, Lu Bin and others on the somersault cloud also sensed it at the same time, they quickly raised their heads and looked into the distance together.

Lu Bin looked at the radar in his hand: "It seems that the battle took place near a village with dragon balls, but it's too far away from us, even if we rush there now, it's too late..."

Han Zheng also nodded. The distance is too far away. I'm afraid they will finish the fight before they get there.

Now, we are getting closer and closer to the dragon ball moving westward, so there is really no need to look far away.

The battle between those breaths appeared quickly and ended quickly.

After only a few minutes, those auras quickly died down, and they could no longer be sensed.

At the same time, a distant Dragon Ball signal point on the Dragon Ball radar suddenly moved, moving quickly towards the north.

Han Zheng frowned. It seemed that he was the winner of that battle. After defeating the enemy, he even snatched the Dragon Ball from the nearby village.

He hurriedly checked the ranking again, only to find that his team had already dropped to second place.

Obviously, the team that suddenly appeared in the distance wiped out the other team on the spot, surpassed their own team in points, and became the new No. [-] team.

Han Zheng looked at the ranking in a somewhat complicated mood, and then looked at the two dragon balls that were constantly moving on the Dragon Ball Radar.

In the dungeon at this level, everyone has already mastered [breath mastery], and can firmly suppress the breath without being detected by others.

However, if he takes the Dragon Ball away, his position and route will be exposed to the eyes of others all the time.

After all, I believe that every team in the dungeon will have at least one Dragon Ball Radar.

Obtaining the dragon balls means losing the concealment ability, but if you give up collecting dragon balls, you will be really reluctant.

Namek Dragon Ball can make three wishes!
Although it is just a dungeon item, and the wish is limited to this dungeon, Han Zheng has thought of many plans long ago.

Using these three wishes, I can definitely do a lot of things and get a lot of resources that I couldn't get originally.

Therefore, dragon balls must be collected.

However, the more Dragon Balls you collect, the more your team becomes the target of public criticism.

Even if his team is strong, they still need to eat and rest.

Being watched by a group of people in the dark all the time, it is inevitable that there will be times of negligence; moreover, no one can guarantee that there will definitely not be someone stronger than himself in this copy.

Risks always exist, so we must act with caution and try our best to come up with a perfect solution.

Han Zheng was thinking quickly, and at the same time licked his tight lips.

At this moment, Shi Long, who had been sitting in front of him manipulating somersault cloud, suddenly said:

"There is a request, I need to say first, if we collect all the Nami Star Dragon Balls in the copy, the three wishes can be yours, but Bolonga must be killed by me, and at the same time the life of the Nami Star Elder , it has to be mine too!"

Bolunga is the Nami star dragon.

Han Zheng immediately understood Shilong's intentions. He killed Bolonga and the Great Elder. It seemed that this guy wanted to collect props—【Namek Star Dragon Ball】.

His complexion was a little cold all of a sudden, he hadn't got a single dragon ball yet, and he was still worrying about the dilemma of "the dragon ball will reveal its position", yet Shi Long actually made such a request at this moment.

"It's better to clarify the requirements in advance than to negotiate conditions temporarily..." Shi Long seemed to be able to see Han Zheng's thoughts, and his voice was not so cold for the first time:

"My contribution to the team and the improvement of everyone's combat effectiveness are obvious to all, and I believe that my mind reading skills may be used in the next time, so I think I am qualified to make some requests."

Han Zheng thought for a while, and the other party's words did make sense, but he remained silent and did not respond.

Shi Long sighed lightly, and continued: "At the same time, I will also use [Magic Sealing Wave], so that I can seal the great elder in the bottle and take away, so as not to be killed by others in advance, causing the dragon ball to turn into stone; and— —The Namekians in the team, only Wen Rong and I, need the blood of the Namek to make a wish to Polonga, without our help, even if you get the Dragon Ball, you will not be able to make a wish.”

Shi Long raised this last point, which really has a certain strength.

Han Zheng knew very well that without the help of the Nameks, he would not be able to use the Dragon Balls of the Nameks at all. If he threatened other Nameks dungeon characters by kidnapping, although he might succeed, there were still certain risks.

Who can guarantee that these Namek characters will not play tricks when making wishes, and make some wishes that are not good for themselves.

"I just want Bolonga and the Great Elder, and I can give you all the remaining resources in the dungeon, and you can decide all three wishes, how about it?" Shi Long turned his head and looked at Han Zheng.

Han Zheng's voice was slightly low: "If you are making a wish..."

"Don't worry, your fighting power is far stronger than mine. If I dare to play tricks and don't follow your order to make a wish, you can go ahead and kill Bolonga first, and I won't get any benefits..." Shi Long hurriedly Opening:
"...Although we are of Namek blood, we don't really know any Nami language. According to the setting, as long as we are a combatant of Namek blood, we can make a wish to Polonga. Actually, what we said when we made a wish , you can completely understand, if I dare to change my wish, you can react immediately."

Having said this, Han Zheng had no choice but to agree after thinking for a moment.

After all, Shilong can make irreplaceable contributions, so he is also qualified to put forward certain conditions.

According to Han Zheng's analysis, Shi Long is so eager for [Nami Star Dragon Ball], it seems that he really wants to resurrect a certain combatant, and it is very likely that it is a certain combatant who has been resurrected once.

Since the earth dragon cannot resurrect the same person twice, if you want to resurrect a person who has died once, you can only rely on Bolonga's divine power.

After the two parties reached a verbal agreement, they drove straight to the Dragon Ball in the west without saying a word.

Along the way, there were no accidents, and they approached the signal position of the dragon ball extremely smoothly.

At this time, the speed of the dragon ball seemed to slow down a bit, and it occasionally stopped a few times in the middle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Long drove Somersault Cloud to covertly go around in front of the opponent, and stopped at a certain place on the route they must pass.

The area around here is still piled up with mountains, which is also very suitable for hiding and ambush.

"I'll go there alone to find out what's going on. You're here to keep a distance and stand by, and always pay attention to the team frequency. As soon as I have an order, I will immediately act collectively."

Han Zheng quickly gave instructions to his four teammates, and then he turned into a little bird and flew in the direction of the dragon ball.

After flying over a towering mountain wall, Han Zheng immediately spotted the target.

However, as soon as he saw the target's situation at this time, he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Between the mountains, an ordinary-sized somersault cloud was flying forward with a car.

A rope connects the somersault cloud to the car, one end is tied to the body, and the other end is tied to the front end of the somersault cloud.

Somersault cloud pull cart!
This is really the first time I saw...

On the somersault cloud, a long-haired male combatant is sitting. While driving the somersault cloud to fly, the long-haired man firmly presses the rope tied to the somersault cloud to prevent it from falling off.

On the car pulled by Somersault Cloud, there were three other male combatants sitting.

A bald man sitting in the middle was holding a golden sphere much bigger than a basketball in both hands.

It's Namek Dragon Ball!

(End of this chapter)

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